No 3 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Articles: 17
- URL:
Hounoring the teacher: Natalia Mikhailovna Firsova
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2013;(3):5-8

The status and classification of morphological alternations n in the system of the Russian inflexion
The problem of the status and classification of morphological alternations is being raised in the article on material of the Russian inflexion. The grounds of the scientific classification of the alternations: composition, positional conditionality, productiveness, function and place of implementation — are observed in the article.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2013;(3):9-13

Influence of speech situation and context on language locative expression
The article discusses the problem of the relationship of language expression locative semantics and speech situation, context. Defined communicative role of locative. Revealed some patterns in the sphere. The conclusion about the conditions that lead to adequate understanding locative semantics to the author remarks.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2013;(3):37-43

About an unknown manuscript of «Abaza dictionary» of the Decembrist V.P. Romanov
The present article is dedicated to the investigation of the manuscript «The Abazin dictionary» of the Decembrist Vladimir Pavlovich Romanov, compiled by him in 1827. Although the dictionary is entitled «Abazinian», the words included in it are, on the whole, Abkhazian. We are making an attempt to bring the given work into scientific use. The linguistic researches of V.P. Romanov are of scientific interest for the languages of the North Caucasus.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2013;(3):44-47

Languages through linguistic and cultural studies
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2013;(3):48-49

Implicit elements indicating the subject of speech or thought in free indirect speech (Italian narrative of XIX—XXI centuries is considered as example)
The article focuses on circumstances in which free indirect speech appears in the selected Italian texts when there is no explicit indication of it, i.e. when introductive speech or mental predicates help the reader to identify the boundary between narrator’s and personage’s voices.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2013;(3):55-64

Grammatical replacements in translation of German advertising texts of utomotive subject including participial constructions with attributive meaning
Informative capacity of participial construction of source and target languages contributes to a more complex and multi aspect image of an expensive car. Dangling participles and attributive clauses placed after the determined word are being used in translation of extended adjectives with participles I and II. These grammatical transformations connected with reconstruction of semantic structure remain logically rational argumentation of an advertising text of the source language.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2013;(3):88-96

Our authors
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2013;(3):125-126