No 4 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Articles: 18
- URL:

The present and the future of Breton language in France
The article deals with the situation of the regional or minority languages and with the Breton language as an example. The work reveals the situation and status of the Breton language in modern society, as well as specific examples of the use of linguistic units in the language.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2011;(4):11-14

Parceled construction is a stylistic device of positioning of goods/services in German advertising texts
We think that parceled constructions are a part of a general system of linguistic mechanisms which fulfill advertiser's stylistic strategy and the whole of which gives an opportunity to send the message of an advertising text to a consumer effectively and expressively, to impact by way of large-scale sale of goods/ services. This polyfunctional construction of expressive actualizing syntax intensifies the process of positioning of an advertised item, due to which its idea must remain in minds of potential customers. Hereafter, remembering about the image of a favourite item, they would like to check the correspondence of linguistic code to a real advertising item.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2011;(4):15-24

English borrowings in the French financial discourse as a feature of national character
English, being by far the most dominant language in modern business communications, makes an undeniable impact on other languages, which are in contact with it. French financial discourse characterised by an array of English borrowings is one of the examples of this phenomenon. This article analyzes how this trend coexists with such features of the national character of the French as patriotism, pride of their country and language.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2011;(4):25-34

Euphemism and political correctness in contemporary English
The presented article is devoted to the consideration of such linguistic category as the political correctness which was widely adopted in the English-speaking countries and made considerable impact on modern English language. Linguistic political correctness is the most curious language theme to ignore which, means to miss the major aspect of modern English language.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2011;(4):35-41

Causative and non-causative verbs in studying emotive vocabulary
The article deals with causative and non-causative verbs in describing emotional states. The work reveals the relations among subject of the state, the emotional state and the reasons of this state in the works of contemporary French and English authors.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2011;(4):42-45

Sense integration of thinking and speech and linking thoughts as its mediators. Part I
The paper discusses known approaches to investigation of text sense integration. An earlier unknown mediator of the sense of thought, which is qualified as the linking thought (LT), is postulated. This mediator provides for text sense integration at the sub-logic level discussed by Yu.S. Stepanov.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2011;(4):53-60

Linguistic historiography in Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America
In the article a brief summary of the development of linguistic historiography in Spanish-speaking countries in Latin American is presented, as well as projects related to this subject which are being developed in European countries. The principal focus is on the description of such topics of the linguistic historiography of the area such as grammar and Spanish lexicography, and the compilation of theme bibliographies.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2011;(4):90-97

To the problem of the pragmatic equivalence in translation
The article is dedicated to the investigation of the influence of the language units pragmatic potential on the process of taking translation decisions. The most part of attention is focused on the notion of the pragmatic equivalence, on the translation difficulties of the lingual pragmatic categories components, as well as on the specifics of the pragmatic relations in the process of bilingual communication.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2011;(4):98-104

The Equivalence and Adequacy Concepts in Teaching Translation at Modern University
This article covers some basic issues that have to do with the modern equivalence and adequacy notions interpretation when teaching translation at institutions of higher learning. The authors have respect to the research of both native and foreign linguists thus presenting a more comprehensive picture of these concepts content along with distributing the implications between them.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2011;(4):105-113

The storyline as an exponent of the literary text's national-cultural specificity (on the material of the Andean countries' literature)
The article is devoted to the study of the national-cultural potential of the literary text's storyline on the material of the literature of the Andean countries' historical and cultural zones. The basic extralinguistic factors that determine the theme and the storyline of the region's literary works are examined.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2011;(4):114-120

Our autHors
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2011;(4):121-122