
Issue Title File
Vol 32, No 4 (2024) Assessment of the impact of motor transport on the ecological state of urbanized areas using the pollution index
Novikova S., Savelyeva D., Ugay S.
Vol 32, No 4 (2024) Carbon footprint of the energy sector
Gainullina L.R., Fasykhov A.R., Timerbaev N.F., Ibragimova V.R.
Vol 32, No 4 (2024) Features of the study contamination of sediments by the trace elements PDF


Tolkachev G.Y., Korzhenevskiy B.I., Kolomiytsev N.V.
Vol 32, No 4 (2024) Assessment of the impact of motor transport on the ecological state of urbanized areas using the pollution index PDF




Novikova S.A., Ugay S.M.
Vol 32, No 3 (2024) Sea level rising under global warming PDF


Tetelmin V.V.
Vol 32, No 3 (2024) Evaluation of the effect of oyster mushroom polysaccharide on the resistance of plants to the toxic effects of oil pollution by biotesting PDF


Logacheva E.A., Babicheva O.O., Karpunina L.V.
Vol 32, No 2 (2024) Development of a methodology for assessment of contaminated territories based on the utilization of direct spectral probing with the implementation of state indices PDF


Berdnikova T.V.
Vol 32, No 2 (2024) Negative contribution of the fishing fleet to marine pollution PDF


Iakimov A.V.
Vol 32, No 2 (2024) Scientific substantiation of the establishment of a carbon farm PDF




Konovalova A.P., Savin I.Y.
Vol 32, No 1 (2024) Comparison of water levels of the Angrapa river in the middle of the 20th and early 21st century PDF




Akhmedova N.R., Wall E.V., Naumov V.A.
Vol 32, No 1 (2024) Experimental evaluation of the protective properties of a humic preparation in relation to cultivated plants under salt stress PDF


Galchenko S.V., Cherdakova A.S.
Vol 31, No 2 (2023) Methodological approaches to the electromagnetic radiation effects on microorganisms PDF


Shcheglov G.A., Masloboev V.A.
Vol 31, No 2 (2023) Special aspects of ecosystem recreation in the area of dumps of sub-standard zeolite-containing rocks of Holinsky deposit of Eastern Transbaikalia PDF


Obuzdina M.V., Rush E.A.
Vol 31, No 4 (2023) Iodine in soils, pasture vegetation cuttings, and local food products of certain regions of Russia affected by the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident PDF


Berezkin V.Y., Baranchukov V.S., Kolmykova L.I., Kulieva G.A., Bagautdinova A.S., Topilskaya Y.V.
Vol 31, No 1 (2023) Bioremediation of polluted soils with pesticides using microorganisms - situation in Colombia PDF


Zambrano-Gary C.C., Kirichuk A.A.
Vol 31, No 4 (2023) Complex field survey of the Tyatinskiy part of the “Kurilskiy” state nature reserve, Kunashir island, Kuril islands PDF


Grishchenko M.Y., Murman A.S., Tamarovskiy I.E., Terekhova D.A., Satosina E.M., Shelukho V.V., Avchyan A.S., Ushakov N.V.
Vol 31, No 1 (2023) Rewilding in megacities: from concept to implementation PDF


Fedorchenko L.Y., Bobkova A.A., Nikiforov A.I.
Vol 31, No 4 (2023) Restorative dynamics of pine phytocenoses in clearcut areas in the floodplain terraces of the Moscow River PDF


Lezhnev D.V., Kulikova D.D., Polyakova G.A.
Vol 31, No 1 (2023) Research on carbon balance in Japan PDF


Bancheva A.I.
Vol 31, No 2 (2023) Attractiveness of sports facilities and mass recreation and physical culture zones for birds PDF


Rakhimov I.I., Ibragimova K.K.
Vol 31, No 2 (2023) Air temperature changes due to altitude above sea level in the Northern Ural Mountains PDF


Tantsyrev N.V., Ivanova N.S., Petrova I.V.
Vol 31, No 3 (2023) Bryozoans in fouling communities on artificial substrates in Kazachya bay of the Black Sea PDF


Lebedovskaya M.V.
Vol 31, No 3 (2023) Study and analysis of the resistance of Enterococcus bacteria to antibiotics PDF


Uskova S.S., Martynova A.V., Kim A.V.
Vol 31, No 3 (2023) Assessment of ecosystem services for climate regulation: case study of the Madu Ganga wetlands PDF




Kirsanov T.S., Popkova A.V., Ranasinghe H.
Vol 30, No 4 (2022) Water budget of a Ramsar site in Ecuador PDF


Arias Ordonez P.J., Suasnavas Lagos C.V., Kharlamova M.D., Arias Ordonez W.R.
Vol 30, No 4 (2022) Assessment of the ecological status of street plantings in Balashikha city, Moscow region PDF


Parakhina E.A., Rudneva M.A.
Vol 30, No 4 (2022) Possible causes of natural water level variations in the Kosin Lakes in the 20th-21st century - natural and anthropogenic PDF


Rozanov V.B., Berezkin V.Y., Chereshenko A.V.
Vol 30, No 4 (2022) Development and justification of new technologies purification of water environments from pollution by heavy metals PDF


Glubokaya A.S., Atamanova O.V., Tikhomirova E.I., Podoksenov A.A., Simonova Z.A.
Vol 30, No 4 (2022) Cereals waste in the Krasnodar region as a local heat energy resource PDF


Andreenko T.I., Kiseleva S.V., Rafikova Y.Y.
Vol 30, No 4 (2022) Assessment of ecosystem functions of urban forests in terms of soil and trees PDF


Shergina O.V., Mironova A.S., Tupitsyna Y.S.
Vol 30, No 3 (2022) Runoff of nutrients and pollutants from urban watersheds PDF


Klubov S.M., Tretyakov V.Y.
Vol 30, No 3 (2022) Technologies for the prevention and extinguishing of wildfires in Russia and the world: the dynamics of patent activity and patentological prospects PDF


Perminov V.V., Vorobiev D.S., Kasymov D.P., Perminova V.V.
Vol 30, No 3 (2022) Simulation of sorption processes of wastewater treatment by modified zeolites PDF


Obuzdina M.V., Rush E.A.
Vol 30, No 3 (2022) Lampenflora as a result of karst cave equipment for excursions PDF


Pichugina E.K., Mazina S.E.
Vol 30, No 3 (2022) Anthropogenic impact on the Taldykol lake system in the city of Nur-Sultan PDF


Akbayeva L.K., Meldeshova A.B., Makazhanov Y.Z.
Vol 30, No 2 (2022) Self-purification processes of natural water and their laboratory model PDF


Kondrashin K.G.
Vol 30, No 2 (2022) Methodological approaches to assessment of aesthetic properties of landscapes PDF


Lozbeneva E.A.
Vol 30, No 1 (2022) Impact of mammals during foraging and trampling of vegetation in the taiga and forest-steppe natural and natural-anthropogenic complexes of the Pre-Urals and Urals PDF


Dvornikov M.G., Saxonov S.V., Bukina L.A.
Vol 30, No 1 (2022) Maximum global warming potential formula PDF


Tetelmin V.V.
Vol 30, No 1 (2022) Phytosozological study of natural monuments to determine the ecological status of specially protected natural areas PDF


Volodkin A.A., Larionov M.V.
Vol 29, No 3 (2021) Influence of environmental factors on the evolution of phytocenoses of reclamation objects of the Ryazan Meschera PDF


Zakharova O.A., Kucher D.E., Musaev F.A., Evsenkin K.N.
Vol 29, No 4 (2021) Study of interaction of xenobiotics with macrophytes in experimental aquatic ecosystems PDF


Poklonov V.A., Glebov V.V., Askarova D.A., Erofeeva V.V., Anikina E.V.
Vol 29, No 4 (2021) Studying the vegetation impact of terrestrial ecosystems on reducing the carbon footprint in in the territory of the Russian Federation PDF


Pashkevich M.A., Korotaeva A.E.
Vol 29, No 1 (2021) Current condition of populations and spatial-environmental features of habitats of russet ground squirrel Spermophilus major PDF


Tukhbatullin A.R., Brandler O.V.
Vol 29, No 1 (2021) Diversity of vascular plants and zooplankton communities in regard to the ecological assessment of the territory of the ecological park “Samara Venice”, Samara Region, Russia PDF


Senator S.A., Mukhortova O.V., Nurova O.G., Sopina K.V.
Vol 29, No 1 (2021) Analysis of changes in biological diversity within the boundaries of the nature monument “Serebryany Bor” on the example of rare and protected animal species PDF


Sorokina A.A., Zubkova V.M.
Vol 29, No 2 (2021) Variability of leaves of Betula pendula Roth during the growing season in the recreation area in the industrial center PDF


Tagirova O.V., Kulagin A.Y.
Vol 29, No 2 (2021) Agroecological assessment of changes in cadmium content in spring barley plants under the influence of selenium and silicon PDF


Lapushkina A.A., Alenicheva A.D., Vernichenko I.V., Schuklina O.A., Voronchikhina I.N.
Vol 29, No 2 (2021) State of Anemonoides altaica (C.A. Mey.) Holub cenopopulations in the south-east of the natural area PDF


Ilyina V.N.
Vol 29, No 2 (2021) Sexual dimorphism of the body size of a multicolored lizard in the south-eastern Lower Volga PDF


Mishustin S.S., Polynova G.V.
Полынова Г., Мишустин С.
Vol 28, No 1 (2020) Philosophy of ecology of Justus von Liebig: different Liebig PDF


Nikolskii A.A., Vanisova E.A.
Vol 28, No 1 (2020) The general characteristics of the plowing lands birds’ population during the breeding period in Upper part of Angara region PDF


Yuancheng B., Kuznetsova D.V., Salovarov V.O., Glyzina A.Y.
Vol 28, No 2 (2020) Anthropogenic impact on the Himalayan marmot population in Nepal PDF


Nikolskii A.A., Vanisova E.A.
Vol 28, No 2 (2020) Use of activated peat for remediation of soils contaminated with petroleum products PDF


Adelfinskaya E.A., Myazin V.A.
Vol 28, No 2 (2020) Water quality assessment of La Tembladera wetland in Ecuador using Water Quality Index PDF


Arias Ordonez P.J.
Vol 28, No 2 (2020) The zoobenthos of the river Tzraudon, the Terek river basin PDF


Dzhioeva I.E., Cherchesova S.K., Novatorov O.A., Tsagaeva Z.K.
Vol 28, No 3 (2020) Remote monitoring of green plants of Ufa in 1988-2018 PDF


Rakhmatullina I.R., Rakhmatullin Z.Z., Kulagin A.Y.
Vol 28, No 3 (2020) Distribution of photosynthetic species in grotto type caves of different regions PDF


Mazina S.E., Popkova A.V.
Vol 28, No 3 (2020) Diversity and abundance of copepods on the north coast of Angola during hot season 2014-2016 PDF


Castro I.J., Coelho P.A., Vanisova E.A.
Vol 28, No 4 (2020) Artemisia gmelinii Web. ex Stechm. within the Buryatian flora: phytocenotic confinedness, composition of essential oil PDF


Zhigzhitzhapova S.V., Kholboeva S.A., Dylenova E.P.
Vol 28, No 4 (2020) Biotesting of cultivation zoocompost of Hermetia illucens larvae PDF


Goncharova E.N., Kurzenev I.R., Vasilenko M.I., Pendyurin E.A.
Vol 27, No 1 (2019) Biodiversity of microbial communities on some species in the class Gastropoda common in coastal waters in Central Vietnam PDF


Chu T.B., Do T.H., Le X.T., Ngo C.C., Pham T.H., Hoang T.D., Nguyen T.T., Britaev T.A.
Vol 27, No 1 (2019) Comparative analysis of heavy metals accumulation in the soil - plant system by the geo-accumulation index and transpiration rate of Zea mays L PDF


Sukiasyan A.R.
Vol 27, No 1 (2019) The using of ecological properties of plant-hyperaccumulants for reducing man-made load on adjacent to the Moscow Domodedovo Airport territories PDF


Soltanov S.K.
Vol 27, No 2 (2019) Assessment of recreational use of specially protected natural territories of Tatishchevsky district of Saratov region PDF


Andriyanova Y.M., Sergeeva I.V., Mokhonko Y.M., Gusakova N.N.
Vol 27, No 2 (2019) Experience of the monitoring of the littoral fish assemblages at reserved waters (on the example of the Karadag Nature Reserve aquatory, Crimea) PDF


Maltsev V.I.
Vol 26, No 3 (2018) Comparative ecological analysis of the avifauna of the city parks of Minsk PDF


Svistun E.K.
Vol 26, No 3 (2018) A study on Moscow region sand pits’ plants properties for the restoration of sand pits vegetation PDF


Dabbagh A.
Vol 26, No 3 (2018) Information-Analytical Center for Natural Specially Protected Areas Support PDF


Prokhorov I.S., Korneevets K.V., Bychkov S.A.
Vol 26, No 3 (2018) Effect of drought on the antioxidant activity of corn from various soil and climatic regions PDF


Sukiasyan A.R.
Vol 26, No 4 (2018) The effect of low frequency electromagnetic fields on fluctuating asymmetry of woody plants PDF


Polonsky V.I., Sumina A.V.


Bespalova E.V.
Vol 26, No 2 (2018) Lichen biota of the park of the museum-reserve “Abramtsevo” (Moscow region) PDF


Muchnik E.E., Cherepenina D.A., Polynova O.E.
Vol 26, No 2 (2018) Fish parasite fauna of the middle reaches of the Lena river and its tributaries under growing man-caused impact PDF


Platonov T.A., Kuzmina N.V., Nyukkanov A.N., Protodyakonova G.P.
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