No 1 (2014)
- Year: 2014
- Articles: 19
- URL:
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2014;(1):5-6

Word, context and communicative meaning
This paper discusses the dynamic relationship of word meaning with context, which implies a reciprocal process between the two. On the one hand context specifies word meaning, and words can create their own context. According to current pragmatic theories meaning depends on its context. However, this is only one side of the matter. Words encoding standard prior contexts can create their own context. World knowledge is available for us in two forms: 1) Actual situational context in which the interaction occurs, and 2) Lexical units that encapsulate the history of their use, i. e., the situations in which they have been used (see Kecskes 2004, 2008, 2013). The paper introduces the Dynamic Model of Meaning that explains how actual communicative meaning is created as the result of the interplay between prior context encoded in the words used in the utterance and actual situational context in which the interaction takes place.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2014;(1):7-18

Types of indirect compliments in Russian and Vietnamese communicative cultures
The article studies compliments as speech acts in Russian and Vietnamese communication and discusses the usage of some types of indirect compliments in the communicative cultures of the two. A comparison showing their similarities and differences and frequency in their usage in cross-cultural communication has also been undertaken.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2014;(1):19-25

Pragmalinguistic characteristics of Biblical idiomatic expressions in Russian, Spanish, Italian, French, and English
This article is a cross-cultural analysis of idiomatic expressions of biblical origin in five languages: Russian, Spanish, Italian, French and English. Biblical idioms are regarded as important phenomena which strongly influence different speech acts. The article discusses the most important structural and stylistic characteristics of these idioms and identifies and compares their substantive differences.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2014;(1):26-32

The associative meaning of standard images in Russian and German idiomatic expressions of comparison
This article undertakes a comparative analysis of the associative meaning of standard images in the Russian and German idiomatic expressions of comparison on the basis of their use in texts of national corpora. The following relation between the analyzed words are determined: equivalence, intersection, discrepancy and lacunarity. These demonstrate different associative content of semantically identical language units.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2014;(1):41-51

The ethical aspects of mass communication
This article focuses on the ethical aspects of mass communication and key trends of russian media language. The author analyses ethics and law in modern journalism, culture of speech in media discourse, intentional, structural and social aspects of mass communication. Ethics of mass communication presupposes the observance of legal and moral norms, social responsibility and respect for the audience.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2014;(1):59-66

Comparative corpus analysis of everyday spoken Czech and literary Czech language
In this paper the lexis of everyday spoken Czech is compared with literary Czech lexis. The data is taken from the material which is a part of the Czech National Corpus of 1.3 billion contemporary written texts and identifies the most common words. A list of 165 pairs of everyday spoken Czech lexemes and literary Czech lexemes with the same lexical meaning has been established.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2014;(1):67-76

A Differential Approach to the Study of Typological Characteristics of a ‘Linguistic Identity’
The article examines the problem of identifying the typological characteristics of a “linguistic identity”. An analytical overview of the main types of “linguistic identity” brings out the differences in the approach to their reconstruction. Using research experience, the author, as an example, puts forward the components of an integrated approach to the study of typological characteristics of the new Russian “linguistic identity” that has emerged at the turn of the XX-XXI century in the CIS countries.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2014;(1):77-86

Concept Quebecois in the linguistic consciousness of Quebecers
The linguistic situation existing in Quebec (a Canadian province) at present calls for the need to study the Quebecois linguistic personality. This article examines the concept Québécois in the linguistic consciousness of French-speaking Quebecers. The paper provides the results and conclusions of the conducted experiments and research.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2014;(1):92-96

Basic lexical and grammatical transformations in translation of German print advertising
The article presents basic lexical and grammatical transformations, which contribute to preserving the semantic and syntactic structure of a German advertising text and reproducing the image of the advertised product. This shows that the translation has the same communicative effect as that achieved by the source text.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2014;(1):97-109

Problems of variation in translation: a case study of the lexical unit: ‘ FACILITIES’
The article looks into the number of translation variants of the polysemic lexical unit ‘ facilities’ in the academic environment. It justifies the narrowing down of synonymic terms in translation into Russian. Variants of translating the word ‘ facilities’ in different contexts are suggested.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2014;(1):120-124

“Looking through the mirror at the other”. Larina T.V. The British and the Russians: language, culture, communication. Moscow: Languages of Slavic Cultures, 2013 - 360 pages, illustrated
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2014;(1):125-128

Information about forthcoming conferences
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2014;(1):129-131

Our contributors
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2014;(1):132-133

Information for contributors
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2014;(1):134-135