Pragmatics of Emotions in Modern French Advertising
- Authors: Borisova AS1, Rubinshtein KE1
- Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
- Issue: No 2 (2015)
- Pages: 133-147
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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Due to its communicative specifics studying of modern printed discourse of advertising basing on the theory of emotivity is of special interest to the scientists. The manifestation and expression of emotions in the context of advertising communication is an intention of the author of the advertisement message to cause a specific emotional reaction from the recipient (target audience), to influence her/him in a sought way. The aim of this article is to elicit forms of verbal explications of emotional dominants, actualized in modern french advertising discourse and to determine their roles in the realization of its pragmatic orientation. Basing on methodology of linguistics of emotion, linguoecology, communicative linguistics and methods of pragmatic, discursive, comparative, cross-cultural analysis we have allocated emotional/ emotive representations pragmatic orientation of which correlates with the extent of emotional openness or restraint of the participants of the discourse of advertising, touches upon the field of social norms of emotional behavior and is determined by national cultural specifics. Particular attention is given to appellative models/strategies, relevant to this specific type of discourse. The peculiarities of emotional argumentation are analyzed in comparison with rational ones on the basis of modern printed advertising texts.
About the authors
A S Borisova
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Department of Foreign Language Faculty of Philology
K E Rubinshtein
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Department of Foreign Language Faculty of Philology
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