RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety
Editor-in-Chief: Elena Viktorovna Savenkova, D.Sc., Professor
ISSN: 2313-2310 (Print) ISSN: 2408-8919 (Online)
Founded in 1993. Publication frequency: quarterly
Open Access: Open Access. APC: no article processing charge
Peer-Review: double blind. Publication language: Russian, English
PUBLISHER: Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba (RUDN University)
Indexation: Russian Index of Science Citation, Google Scholar, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, DOAJ, WorldCat, Cyberleninka, East View, Dimensions, ResearchBib, Lens, esearch4Life, JournalTOCs
The aim of the RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety is to increase the efficiency of scientific research in the field of environmental protection and human ecology, as well as the spread of modern research methods and the latest achievements in the field of environmental management. Since 1993 we publish the results of fundamental and applied research of scientists, faculties, graduate students in the form of scientific articles, scientific reports, bibliographic reviews on the following areas: common ecology, environmental management, sustainable development, environmental safety, environmental protection, human ecology, ecological expertise, radioecology and radiation monitoring, environmental assessment, and environmental education.
The journal publish the results of original research of universities and research centers of Russia and abroad in the form of scientific articles on subjects relevant to the main areas of journal.
To attract to research activity and improvement of quality of qualification works the journal allows the publication of articles based on the best master's works.
Current Issue
Vol 32, No 4 (2024)
- Year: 2024
- Articles: 16
- URL:
- DOI:
Full Issue
Features of the study contamination of sediments by the trace elements
Currently, the condition and quality of water in water objects under the influence of technogenic factors changes for the worse. Studies of sediments of reservoirs make it possible to identify unfavorable areas and identify sources of pollution. From the point of view of technogenic load, the most dangerous pollutants are microelements Cd, Zn, Pb, Cu, Cr, Co, Ni, As. This article presents the results of studies of the contamination of sediments of reservoirs with the listed microelements, assessed by igeo-classes - by the contamination of the sorbing fraction (less than 0.02 mm). Describes or provides references to methods used in conducting nature and laboratory studies, as well as calculations of pollution levels. To systematize the research, objects of various hierarchical levels were identified on the basis of long-term experimental work within the Volga basin. For taxa of different hierarchies, various areal and time survey modes are proposed. The picture of contamination of sediments of the studied reservoirs is presented, and trends in its changes in space and time are noted.

Assessment of the impact of motor transport on the ecological state of urbanized areas using the pollution index
A new method for calculating the pollution index of urbanized areas from motor vehicles is proposed based on three parameters (air pollution, noise level, soil pollution) and the weights of each parameter in it are determined. A primary component-by-component assessment of all the indicators under consideration and subsequent calculation of the pollution index for the cities of the Irkutsk agglomeration are carried out. A scientifically based approach to the development of priority areas of environmental protection measures is proposed.

Assessment of the impact of motor transport on the ecological state of urbanized areas using the pollution index
The paper studies various approaches to assessing the integral environmental indicator of the urban environment. A method for calculating the pollution index of urbanized areas from motor vehicles based on three parameters (air pollution by emissions, noise level, soil pollution) has been developed, and the weights of each indicator in it have been determined. Based on long-term studies of the environmental condition, a primary component-by-component assessment of all parameters under consideration and subsequent calculation of the pollution index have been carried out. A scientifically based approach to developing priority areas of environmental protection measures has been proposed.

Carbon footprint of the energy sector
The national climate policy pays great attention to reducing the anthropogenic impact on climate change. The energy sector makes a significant contribution to the overall carbon footprint (77.9%). Russia, having natural gas, oil and coal as a source of energy production, also has a sufficient low-carbon resource base, experience in applying new technologies for capturing and utilizing carbon, and using renewable energy sources. Analysis of the carbon footprint of generating enterprises and various energy sources shows ways to develop the use of the potential of low-carbon sources, such as nuclear power plants and hydroelectric power plants, the use of new technologies in the heating system, technologies for recycling refrigerants, secondary energy resources, etc. So, for example, in addition to the main factors that determine the choice of refrigerant, the factor of their environmental friendliness is taken into account. Thus, a wide range of solutions and technologies are being considered to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Environmetal defence
Analysis of the potential for the use of artificial peat soil based on oil sludge
In the course of this study, experiments were carried out to assess the potential of using artificial peat soil obtained from oil sludge in various fields. The main purpose of the research was to analyze its applicability in the construction of road and industrial facilities, as well as in the elimination and reclamation of municipal solid waste landfills and use for agricultural purposes.
First of all, the physicochemical properties of artificial peat soil were studied, such as its density, humidity, organic matter content, as well as the concentration of heavy metals and other harmful substances present in oil sludge.
As a result of the research, data were obtained to assess the potential of using artificial peat soil created from oil sludge in various fields. These findings may be useful for the development of new methods of construction, environmental cleaning and agricultural production.

Currently, the condition and quality of water in water objects under the influence of technogenic factors changes for the worse. Studies of sediments of reservoirs make it possible to identify unfavorable areas and identify sources of pollution. From the point of view of technogenic load, the most dangerous pollutants are microelements Cd, Zn, Pb, Cu, Cr, Co, Ni, As. This article presents the results of studies of the contamination of sediments of reservoirs with the listed microelements, assessed by igeo-classes - by the contamination of the sorbing fraction (less than 0.02 mm). Describes or provides references to methods used in conducting nature and laboratory studies, as well as calculations of pollution levels. To systematize the research, objects of various hierarchical levels were identified on the basis of long-term experimental work within the Volga basin. For taxa of different hierarchies, various areal and time survey modes are proposed. The picture of contamination of sediments of the studied reservoirs is presented, and trends in its changes in space and time are noted.

Industrial Ecology
Analysis of the potential for the use of artificial peat soil based on oil sludge
Oil sludge is one of the dangerous sources of environmental pollution, which causes significant damage to ecosystems. The technologies used for their disposal do not show efficiency, these data are confirmed by the authors’ SWOT analysis of the existing method of waste data management - sludge accumulation. The paper considers a new technological solution for processing oil sludge into artificial peat soil. The study describes the process of obtaining artificial peat from oil sludge, the main characteristics and properties of the resulting material. The authors present the results of laboratory studies: assessment of the physico-chemical characteristics of artificial peat soil, such as its density, humidity, organic matter content, concentration of heavy metals and other harmful substances, as well as an experiment on the study of fertile properties. An analysis of the potential and possibility of introducing this material into practice was also carried out. The findings can be useful for further research and development in the field of oil sludge utilization and processing and improving the environmental sustainability of peat soils.

Carbon footprint of the energy sector
The world's attention is focused on the anthropogenic component of climate change. The energy sector (77.9%) makes a significant contribution to these changes. Russia, has natural gas, oil and coal as a source of energy production, while the issue of using low-carbon resource base, application of new technologies of carbon capture and utilization, use of renewable energy sources remains relevant. The purpose of this study is to analyze the carbon footprint of generating enterprises and various energy sources, and to determine the way of development of the use of low-carbon sources, such as nuclear power plants and hydroelectric power plants, the application of new technologies in the heating system, refrigerant utilization technologies, secondary energy resources, etc. Results: The carbon footprint of the energy sector has been considered for Scope 1 and Scope 2. The analysis of the carbon footprint of generating enterprises (Scope 1) showed that the largest contribution is made by fossil fuel power plants with specific CO2 emission rates of 450-1000 g/kWh. Hydroelectric power plants belonging to the category of renewable energy power plants (RES) due to large total methane emissions from reservoirs are in the second place (24 g/kWh), ahead of nuclear power plants with specific emission rate of 12 g/kWh. Wind power plants (11 g/kWh) are close to nuclear power plants in terms of carbon neutrality. The ambiguous position of one of the leaders of green energy, solar power plants (48 g/kWh) is associated with the stage of utilization of the equipment used. Specific emission values of Scope 2 category are also given. Based on the results of the analysis of the energy sector of Scope 1 and 2, recommendations for reducing the carbon footprint are given.

Analysis of the MSW management system in Bissau, Guinea-Bissau, in the light of sustainable development goals (SDG)
The study analyzes the existing system of solid municipal waste management in the capital of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau - Bissau. Based on the analysis, facts of ineffective waste management, lack of operational control and systematization of data in the system of urban sanitation of the city were revealed, which is due to the lack of necessary technical training at the level of the city government - the city council of Bissau. The identified local reasons for the insufficient quality and efficiency of the provided services for sanitation of the city are financial constraints and lack of qualified personnel. On the other hand, the problem is the lack of a sustainable waste management policy at the country level.

Intensification of storm water treatment of wood transfering wood termination facilities
The study presents the experience of operating water treatment plants, analyzes the dangerous consequences of pre-chlorination during the discoloration of natural waters, and examines the mechanisms of action of chlorine-containing components on organic impurities contained in untreated water. The necessity of pretreatment of water before prechlorination, which ensures the mandatory destruction of organo-complex compounds, has been determined. The principles of pretreatment of natural waters in a biologically active environment are substantiated, which will eliminate the formation of toxic substances and pathogenic microorganisms.

Definition of the operating mode of ejection flotator for the wastewater treatment
The methods of the quality increase of the air-water mixture generated by ejection system of aeration for the flotation wastewater treatment are considered such as the use of various constructions of ejectors, use of dispersers, operating at different air-water rates and exit nozzle velocities, addition of surfactants. It is shown that for the highly efficient wastewater treatment microbubbles with the sizes less than 100 µm that are equally distributed in the flotation chamber are needed. The use of aeration system that includes ejector, aerator and disperser is offered. The experimental definition of air-water mixture characteristics (bubbles size and superficial gas velocity) was carried out with different exit nozzle velocities and types of aerators. The operating mode that allows the generation microbubbles with average sizes 75-115 µm was defined. At this mode the annular aerator with inside diameter 4 mm and outside diameter 6 mm was used, exit nozzle velocity was 13 m/s.

Intensification of storm water treatment of wood transferring wood termination facilities
The study presents the individual technology developed by the authors for the collection and disposal of surface runoff from the facilities of the port complex for the transshipment of wood chips in the conditions of the existing port infrastructure. An analysis of the project implementation was carried out. An innovative coagulating composition has been developed that reduces the desalination of sea water, and design solutions have been developed to intensify the operation of treatment facilities. The technological solutions proposed by the authors can be applied in the design of storm sewerage for berth structures and wastewater treatment.

Life Safety
Analysis of the MSW management system in Bissau (Guinea-Bissau) in the light of sustainable development goals (SDG)
Abstract. The article analyzes the existing municipal solid waste management system in the capital of Guinea-Bissau - Bissau. Based on the analysis, a huge lack of operational control and data systematization throughout the urban cleaning system is revealed, this fact is mainly due to the lack of technical training at all hierarchical levels of the service providing body. In Bissau, the capital of the country, solid waste management is the responsibility of the Bissau City Council (CMB). Thus, this body, among other responsibilities, must ensure the health of the city through the provision of urban cleaning services. However, due to financial constraints and lack of qualified personnel, this organization has faced many difficulties in ensuring quality and efficiency of services. On the other hand, the country does not have specific policies and legislation for the waste sector, which further worsens the situation.

Environmental Monitoring
Ecological monitoring of landscape technogenic neoplasms
Mine rock dumps belong to the category of landscape technogenic neoplasms and represent a complex of anthropogenically transformed natural components. Rock dumps cause some damage to the environment due to the withdrawal of agricultural land from use, emissions of gorenje products, dust particles, flushing of pollutants, soil salinization, erosion of slopes. The main optimal measure to reduce the impact of rock dumps on the environment for Donbass is the biological reclamation of their surface. It is based on mandatory continuous environmental monitoring, which represents a set of observations of the current state and forecasting of further changes in: the state of atmospheric air, surface waters, radiation conditions, soil conditions, flora, fauna and public health in the territory of a landscape technogenic neoplasm and adjacent areas. The use of the principles of environmental monitoring will help to stabilize the landscape technogenic neoplasm as an ecosystem and contribute to the sustainable development of Donbass as an industrial region. The work carried out monitoring of the state of the green spaces of the rock dump sh. 5/6 named after. Dimitrov, located within the city of Donetsk, DPR. An inventory of green spaces and the landscaping object itself was carried out, an assessment of the effectiveness of reclamation measures was carried out, the average degree of disturbance of vegetation cover on the rock dump was determined. The results of studies of the state of the stand of a rock dump using a visual assessment scale are presented. A visual assessment of the following diagnostic signs of OCD was carried out: crown density, the presence of dead branches on the trunk and the degree of damage to the leaves by toxicants, pathogens and insects (the average area of necrosis, chlorosis and overeating).

Trace element composition of snow cover components in the city of Chita and its environs
The variation in the concentrations of chemical elements of snow cover in melt water and native dust in the urbanized area of Chita and its environs was studied in comparison with the background area and literature data from other regions of Russia and Mongolia. The study of the accumulation of compounds of chemical elements in the components of snow cover makes it possible to assess the degree of pollution of the surface layer of the atmosphere under technogenesis conditions and to identify key sources of pollution. The goal of the work was to compare the amounts of a number of microelements in melted snow water and in native dust residue in areas of different degrees of technogenic load. The materials were dust and snow meltwater, in which the quantitative content of 22 chemical elements was determined using the X-ray fluorescence method of total external reflection on an S2 Picofox spectrometer (Bruker Nano GmbH, Germany). A low content of ionic forms of elements in the aqueous phase of snow was revealed, with an excess of the maximum permissible concentration for Mn by 1.5-2 times under technogenesis conditions. The concentrations of water-soluble forms of trace elements were comparable to data from other regions. The dust fraction of snow, on the contrary, was characterized by significant contamination with sparingly soluble forms of chemical elements, while no excess of the maximum permissible concentration / approximately permissible concentration was noted, and in comparison with the clarke for soils of populated areas, a slight excess of the content of As, Sn and W was noted. The dust fraction of the Chita snow cover, compared to the background, is enriched in Th, Rb, Cr and Ga; in the Chita region, intensive accumulation of Cr, As and Sr in the dust was revealed. Significantly larger amounts of microelements compared to Transbaikal samples were detected for the cities of Ulaanbaatar, Blagoveshchensk, and in somewhat smaller quantities Tyumen and Tobolsk. The mass fraction of water-soluble forms for most microelements was significantly less than 0.1%, while a tendency was revealed to increase the number of ionic forms of elements from the urbanized area to the background areas.

Short announcements
Ecological and economic bases for development and implementation of carbon sequestration related climate projects in Russia
The article examines the emerging national carbon market in Russia, the incentives and competitive advantages of domestic business at the carbon market as the economic basis for development and implementation of carbon sequestration projects in Russia. The Russian Federation, which has committed itself to taking measures to mitigate climate change, has set a goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2060 in two possible ways: through direct emissions reduction and carbon capture (sequestration), storage (deposition). The national carbon trading system being actively created in Russia allows the state to fulfill its international climate obligations, but at the same time act as an independent regulator in this area and proactively protect domestic producers from possible unfair competition and arbitrariness on the part of participants in the global carbon market.