Multimodal metaphor and metonymy in political cartoons as a means of country image construction
- Authors: Guan S.1, Sun Y.1
- Dalian University of Foreign Languages
- Issue: Vol 27, No 2 (2023)
- Pages: 444-467
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- EDN:
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The interrelation of metaphors and metonymies often attracts the attention of linguists, but the combination of multimodal metaphors and metonymies, which are important components of cognition and are essential for the creation and understanding of multimodal texts, has not been sufficiently studied. The purpose of this study is to delineate the interaction between multimodal metaphors and metonymies in political cartoons and identify their role in forming the country image. The research material includes 30 political cartoons on the topic of the Sino-American trade dispute 2018-2021, selected from Yandex search engine according to keywords (tags, Hashtag). We considered the metaphors and metonymies contained in the cartoons and analyzed their cognitive interrelation. Since the currently existing categorization of the varieties of metaphtonymy does not meet the goal, we used our own typology of the interaction of multimodal metaphors and metonymies, which includes two categories: inclusive and interactive. We have identified 20 interactive and 10 inclusive political cartoons with characteristic cultural attributes. The use of cognitive-discursive analysis allowed us to reveal the features of visual, verbal and conceptual interaction of metaphorical transfers and metonymic shifts in the construction of the positive image of China and the negative image of the United States. The results showed that multimodal metaphors and metonymies in political cartoons are intertwined in different ways, they can make an impact on the mind of people and form the country image.
About the authors
Shaoyang Guan
Dalian University of Foreign Languages
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0763-9726
PhD, is a Lecturer at Dalian University of Foreign Languages. Her research interests are discourse analysis, intercultural communication, and political linguistics
Dalian, ChinaYuhua Sun
Dalian University of Foreign Languages
Professor, President of the Dalian University of Foreign Languages (until 2015 - Rector), Head of the SCO National Administration in China, Director of the Research Association for the Teaching of Chinese and Russian Languages, Deputy Head of the Russian Group of the National Committee for the Teaching of Foreign Languages. She is also Director of Pushkin National Association of Researchers, Chairman of the Liaoning Association for the Study of Foreign Literature, Deputy Chairman of the Association of Translators and member of the Association of Writers of Prov. Liaoning. She received honorary awards from the State Council of the People's Republic of China. Dalian, China
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