
Happy New Year!

Posted: 01.01.2025

Dear Editorial Board Members,  Reviewers, Authors and Readers,

Thank you very much for being with us in 2024.

We are very grateful for your  help,  support, contribution and interest.

We wish you a Happy New Year!

May 2025 be successful, prosperous, healthy and peaceful.

We look forward to our continued cooperation.

With kind regards and best wishes,

Tatiana Larina and Alexander Ignatenko

Conversations with readers and authors - 10

Posted: 12.06.2024

5 June 2024 the  Russian Journal of Linguistics held its  10th  webinar "Conversations with Readers and Authors”  on the topic  Metaphor across Languages, Cultures and Discourses. Such prominent scholars  as   Zoltán Kovecses,  Ana Rommel, Aseel Zibin,  Olga Solopova, Anna Leonteva, Alan Cienki and Olga Agafonova presented their papers. More than  70 Russian and international  scholars and students from Italy, Hungary, India, the Netherlands, Jordan, India and China joined the webinar and had an opportunity to ask their questions to the presenters and participate in the discussion.  

Conversations with readers and authors: Metaphor across Languages, Cultures and Discourses

Posted: 03.06.2024

The Russian Journal of Linguistics continues to organise a series of webinars “Conversations with readers and authors”

We invite our readers to discuss the publications in the Special Issue and others of the Russian Journal of Linguistics on the topic Metaphor across Languages, Cultures and Discourses  on June 5 2024 6.00pm Moscow time in Teams. 

Link -

Registration form -

Conversations with readers and authors

Posted: 28.11.2023

On November 21, 2023 the Russian Journal of Linguistics held the 8th international webinar "Conversations with Readers and Authors"  on the topic: Digital / Mediated/ Networked communication: Genres, strategies and discursive practices.

The authors who presented their publications included:

Seongha RHEE, Professor of linguistics at Faculty of Liberal Arts, Mahidol University (Thailand) and Professor Emeritus at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (Republic of Korea);

Amir H. Y. SALAMA,  Professor of Linguistics at the Department of English, College of Science & Humanities in Al-Kharj, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University (Saudi Arabia);

Rania Magdi FAWZY, Associate Professor of applied linguistics, the Arab Academy for Science, Technology  and  Maritime  Transportation (Cairo,  Egypt), and an editorial board member of Discourse Context & Media, Elsevier;

Liliya R. KOMALOVA, Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Linguistics, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Professor at the Department of Applied and Experimental Linguistics, Moscow State Linguistic University (Moscow, Russia).

The article by the Iranian authors Minu Alemi and Zahra Maleknia who were unable to join  the webinar was presented by Klara Kolar, graduate student of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Philology, RUDN University

The seminar was held online and offline. It was attended by more than 50 Russian and international scholars, graduate and MA students, who took an active part in the discussion organized by the a webinar  discussant Professor Svetlana Ivanova from St. Petersburg State University.

Russian Journal of Linguistics has been recognised by MIUR, Italy's authority for education

Posted: 02.10.2022

We are happy to announce that the Russian Journal of Linguistics has been recognised by MIUR (Ministero dell'Istruzione, Università e Ricerca), Italy's authority for education. It has achieved the status of 'recognised scientific journal' for important Italian procedures that monitor the quality of research products in Language and Linguistics. We expect that this outcome will lead to the closer involvement of Italian scholars with our journal's aims and mission.


6th webinar "Conversations with readers and authors"

Posted: 02.10.2022

On September 26, 2022 the "Russian Journal of Linguistics" held its 6th
webinar "Conversations with readers and authors"; a special issue of the
journal, entitled "Computational  linguistics and discourse
complexology", was discussed.
The webinar was attended by more than 80 scholars and graduate students
from Russian universities, as well as guests from Australia, Great
Britain, Italy, Romania, Lebanon, China, India, Pakistan, Indonesia and
other countries. It was conducted by co-editor of the special issue
Marina Solnyshkina (Doctor of Philology, Professor of Kazan Federal
University), who outlined the goals  of the issue, and described the
main areas of discursive complexology explored via computational
linguistics. Among the authors of the journal presenting their research
were: Sergey Sharov (University of Leeds, UK), Stefan Ruseti and Mihai
Dascalu (Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania), Vladimir Ivanov
(Innopolis University, Russia), Alexey Abramov (Kazan Federal
University, Russia), Antonina Laposhina (Pushkin Russian Language
Institute, Russia) and Natalia Slioussar (NRU HSE, Russia). Their
presentations stimulated a lively discussion among the participants.

Webinar "Conversations with readers and authors"

Posted: 24.09.2022

Dear colleague,

We are happy to invite you to the webinar

Russian Journal of Linguistics: Conversations with readers and authors -6

The webinar will take place in Teams on 26 September 2022, at 7 pm Moscow (5 pm London GMT)

See the information here.


Feel free to invite your colleagues and students.

Happy New Year!

Posted: 31.12.2021

The editorial board of the Russian Journal of Linguistics would like to thank all those who have been with us in 2021 and contributed to the success of the journal.

We are most grateful to our authors, reviewers and readers and look forward to our further fruitful cooperation.

We wish you all a very happy festive season and a healthy, peaceful and successful New Year!

Conversations with readers and authors. Seminar 4

Posted: 17.12.2021

The Russian Journal of Linguistics is organizing a series of webinars involving authors and readers, to promote an exchange of views on the topics of the articles presented in recent issue/s.

Seminar 4. The Russian Language Maintenance and Language Contacts of Post‐Soviet Immigrants in Europe and Beyond

RJL wins “The Best Practice In Journal Publishing” Award

Posted: 21.11.2021

Dear colleagues,

We are happy to announce that Russian Journal of Linguistics has won “The Best Practice In Journal Publishing” Award. This award is a joint nomination of Elsevier and the ASEP.

The forum “Trends in the development of Social Sciences and Humanities: global challenges and best Russian practices” organized by Elsevier and State Academic University for the Humanities, was held in the Central House of Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences on October 21.

Editor in chief, professor Tatiana Latina was awarded with Diploma for “The Best Practice in Journal Publishing” by the president of ASEP Olga Kirillova.

Conversations with readers and authors. Seminar 3

Posted: 19.10.2021

The Russian Journal of Linguistics is organizing a series of webinars involving authors and readers, to promote an exchange of views on the topics of the articles presented in recent issue/s. 

Seminar 3. Emotionalisation of Media Discourse

We invite our readers to discuss the publications in the Special Issue of the Russian Journal of Linguistics on this topic.

Registration form:

The Russian Journal of Linguistics has achieved Q1 ranking in Scopus!

Posted: 15.07.2021

Scimago Journal & Country Rank We are grateful to our authors, reviewers and readers for their continuing support.
This is our joint success.
We could not have done it without you, and we look forward to more progress together in the near future.

“Conversations with Readers and Authors-2” Recording

Posted: 06.07.2021

On 06/29/2021, the Russian Journal of Linguistics held its second on-line webinar, “Conversations with Readers and Authors-2”.

We discussed the recently published Special Issue dedicated to last December’s QS Summit on Modern Languages and Linguistics hosted by RUDN University, with the title “Languages and Migration in the Context of Globalization.”

Participants in the summit, Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk (Poland), Klaudia Bednárová-Gibová (Slovakia), Atefeh Rezanejad (Iran) and Maria Yelenevskaya (Israel), presented their articles. The seminar was hosted by editor-in-chief Tatiana Larina and member of the editorial board Douglas Ponton, who also acted as discussant. Russian and foreign scholars and young researchers attending the seminar participated in an enthusiastic discussion.

Conversations with readers and authors. Seminar 2

Posted: 24.06.2021

The Russian Journal of Linguistics is organizing a series of webinars involving authors and readers, to promote an exchange of views on the topics of the articles presented in recent issue/s. 

Seminar 2. “QS Subject Focus Summit 2020 on Modern Languages and Linguistics: Languages and migration in a globalized world” 

We invite our readers to discuss publications by the participants of this summit in the Special Issue of the Russian Journal of Linguistics. 

Registration form:


Posted: 05.05.2020

Dear authors and readers of our journal,

We thank everyone who, at this difficult time of corona virus pandemic , continues to work and share their thoughts and ideas, including those related to problems that go beyond the field of linguistics.
Using her Natural Semantic Metalanguage method, which allows thoughts to be accurately conveyed in all languages ​​of the world, Anna Wierzbicka has found simple, transparent words – words that can be understood and taken in instantaneously, by anyone – to help us cope with difficulties, find new goals and stay positive.

Professor Ponton Public Lecture

Posted: 06.11.2019

On November 15, 2019 RUDN University welcomes Professor Douglas Mark Ponton.

Douglas Mark Ponton is Professor at University of Catania (Italy), member of editorial board of Russian Journal of Linguistics.

Research Interests: Pragmatics, Semantics, Discourse Analysis.

Professor Ponton will present a public lecture at Foreign Languages Department, Faculty of Philology.

15:00 -16:00

(Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, lecture hall 541)

The formation of popular opinion: Media representation of Russia

Registration is required:

Professor Gunther Senft Public Lecture

Posted: 06.11.2019

On November 13, 2019 RUDN University welcomes Professor Gunter Senft

Gunter Senft is a senior investigator at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen (The Netherlands) and extraordinary professor of general linguistics at the University of Cologne (Germany). He has been studying the language and the culture of the Trobriand Islanders of Papua New Guinea since 1982 and conducted field research on the Trobriand Islands for 45 months during 16 long- and short-term field-trips between 1982 and 2012.

Research interests: Austronesian and Papuan languages, anthropological linguistics, pragmatics, semantics, the interface between language, culture, and cognition, the conceptualization of space and spatial reference, serial verb constructions and systems of nominal classification. Among his publications figure more than 150 articles in journals, handbooks and anthologies and 20 books.

Gunter Senft will present a public lecture at Foreign Languages Department, Faculty of Philology

15:00 -16:00

(Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, lecture hall 528)


"... to grasp the native's point of view ..." - A plea for a holistic documentation of the Trobriand Islanders' language, culture and cognition

Registration is required:

Manuscript submission

Posted: 26.09.2019

Dear colleagues!

Due to large number of requests received by the RJL editorial board regarding the terms for reviewing procedures, we repost the following information:

Manuscript submission for numbers 3-4 2019, 1-2020 was closed in february 2019. Thus, reviewing of papers, received after February will start in October-November 2019. The reviewing period is 2-5 months, depending on the workload of the Anonymous Expert Council.


Thank you for understanding!

Manuscript submission

Posted: 26.09.2019

Dear colleagues!

Due to large number of requests received by the RJL editorial board regarding the terms for reviewing procedures, we repost the following information:

Manuscript submission for numbers 3-4 2019, 1-2020 was closed in february 2019. Thus, reviewing of papers, received after February will start in October-November 2019. The reviewing period is 2-5 months, depending on the workload of the Anonymous Expert Council.


Thank you for understanding!

IV Firsova Reading

Posted: 26.06.2019

Dear colleagues,

Information on international conference "IV Firsova Reading: Language in Modern Discourse Practices" is available by the following link:


Hope to see you in RUDN University!


Posted: 10.06.2019

The International Conference “Global Migration Trends 2020: Security, Healthcare and Integration” was passed on June 4-5, 2019. This Conference was organized by IMLICaM in RUDN (People`s Friendship University of Russia).


The Conference is a forum for the development of international humanitarian dialogue in the field of migration together with the exchange of the experience of the expert and research activity on the study of migration processes in the Eurasian space.


As part of the plenary session and conference sections a wide range of migration-related issues was considered:


  • Global trends and challenges of modern migration processes in Eurasia
  • Migration turbulence: legal regulation at the national level. The role and potential of a Global Migration Treaty in Eurasia
  • Multiculturalism and multilingualism: best practices of organizing reception and adaptation of various migrants’ categories
  • Cooperation of state authorities and civil society institutions in the migration management Migration as a challenge for national healthcare systems
  • Efficient integration of migrant children as a factor of long-term social stability
  • Politics and mass-media: the created effects for migration


The event passed with the expert support of the Council of Europe with the participation of specialized professionals from member states of the European Union and CIS.



Картинки по запросу исямким


Posted: 10.06.2019

The International Conference “Global Migration Trends 2020: Security, Healthcare and Integration” was passed on June 4-5, 2019. This Conference was organized by IMLICaM in RUDN (People`s Friendship University of Russia).


The Conference is a forum for the development of international humanitarian dialogue in the field of migration together with the exchange of the experience of the expert and research activity on the study of migration processes in the Eurasian space.


As part of the plenary session and conference sections a wide range of migration-related issues was considered:


  • Global trends and challenges of modern migration processes in Eurasia
  • Migration turbulence: legal regulation at the national level. The role and potential of a Global Migration Treaty in Eurasia
  • Multiculturalism and multilingualism: best practices of organizing reception and adaptation of various migrants’ categories
  • Cooperation of state authorities and civil society institutions in the migration management Migration as a challenge for national healthcare systems
  • Efficient integration of migrant children as a factor of long-term social stability
  • Politics and mass-media: the created effects for migration


The event was passed with the expert support of the Council of Europe with the participation of specialized professionals from member states of the European Union and CIS.



Картинки по запросу исямким

QS World University Rankings

Posted: 01.03.2019

Deer Colleagues! 
RUDN University stars at QS World University Rankings by Subject 2019: “Modern Languages” (151-200) and “Linguistics” (251-300). 
We congratulate and thank RUDN staff across these disciplines who have collectively contributed to this great result.


Картинки по запросу qs ranking

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