The Discourse Semantics of Attitudinal Relations: Continuing the Study of Lexis
- Authors: Martin JR1
- Martin Centre for Appliable Linguistics Shanghai Jiaotong University
- Issue: Vol 21, No 1 (2017): Discourse Analysis in the 21 st Century: Theory an d Practice (II)
- Pages: 22-47
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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This paper explores some aspects of the problem of categorizing attitudinal relations in English, as part of a description of evaluation informed by systemic functional linguistics (SFL) - appraisal. It reviews paradigmatic and syntagmatic orientations to lexis within this tradition, and the development of typological and topological representations of systemic relations. Corpus based argumentation is considered in relation to work on evaluation by Bednarek 2008; and proposals for continuing the study of lexis are suggested, focusing on resources for negotiating sadness and negative reactions to behavior (e.g. embarrassed , ashamed ) and the affordances of topological representation. The paper highlights the possibilities and challenges involved in continuing the study of lexis in descriptions using SFL as their informing theory.
About the authors
J R Martin
Martin Centre for Appliable Linguistics Shanghai Jiaotong University
University of Sydney The University of Sydney NSW 2006, Australia 800 Dongchuan Road, 200240 Shanghai, China
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