Vol 32, No 2 (2024)


Scientific substantiation of the establishment of a carbon farm

Konovalova A.P., Savin I.Y.


The Russian Federation needs to transition to carbon standards, which are established in many foreign countries, to regulate and control the negative consequences of anthropogenic human activity. Quoting of greenhouse gas emissions at the global level pushes for the development and implementation of technologies to reduce them. One of the ways to reduce emissions in agriculture is the creation of carbon farms. At present, there is no unified methodological and statistical basis for the creation of a carbon farm in the Russian Federation. When creating it, it is necessary to understand not only the general principles of agrolandscapes functioning, but also to take into account the factors that have an impact on the carbon absorption capacity of the land located on the territory of the farm. A new approach to reducing emissions by optimising the location of agricultural land with regard to its sequestration potential on the basis of spatial modelling has been proposed. The specificity of the approach is demonstrated on the example of the farm of the All-Russian Research Institute of Reclaimed Lands (Tver region, Kalininsky district, Emmauss settlement). After additional testing, the approach can be recommended for implementation in the practice of carbon-depleting agricultural land use.

RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2024;32(2):93-106
pages 93-106 views

Development of a methodology for assessment of contaminated territories based on the utilization of direct spectral probing with the implementation of state indices

Berdnikova T.V.


The study describes the process of survey of contaminated territories using contact spectral sounding. The main stages of the survey are considered, including preparation for work, data collection, their processing and analysis, as well as interpretation of the obtained information. Contact spectral sounding allows obtaining data for calculation of soil condition indices, which values make it possible to determine the degree of soil contamination. As a result, this approach provides a more complete understanding of the contamination of territories and can be used to identify and manage environmental risks.

RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2024;32(2):107-117
pages 107-117 views

Negative contribution of the fishing fleet to marine pollution

Iakimov A.V.


Operational waste, discharge of waste and biological resources overboard is an urgent issue of marine environment pollution. The modern fleet renewal program is more focused on modernization and contribution to deeper processing of products. However, reducing the negative impact of fishing on the aquatic ecosystem is not occurring. The work provides an example of the operation of the fishing fleet on the pollock fishery, as one of the most abundant. It describes the negative contribution of fishing vessels to the pollution of the waters, which occurs due to irrational use of aquatic biological resources and the associated significant volumes of fish discards overboard.

RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2024;32(2):118-125
pages 118-125 views

Industrial Ecology

Analysis of existing and development of modernized structures GP type burners with low nitrogen oxide emissions for tubular refinery furnaces

Katin V.D., Zhuravlev A.A.


Author’s innovative technical solutions for modernizing existing burner devices of the GP type with low emissions of toxic nitrogen oxides, protected by patents for utility models, were analyzed and recommended for implementation in the oil and gas industry. New designs of GP burners with the placement of an oil nozzle in the embrasure, with additional equipment with a special pipe with a steam sprayer into the firebox, as well as with an additional arrangement of an air flow separator installed in the mixing chamber and equipped with nozzles for supplying compressed air, which increases the environmental friendliness of their operation by reducing emissions of nitrogen oxides from incomplete combustion products.

RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2024;32(2):126-135
pages 126-135 views

High performance building ceramics based on solid waste

Nemuschenko D.A., Larichkin V.V., Murav’ev M.T., Neustroev M.A.


The most important environmental problem of coal energy in Russia is the accumulation of solid waste in ash dumps - products of coal combustion. Ash dumps are located on the lands of populated areas and are source of toxic dust, contamination of surface and groundwater with soluble compounds and increased radioactivity. An effective solution to the problem of accumulation of ash and slag waste is its use as secondary raw materials in the construction industry. In this work, physicochemical methods were used to study ash and slag raw materials from coal-fired power plants in Novosibirsk and municipal cullet. Recipes for building ceramics have been developed by varying the content of fly ash and cullet, molding technologies, and modes of drying and firing of products. The influence of various methods of preparing raw materials (grinding, fractionation, ignition, mechanical activation) and methods of processing and dispersing ceramic masses on the physical and mechanical properties of experimental samples was studied. The possibility of obtaining ceramic products that meet the requirements of regulatory documents for construction materials is shown.

RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2024;32(2):136-154
pages 136-154 views

Research of physical and mechanical properties of drilling sludges during its hightemperature neutralization

Zimnukhova A.E., Gaevaya E.V.


The article is devoted to the problem of effective management of drilling sludge, the development of waste-free and low-waste technologies. High-temperature firing is considered as one of the most promising and universal methods. The aim of the research is to study the physical and mechanical characteristics of drilling sludge depending on the temperature regime of neutralization. The drilling sludge of the Yuzhno-Ostrovnoe, SredneNazymskoe, Sredne-Balykskoe oil fields of KhMAO-Yugra was used as an object of research. Data on the granulometric composition, compressive strength, water absorption, change in strength in the water-saturated state, softening coefficient of drilling sludge samples depending on the firing temperature are presented. The most favorable temperature regime for the neutralization of drilling sludge has been identified. The material obtained as a result of neutralization can be considered for use in the construction of areal and linear facilities as part of the development of deposits.

RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2024;32(2):155-162
pages 155-162 views

Human ecology

Features of the elemental status of the indigenous population of the south of Central Siberia

Pobilat A.E., Kirichuk A.A., Baranova O.V.


Particularly relevant are studies to establish the microelement status of territories in environmentally unfavorable regions with high anthropogenic load, which include the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Natural and geochemical features of territories, as a complex of factors constantly acting on the human body, can cause not only endemic diseases, but also potentiate anthropogenic effects. A large number of studies on geochemistry, biogeochemistry, soil science, and the ecology of microelements in the natural environment have been carried out in different regions of Siberia. At the same time, in the southern part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, data on a comprehensive assessment of the content of microelements in different parts of the ecosystem have not been sufficiently studied, summarized and systematized. Thus, the purpose of the work was to study the characteristics of the elemental status of the indigenous population of the south of Central Siberia. Laboratory studies to determine the concentration of trace elements in the hair of the examined individuals were carried out using mass spectrometry with inductively coupled argon plasma. When considering the results of the study, certain groups of the population of the city of Krasnoyarsk were recorded in elemental status between the sexes. In men, there was an increase in potassium content by 1.7 times, phosphorus by 1.2 times relative to the 75th centile. The content of cobalt and calcium corresponded to the 25th centile of normal content in bio substrates. For women living in the city of Krasnoyarsk, an increased excretion of calcium and zinc from the body by 1.2 times relative to the 75th centile was noted. In this gender group, normal average and median values for the content of iron and chromium in bio substrates (hair) have been established and are 21 and 0.46 μg/g, respectively. The level of toxic elements such as nickel, mercury, cadmium and lead were normal and the range of maximum values did not exceed the 75th centile interval in both study groups.

RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2024;32(2):163-171
pages 163-171 views

Experience in creating a database of a repository of archival documents of state statistics on the size of sown (harvested) areas and the actual harvest in the territories of the Orel region contaminated as a result of the Chernobyl accident in 1988-1991

Apanasyuk O.N., Skorobogatov A.M.


The study presents the results of a study of the documents of the Territorial Body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Oryol region (1988-1991) stored in the fund of the State archives of the Oryol region, related to agro-industrial production in agricultural areas contaminated with 137Cs as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl accident. Rehabilitation of agricultural lands in radioactively contaminated areas of the Oryol region remains relevant to the present day. Search, selection and scanning of the most important documents on the subject of “Protective and Rehabilitation Measures Related to the Elimination of the Consequences of the Chernobyl accident” in the agro-industrial complex of the Oryol region in 1988-1991 were carried out. On the basis of the prepared electronic copies of the selected documents, a database was formed containing information on the size of sown (harvested) areas and the actual harvest in the agricultural areas of the Oryol region contaminated with 137Cs as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl accident in 1988-1991.

RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2024;32(2):172-183
pages 172-183 views

Environmental Monitoring

Assessment of atmospheric air pollution by coal and fuel oil combustion products and fuel oil on the example of neighborhood boiler plants in Ulan-Ude

Chudinova O.N., Cheredova T.V., Butakova A.A., Besprozvannykh A.P.


The city of Ulan-Ude is annually included in the priority list of cities with the highest level of atmospheric air pollution. The main stationary sources of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere of Ulan-Ude are heat and power enterprises. Their contribution to the total air pollution of the city by stationary sources is about 45%. As fuel they use hard and brown coal and fuel oil. The purpose of the presented work was to study the influence of different types of fuel on atmospheric air pollution based on the results of computational modeling and experimental assessment of snow cover quality. The objects of the study were neighborhood boiler plants located in Ulan-Ude (Aeroport settlement, Glass Factory settlement). The computational modeling was carried out using the Unified program of atmospheric pollution calculation “Web-Prisma-Enterprise”. Analysis of microelement composition of melted snow water was performed by inductively coupled plasma method on Agilent 7500ce quadrupole mass spectrometer. The results of pollutant dispersion in the atmosphere showed an excess of the calculated surface concentrations at coal combustion for solid and gaseous substances compared to similar concentrations produced at fuel oil combustion by 2.45-141.4 times. In contrast, according to the experimental snow cover studies, the fuel oil-fired boiler plant contributes more pollution (Z = 1563.80 - very high pollution level) compared to the boiler plant using coal as fuel (Z = 107.61 - average pollution level). The reasons for this discrepancy may be imperfections in the methodology of calculating emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere: particulate matter (coal or fuel oil ash) is subject to regulation without taking into account their chemical composition; the algorithm of dispersion of emissions does not take into account the density of buildings around the source of emissions into the atmosphere.

RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2024;32(2):184-197
pages 184-197 views

Assessment of changes in the accumulation of cadmium and aluminum in pea plants under the influence of selenium and silicon in the early phase of vegetation

Puhalsky J.V., Kovalchuk A.I., Loskutov S.I., Vorobyov N.I., Osipov A.I., Kosulnikov Y.V., Kozhemyakov A.P., Laktionov Y.V.


A large number of agricultural lands are located in close proximity to large cities, and therefore industrial enterprises and highways, which leads to inevitable soil contamination with heavy metals, of which cadmium is the most toxic. Also, due to a decrease in the rate of liming and the use of mineral fertilizers, aluminum ions accumulate in acidic soils. Currently, a search is underway among various plant species that exhibit resistance to the effects of toxicants and are capable of their gradual removal (phytoextraction) from the environment. Representatives from the legume family ( Fabaceae ) can be considered as potential candidates along with Cereals ( Poáceae ) and Brassicas ( Brassicáceae ). Studies conducted in this work with different tolerant genotypes of common pea (the wild sensitive line SGE, and the resistant mutant SGECDt created on its basis) showed that pre-sowing treatment of seeds with microelements in the form of selenium and silicon had a different effect on the selected genotypes. Silicon had a more pronounced stress-protective effect, stimulating the growth of both species. However, in some variants it reduced the degree of removal and fixation of toxicants in biomass, which is not suitable for use in phytoextraction technology. Selenium, on the contrary, further inhibited yield, but promoted greater accumulation of aluminum in shoots. The bimetallic type of pollution manifested itself in a decrease in the accumulation of toxicants in biomass in both genotypes by an average of 14.0%, compared with the monoelement type. Treatment with selenium and silicon here generally did not change the picture we observed in comparison with the monoelement type of pollution.

RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2024;32(2):198-212
pages 198-212 views

Spatiotemporal analysis of forest management in the Vologda region

Bazhenova O.V., Zolotova O.A., Ivanishcheva E.A., Osolodkina A.F.


The forest resources of Russia, primarily concentrated in the taiga zone, are actively exploited, especially in the European part of Russia. Forest management even under conditions of one natural zone has significant spatial disparities due to natural climatic differences of territories and spatial and temporal peculiarities of forest exploitation. This study aims to analyze the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of forest resources and the structure and productivity of felling from the viewpoint of the transformation of the forest resource base of the Vologda Region. The dynamics of forest cover, area and structure of timber reserves during the XX century are considered for the region as a whole. The forest fund and estimates of forest resources for the XXI century are characterized under the authors’ calculations and are given by districts and areas of the region. All estimates are based on official statistical data taken from the comprehensive territorial inventories of natural resources and the reporting documents of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Vologda Region. The reserves and forest resources analyzed under the cartographical modeling show an increase in the volume and intensity of felling against the decrease in the share of both coniferous and mature timber. Since the beginning of the XX century, the share of coniferous trees in the forest stand structure has decreased to 50-55%. The dominating timber species in the taiga forests of the Vologda Region as of today is birch. The share of mature forests has also decreased to 50%, with the deciduous forests prevailing among the mature ones. The results of the study show a dangerous transformation of forest resources for the near future, thereby greatly threatening both sustainable forest resources and the conservation of taiga landscapes on the whole.

RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2024;32(2):213-226
pages 213-226 views

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