No 1 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Articles: 16
- URL:
The grammatical category of case as an hierarchical system
The problem of an hierarchical structure of the category of case is being raised in the article, which also deals with the criteria and goals of its study. The review of different attitudes to semantic organization of the category of case is also given in the paper, the principles of structuring the category are considered.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2013;(1):5-11

Contemporary poetry in the world of advetising: deictic organization of poetical and advertising texts
The article is devoted to the comparison of poetical and advertising discourses and to the exposure of the communicative strategies specific of these types of texts (the category of ‘addressness’, the grammatical and semantic manner of a deictic expression, etc.).
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2013;(1):28-36

Difficulties in translation of socio-political texts
Belonging of Russian socio-political texts to publicistic style assumes being guided by functional approach in order to find most adequate linguistic means by transfer of pragmatic meaning of the source text. Intralinguistic meaning can slightly remain by the interpretation of German texts. Lexical and grammatical transformations help preserving semantic-syntactic structure of the target text which means achievement of the same communicative effect by the translate which is being achieved by the source text.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2013;(1):61-68

The Structure and Contents of the English Written Entry Examination as a Major Subject at the Department of Linguistics
The author of the article has been writing English entry examinations for PFUR for over a decade. In this article she analyses the structure and contents of the English language entry examination for prospective students of Linguistics at the Faculty of Philology. The requirements for the entry written test are set by the State standards of complete secondary education for foreign languages at the level of a major subject. The PFUR entry examination has always been written in accordance with recommendations of the Education and Science Ministry and the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Assessment.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2013;(1):69-77

Elements of artistic expression in English journalistic texts
The article describes some peculiarities of journalistic texts related to the use of the means of artistic impression. General text description is based on the dicteme theory. Metaphor is highlighted as the main means. The means of artistic impression have an aesthetic function and a convincing one depending on the subject of speech influence.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2013;(1):78-86

Phraseological units with component-somatism in objectification of process of drinking in the French culture
In this paper, by analyzing the French phraseological units with components-somatism revealed information about national and cultural peculiarities of objectification of certain organs of the human body involved in the process of drinking in the French culture.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2013;(1):87-90

Our authors
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2013;(1):115-116