Constructing the Ideal Future in Foreign Military Media Discourses of The World War II Period
- Authors: Solopova O.A.1, Saltykova M.S.1
- South Ural State University (National Research University)
- Issue: Vol 23, No 3 (2019)
- Pages: 762-783
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
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The major objective of the paper is to establish functions of modeling the ideal future in the British, American and French military media discourses of World War II period. The authors argue that military media discourse is a hybrid type that combines the components of military, political, military-political, and media discourses whose concentration and interpenetration can vary greatly. The military media discourse is a mode of organizing knowledge, ideas, or experience of war that are rooted in the media and influenced by historical, geopolitical, social, and cultural context. The approach taken in this study is a mixed methodology of linguistic political prognostics that integrates fundamentals of philosophy, future studies, cognitive linguistics, and political linguistics. The samples from the digitized archives of the UK, the USA, and France (24 695 samples) are investigated through a number of methods: corpus, descriptive, cognitive and discourse analyses, cultural, metaphorical modeling, and comparative analyses. Being a basic value of military media discourse, the ideal future is determined by its nature: the idea of a better world inherent in human nature is intensified in transformative moments, war being one of them; representing the present, the media model both the past and the future. The ideal future integrates the key features of utopia and prognosis differing from them in certain specific characteristics. Its basic functions are prognostic, constructive, modeling, critical, provocative, and visualizing ones that complement one another in con-structing an ideal projection of the postwar world and the future of the USSR as a geopolitical ally of Great Britain, the USA, and France.
About the authors
Olga A. Solopova
South Ural State University (National Research University)
Author for correspondence.
Ph.D. (Advanced Doctorate) in Philology, Professor at the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications of the South Ural State University (National Research University). Her research interests include linguistic political prognostics, discourse analysis and dia- chronic political metaphor studies.
76, Lenina Av., Chelyabinsk, 454080 RussiaMaria S. Saltykova
South Ural State University (National Research University)
Philology, Associate Professor at the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications of the South Ural State University (National Research University). Her research interests include discourse analysis, media discourse and linguistic political prognostics
76, Lenina Av., Chelyabinsk, 454080 RussiaReferences
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