No 1 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 15
- URL:
On the importance of national and international translation quality standards
This article reviews some earlier, revised and recently adopted national and international translation quality standards in view of the worldwide movement to establish standards in this sphere as well as their importance to provide for the high quality of the translators activities end product, i.e. translation per se.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2010;(1):5-11

To the question of meaning scope of concepts «vozduch» and «air» in russian and english linguistic consciouses in the aspect of linguistic and cultural competence of students
The article covers different approaches to interpretation of the term «concept», it raises the problem of research of a linguistic world picture and it deals with the question of meaning of scope of concepts, which is in particular, based on concepts: «vozduch» in Russian and «air» in English languages, through combinability of these subject names with adjectives.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2010;(1):12-17

Phraseological units with somatic components in youth slang in Spain
The article considers the analysis of the function of phraseological units with somatic components in the youth slang in Spain; in particular, it describes some synonymic sets of such units, but specific attention is drawn to the influence and reflection of differences in the world picture perception upon the semantic structure of phraseologisms under discussion.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2010;(1):26-30

Lexico-semantic peculiarities of place names of Nova Scotia (Canada)
The article is devoted to the lexico-semantic peculiarities of place names of Nova Scotia (Canada). As a result of the lexico-semantic analysis several groups of place names were indicated according to two features: origin and motivation.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2010;(1):37-43

The lexical-semantic field of some color terms in the galician language
The article covers the study of color-related vocabulary in one of the minor Romance languages of Spain, Galician. The study focuses on the six basic (main) color names: white, black, red, blue, green, yellow. The lexical-semantic fields of the main color terms are analyzed in the framework of synchronic and diachronic linguistics, allowing the researcher to isolate some special features of the functioning and usage of certain color terms in Galician, making a comparison to other languages that are nearly related to it.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2010;(1):48-55

About the history of mexican linguistics: hispanic studies of the XIX century
The article is dedicated to the history of linguistics in Mexico; problems related to the rise of linguistics in this country are presented, as well as the principal routes of linguistic development which characterize the period described, such as the creation of rules, proposals concerning spelling modification, analysis of the «national» language or «common in Mexico», etc.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2010;(1):98-103