Exploring Rhetorical-Discursive Practices of Rouhani’s Presidential Campaign and Victory of his Prudence-and-Hope Key: a Discourse of Persuasion
- Authors: Mirzaei A.1, Eslami Z.R2, Safari F.1
- Shahrekord University
- Texas A&M University, USA
- Issue: Vol 21, No 1 (2017): Discourse Analysis in the 21 st Century: Theory an d Practice (II)
- Pages: 161-182
- Section: Articles
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/linguistics/article/view/15410
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-9182-2017-21-1-161-182
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Trying to acquire and maintain power, politicians make use of certain rhetorical and linguistic devices to persuade voters in favor of their particular views constructed in the political discourse. The current study was an attempt to investigate Iranian president Hassan Rouhani’s use of persuasive rhetorical-discursive devices during his campaign for presidency in 2013. Specific attention was paid to the levels of language that constituted his political discourse through: 1) scrutinizing the level of sound, 2) investigating his selection of lexical elements, and 3) looking into syntactic structures employed to convey political nuances. Additionally, a critical discourse analysis (CDA) approach, drawing upon Fairclough’s three-dimensional analytical framework (2010), was adopted to probe the discourse-power relationship in his discourse, on the one hand, and the socio-cultural, religious, and political values underlying the rhetorical devices, on the other. The results revealed that Rouhani’s political discourse was embroidered with different rhetorical-discursive devices such as tripartite constructions, repetition in parallel lines, alliteration, and metaphor to influence the public opinion. Moreover, perhaps, using a concise and succinct message, visual symbols, and dynamic metaphors helped him reach out to the audience with an air of emotion and mobilize significant numbers of the electorate for himself.
About the authors
Azizullah Mirzaei
Shahrekord University
Email: fazizullah@yahoo.com
8 University str. 8818634141 Shahrekord, Iran
Zohreh R Eslami
Texas A&M University, USA
Email: zeslami@tamu.edu
363 Harrington Office Building, 23874 Doha, Qatar
Fatemeh Safari
Shahrekord University
Email: f_19safari@yahoo.com
8 University str. 8818634141 Shahrekord, Iran
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