
Politics metaphor in British and Bosnian-Herzegovinian migration discourse
Mujagić M.
Pragmatic markers in contemporary poetry: A corpus-based discourse analysis
Sokolova O.V., Feshchenko V.V.
From ‘one morning’ to a discourse marker: The case of iltan in Korean
Yae S.
From truth to truly: The case of shinni ‘truly’ in Japanese compared to Chinese, Korean and Thai counterparts
Higashiizumi Y., Shibasaki R., Takahashi K.
Speaker-orientation meaning and positional shifts of discourse structuring markers
Long H., Wang L.
An explanatory combinatorial dictionary of English conflict lexis: A case study of modern political discourse
Solopova O.A., Khomutova T.N.
Discourse-pragmatic markers of (inter)subjective stance in Asian languages
Heine B., Yang W., Rhee S.
Institutional Discourse Markers: Educational Discourse
Penkov B.V.
The concept of Native Speaker in English and Russian academic discourse
Gich O.N., Lovtsevich G.N.
A semiotic portrait of a big Chinese city
Leontovich O.A., Kotelnikova N.N.
Election campaign discourse as a particular communication field
Baghana J., Bocharova E.A.
The way of truth: The case of the Korean discourse marker cincca in comparison with Chinese zhenshi and zhende
Rhee S., Zhang L.
The meaning of welcome. Positive migration discourse
Ponton D.M.
Institutional discourse analysis: educational discourse
Penkov B.V.
From temporal adverbials to discourse markers: The development of Chinese yuánláiand its Japanese cognate ganrai
Yang W.
From truth to discourse marker: The case of thâִt in Vietnamese
Adachi M.
Modern forms of a prophecy: From written word to audiovisual Internet product
Fomin A.G., Karacheva N.S.
Cognitive complexity measures for educational texts: Empirical validation of linguistic parameters
Kupriyanov R.V., Bukach O.V., Aleksandrova O.I.
Emotions and attitudes in present day Russian through the prism of new words: Cultural semantics of zhest’ and related concepts
Gladkova A.
The problem of scientific hypermedia discourse perception
Egorova L.A.
From objective to subjective and to intersubjective functions: The case of the Thai ‘truth’-lexeme
Khammee K.
The image of Russia through animal metaphors: A diachronic case study of American media discourse
Solopova O.A., Nilsen D., Nilsen A.
Lingua-cultural strata of modern American social media: Precedent phenomena in anti-Trump discourse
Konstantinova A.A.
Multimodal metaphor and metonymy in political cartoons as a means of country image construction
Guan S., Sun Y.
Linguistic, Pragmatic, and Stylistic Peculiarities of 2018 FIFA World Cup Representation in British Media-Discourse
Koshkarova N.N.
Discourse Analysis and Stylistics: Integrative Methods for Research in Media Communication
Klushina N.I.
The evolution of pragmatic marker zenzen in Japanese: From objectivity to intersubjectivity
Park J.
Functional categories of hedges: A diachronic study of Russian research article abstracts
Boginskaya O.A.
Compound nouns as linguistic framing devices in Arabic news headlines in the context of the Israel-Gaza conflict
Zibin A., Altakhaineh A.R., Jarrah M.
Translingualism and intercultural narratives in Kiana Davenport’s “House of Many Gods”
Galaktionov S.S., Proshina Z.G.
Constructing the Ideal Future in Foreign Military Media Discourses of The World War II Period
Solopova O.A., Saltykova M.S.
Euphemisms in South African English economic discourse: Socio-cultural aspects
Malyuga E.N., Tomalin B.
Transgressive Russianness: Claiming authenticity in the Russian woman assemblage
Gritsenko E.S., Laletina A.O.
Towards a Multimodal Hermeneutic Model: The case of Uber-Blog-mediated advertising discourse order of ‘Saudization’
Salama A.H.
Commencement Speech as a Hybrid Polydiscursive Practice
Ivanova S.V.
Structure and dynamics of communicative interaction between a potential patient and a doctor during written medical Internet consultation
Komalova L.R.
More than just a tree: Ecolinguistics and responses to the felling of ‘Hadrian’s tree’
Ponton D.M.
The conceptual environment of the frontier discourse in humanities
Sinelnikova L.N.
Chanysheva Z.Z.
“No” and “net” as response tokens in English and Russian business discourse: In search of a functional equivalence
Malyuga E.N., McCarthy M.
Modern metaphor research in Russia: Trends, schools and results
Chudinov A.P., Shustrova E.V.
Systemacy and Dynamism of Business English Discourse: Functional-Synergetic Aspect
Khramchenko D.S.
Glocalized voices in Assault Police : A model of communing affiliation and affective positioning
El Shazly R.
The explanatory function of metaphor scenario in the Serbian pro-vaccine discourse
Silaški N., Đurović T.
Taking back control: The role of image schemas in the Brexit discourse
Martín de la Rosa V.
Metapragmatics and genre: Connecting the strands
Molodychenko E.N., Spitzmüller J.
French political symbolism and identity construction
Trim R.
Discourse complexity in the light of eye-tracking: a pilot Russian language study
Toldova S.Y., Slioussar N.A., Bonch-Osmolovskaya A.A.
Media Discourse in an Atmosphere of Information Warfare: From Manipulation to Aggression
Ozyumenko V.I.
Discourse Analysis and Pragmatics: Their Scope and Relation
Alba-Juez L.
Metaphors across languages, cultures and discourses: A research agenda
Zibin A., Solopova O.A.
Natural language processing and discourse complexity studies
Solnyshkina M.I., McNamara D.S., Zamaletdinov R.R.
Translation Analysis of Linguistic Characteristics of French Specific Discourse
Gavrilenko N.N.
The pragmatics of denial and resistance: Some theoretical and methodological considerations
Abdel-Raheem A.
Computational linguistics and discourse complexology: Paradigms and research methods
Solovyev V.D., Solnyshkina M.I., McNamara D.S.
Emotionalisation of contemporary media discourse: A research agenda
Zappettini F., Ponton D.M., Larina T.V.
Ulanova S.B.
“Let Me Tell You...”: Audience Engagement Strategies in the Campaign Speeches of Trump, Clinton, and Sanders
Quam J., Ryshina-Pankova M.
Monarchy Signs and Symbols within the Baccus' Sphere of British Utilitarian Discourse (Lingua-Semiotic and Emotive Aspects)
Olyanitch A.V., Khramova O.V.
Trump, memes and the Alt-right: Emotive and affective criticism and praise
Way L.C.
Inter-annotator agreement in spoken language annotation: Applying uα-family coefficients to discourse segmentation
Pons Bordería S., Pascual Aliaga E.
Metasemiotic Projects and Lifestyle Media: Formulating Commodities as Resources for Identity Enactment
Molodychenko E.N.
Imitation, Informational Value and Phatic Communication in the Genres of Academic Discourse
Brusenskaya L.A., Kulikova E.G.
“The Twenty Percent Solution”: The Concept of Social Capital through the New Words in English Business Discourse at the Turn of the 21st Century
Galchuk L.M.
Movements and Meanings: Towards an Integrated Approach to Political Discourse Analysis
Ponton D.M.
English borrowings in the French financial discourse as a feature of national character
Naydenova N.S.
Approaches to Genre Analysis of English Engineering Discourse
Bolsunovskaya L.M.
The peculiarities of the English ironic discourse
Gornostaeva A.A.
Representation of Emotivity in Emotive and Pragmatic Attitudes of Participants in Romantic communication
Rents T.G.
Allusions and quotations as a means of representing emotions in the Russian and English financial discourse
Chugunov A.(.
“Never in my life have I heard such a load of absolute nonsense. Wtf.” Political satire on the handling of the COVID-19 crisis
Ponton D.M.
Discursive realization of threat in pre-election communication
Romanov A.A., Novoselova O.V.
Understandings of Impoliteness in the Greek Context
Tzanne A., Sifianou M.
The Realization of Impoliteness in Arguments between the Democrats and Republicans over the Government Shutdown Issue in the US
Alemi M., Latifi A.
Sinelnikova L.N.
Shopping as ‘Best Practice’ - Analyzing Walmart’s Debated Sustainability Policies
Abbamonte L., Cavaliere F.
Speech Genres and Discourse: Genres Study in Discourse Analysis Paradigm
Dementyev V.V.
Event-related temporary collocations in modern english newspaperdiscourse
Terekhova E.V.
Manipulation Impact through Metaphors in Political Discourse
Zaripov R.I.
Emotivity Elements in Sports Discourse (in Dancing Terminology)
Khlebutina V.Y., Maksimenko O.I.
Modern Spanish Joke "Chiste" in Terms of Genre
Tarasenkova Y.V.
Threat and fear: Pragmatic purposes of emotionalisation in media discourse
Ozyumenko V.I., Larina T.V.
The dynamics of political correctness, inclusive language and freedom of speech
Leontovich O.A.
Celebrity gossip as a genre in English-language mass media discourse
Ivanova S.V., Khakimova G.S.
“Pedagogical” Agression in Russian Everyday Communication
Bragina N.G., Sharonov I.A.
How Not To Do Things with the Word: Barack Obama on the Armenian Genocide
Zolyan S.T.
Cremona M., Assimakopoulos S., Vella A.
Discourse Motivations of Mental Construal and the Expression of Stance in Speech: A Case Study of English
Khrisonopulo E.Y.
Discourse, Statement and Speech Act
Krasina E.A.
To the problem of Song discourse: lingvocultural aspect
Naydenova N.S., Muradyan A.A.
Stylistic Features in Academic Discourse
Lobina Y.A.
To the Problem of Medical Term Emotiogenicity
Madzhaeva S.I.
Irony in Political Discourse: Aggression or Entertainment?
Gornostaeva A.A.
War yesterday and today: The image of Russia in British media discourse
Solopova O.A., Kushneruk S.L.
Linguistic creativity and discourse profiles of English language children’s novels
Kiose M.I.
Multimodal IT marketing discourse: An integrated approach investigation
Sokolova N.V.
Creativity in Metaphor Interpretation
Musolff A.
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