Features of Realization of Figurativeness in the Turkish Political Discourse of Oral Public Statements
- Authors: Shtanov A.V.1, Belykh E.N.2
- Moscow State Insitute of International Relations (MGIMO UNIVERSITY)
- Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
- Issue: Vol 20, No 3 (2016)
- Pages: 152-163
- Section: Articles
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/linguistics/article/view/14746
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Article is devoted to features of realization of figurativeness in the Turkish political discourse of an oral public statement. As material for the analysis oral public statements of modern Turkish politicians have served. A research objective - to define language means at the expense of which figurativeness in the Turkish political discourse of an oral public statement is realized. In article the conclusion is drawn that the tripartite structure of an image unites signs of an initial subject, transfers them to a new subject, and the new word (phrase) gains new value. Figurativeness is structural-semantic property of the word, in each word figurativeness is concluded. The thought that understanding by the recipient of figurative maintenance of a lexical unit and the communicative importance of the image realized in her show contexts is emphasized. Each figurative word and expression possesses the associative resources. Ability of the recipient to understand the right sense put in figurative lexicon depends on completeness of association. The concept of figurativeness is accompanied by concept of a metaforization. Figurative means of language in an oral public statement of the politician are a certain instrument of impact on audience with the purpose to influence vision of a political situation. In the Turkish political discourse of an oral public statement there are both universal, and cultural features of functioning of figurative language means. Figurativeness implementers in this research are understood as graphic means of language, namely a track, such as a metaphor, a metonymy, figurative comparison, the phraseological unit, an epifor and others.
About the authors
Andrey Vladimirovich Shtanov
Moscow State Insitute of International Relations (MGIMO UNIVERSITY)
Email: ashtanov@rambler.ru
76, prospekt Vernadskogo, 109033, Moscow, Russia
Ekaterina Nikolaevna Belykh
Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Email: belo4ka1012@mail.ru
3/4, Volochayevskaya Str., 111033, Moscow, Russia
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