- Authors: Gornostaeva A.A1
- Moscow State Linguistic University
- Issue: Vol 22, No 1 (2018): The discourse of emotions
- Pages: 108-125
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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The article is aimed at revealing the current trends in the usage of ironic metaphors in Russian, British and American political discourse. Given the diversity of political genres, which makes it difficult to classify them, the article draws on the division into primary, secondary and folklore genres (Bazylev 2005, Sheigal 2000). The study focuses on secondary and folklore genres, as, being informal, they presuppose the use of irony. The data was taken from the speeches of Russian, American and British political leaders (V. Putin, S. Lavrov, D. Trump, B. Obama, N. Farage, B. Johnson and others). Drawing on the works on po-litical discourse (Beard 2001, Budaev 2010, Charteris-Black 2005, Chudinov 2001, Lakoff 2003, Ponton 2016, Van Dijk 2009) and developing a discursive approach to the study of irony which is often conveyed through metaphor (Shilikhina 2008, Alba-Juez 2014, Attardo 2007, Giora 2003, Hutcheon 2005), we have identified the conceptual spheres that are the most active sources of modern metaphors. We have traced the link between the new political trends and new metaphors, as well as existing metaphors which acquire a new ironic meaning. The results of the conducted analysis show the frequency of ironic metaphors, includ-ing aggressive ones, and the diversity of their functions in modern political discourse. The comparative analysis made it possible to reveal some peculiarities of the usage of ironic metaphors in Russian, English and American political discourse, which are presupposed by the speakers’ individual characteristics as well as culture specific discursive features.
About the authors
Anna A Gornostaeva
Moscow State Linguistic University
ANNA GORNOSTAYEVA is PhD, Associate Professor in the General Translation Department, Faculty of Intercultural Communication at Moscow State Linguistic University. Research Interests: discourse analysis, political discourse, intercultural communication, pragmatics, translation and interpreting. 38, Ostozhenka str., 119034, Moscow, Russia
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