- Authors: Shakhovskiy VI1
- Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University
- Issue: Vol 22, No 1 (2018): The discourse of emotions
- Pages: 54-79
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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The purpose of the article is to show the development of scientific thought that leads to the origin and definition of the concept of “language personality”. Attention is drawn to the fact that up to the 1970s emotions had been completely excluded from the scope of linguistic attention. With the advent of an-thropocentric linguistics, emotions were recognized as the human being focal point, but linguists’ atten-tion was still attracted merely to the language of homo loquens / sentiens - the emotional component was missing. Therefore, the objectives of the article are as follows: 1) to present and discuss the develop-ment of the Language Personality Theory; 2) to prove the necessity of including the emotive component into the concept of the language personality structure; 3) to substantiate the introduction of the new term - “emotionally-communicative personality”, which logically fits into the terminological system of mod-ern communicology and emphasizes its communicative significance. The theoretical material includes nu-merous works devoted to the problem of language personality, beginning from V.V. Vinogradov (the 1930s) to G.I. Bogin, Yu.N. Karaulov (the 1980s), from the 1990s to the present O.A. Dmitrieva, I.A. Murzi-nova (2015); Shakhovsky, 2000; V.I. Shakhovskiy (2008 a&b); A.A. Shteba (2014) and many others. To my knowledge, the notion of language personality has not been discussed by foreign linguists. Another block of theoretical material is dedicated to the problem of the language and emotion correlation. Russian linguistics has been researching this problem since 1969. Main results of these studies can be found in the works of V.I. Shakhovsky, from (1969 to present), S.V. Ionova (1998, 2015), N.A. Krasavsky (2001), T.V. Larina (2009, 2015), and Ya.A. Volkova (2014) among others. The problem of the language and emotion correlation is varied in its formulation - the language of emotions or language and emotions: A. Schleicher, 1869; Ch. Bali, 1944; A. Binet, 1946; F. Daneṧ, 1987; B. Volek, 1987; R. Dirven, 1997; S. Niemeier, 1997; A. Wierzbicka, 1999 and others. The main research methods used in the article are the critical analysis of theoretical studies, by means of the hypothetical-deductive method, and the scientific intuition of the author of the article. It is found that 1) Language Personality Theory is many-faced but does not constitute a full picture of the described phenomenon, which does not, in its turn, allow to accept a common definition of the language personality; 2) due to the development of emotive linguistics and the theory of communication, it is obvious that there is a lack of the structure-emotive component in the language personality matrix. Also, due to the emergence and rapid development of the linguistics of emo-tions and the theory of communication, a gap in the structure of the language personality has become evident - namely, the absence of the emotional structural component in its model (matrix). In this regard, the article provides argumentation to support the introduction of a new term - “emotionally-communicative personality”, as well as an attempt to describe the cognitive matrix of the emotionally-communicative per-sonality along with the term “language personality”. The new term completes the term “language persona-lity”; 3) the structural emotive component of language personality allows to explain how language per-sonality can be ecological or non-ecological; 4) the term “matrix” helps explaining the emotive-cognitive intellectual competence of homo loquens / homo sentiens.
About the authors
V I Shakhovskiy
Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University
VICTOR I. SHAKHOVSKY is a full professor, Doctor of Philology, an Honoured scientific worker of the Russian Federation, a senior scientific worker at the Institute of Modern Languages of the Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University. He has founded in Russian Linguistics a new research field called emotiology, aimed at studying emotions in language and communication. His research interests are focused on theory of emotiology, categorization of emotions in language, emotions in communication, emotions in language and culture. 27 V.I. Lenin prospect, Volgograd, Russia, 400066
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