Lexico-semantic relativity and versatility in translation and intercultural communication
- Authors: Kabakchi V.V.1, Proshina Z.G.2
- Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
- Lomonosov Moscow State University
- Issue: Vol 25, No 1 (2021)
- Pages: 165-193
- Section: Articles
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/linguistics/article/view/26003
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2687-0088-2021-25-1-165-193
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The aim of the article is to discuss translation regularities in correlations of words that denote culture-related phenomena that exist in many cultures or that are specific to certain cultures and languages. The focus is on Russian and English culturonyms. The authors dwell on the principle of functional dualism that claims that language can equally address internal and external cultures. This principle is developed in the new linguistic discipline termed “interlinguoculturology” (Kabakchi 1998, Kabakchi & Beloglazova 2020). Nonetheless, under the impact of the World Englishes paradigm, the article points to blurring the concept of “external culture” - Russian bilinguals, speaking or writing in Russian English, use this variety for expressing their own culture; the same is true for other world Englishes that have branched from the prototypical British English model. Despite the polemical relations of the two research schools, which are close and yet different in some of their tenets, there is much in common in their semantic and pragmatic research of how varieties of English adapt and domesticate culturonyms, in particular binary words belonging to two languages and often associated with each other in translation. The paper discusses examples of binary polyonyms (“universal” culturonyms) whose meaning depends on the context of the situation and, therefore, is differently received in diverse cultures; binary analogues whose equivalent selection is based on scrutinizing the dictionary entry and on the knowledge of the cultural background, and binary interonyms that partly help translators and partly interfere with their work, being deceptive cognates differing in their referential or connotational meanings. The article concludes that the interpretation of culture-bound words in foreign-culture-oriented texts depends on various pragmatic and semantic processes and is grounded in a word semantic flexibility and its matter-of-course adaptation in a cultural and language environment.
About the authors
Victor V. Kabakchi
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Author for correspondence.
Email: vkabakchi@gmail.com
Dr. habil., Professor at the Translation Department of the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (Herzen University). He is engaged in the field of the Russian-Culture-Oriented English. He is the founder of an innovative branch of linguistics - “interlinguaculturology” and the author of about 200 publications published in Russia, UK, USA, Cyprus and Germany. He has compiled The Dictionary of Russia (2,500 cultural terms, 2002). Professor V. Kabakchi’s followers have successfully carried out research in the field of English-language descriptions of the Spanish-speaking culture of the United States, the culture of Ghana, and the Republic of Tuva, as well as a fundamental study of the features of the English-language description of various aspects of Russian culture, including Russian Orthodoxy.
48-50-52, Nab. Moika river, St. Peterburg, 196653, RussiaZoya G. Proshina
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Email: proshinazoya@yandex.ru
Professor in the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, and was Professor in the Department of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication Studies at Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia. She was President of the International Association for World Englishes (2011-2012). She authored about 300 works. Her research interests are language contacts, world Englishes, sociolinguistics and translation studies.
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