Vol 29, No 3 (2021)
- Year: 2021
- Articles: 8
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/ecology/issue/view/1525
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2310-2021-29-3
Full Issue
Influence of environmental factors on the evolution of phytocenoses of reclamation objects of the Ryazan Meschera
The limiting influence of weather conditions on agricultural crops is known, but from an ecological point of view, the preservation of the biological diversity of phyto- cenoses is important. In 2010-2020, within the framework of soil-reclamation monitoring, the climatic features of the territory of the Ryazan Meschera were analyzed and the evolution of phytocenoses of two reclamation objects in the Ryazan and Klepikovsky districts of the Ryazan region was tracked. Ryazan Meschera has a number of climatic features due to the distinctive features of heat and moisture availability, terrain, air humidity and other indicators. A high degree of coverage, a large number of individuals, but a small number of species have been established at the Tinki-II and Makeyevsky Cape reclamation sites. More moist soil was determined at the Makeyevsky Cape object, which is reflected to a greater extent by the development of grasses belonging to the hygrophytic group Alopecurus pratensis , Dactylis glomerata , Glycerria maxima , etc., less water-demanding cereals were identified at the Tinki-II object, for example, Bromopsis inermis , Dactylis glomerata , Festuca pratensis , Phlum pratense , etc. Summarizing the results of the research, the primary role of environmental factors on the evolution of phytocenoses of reclamation objects in the Ryazan Meschera is established.

Safety of human activity
Conformity assessment for organic products in the European Union
The adoption of organic agriculture has acquired particular significance as one of the effective means of high-quality and safe products recovery. A brief conformity assessment of requirements for organic products and their regulation in the European Union is provides. The EU legislative acts are confirmed to EU market features raised for organic products. EU regulatory legal acts for imports of organic products from third countries, food quality and labeling of organic production, organic aquaculture animal and seaweed production, organic wine are considered. All food manufacturers must comply with general EU foodstuff laws and regulations, which include labeling regulations. Regulation is complemented by several legislative acts on the production, distribution and marketing of organic products, which are the legal framework for determining rules for their implementation in the EU. The United States permits the sale of European products that produced and certified under the EU organic program as organic in the United States are considered. Legislative acts EU Regulation 1235/2008, EU Regulation 2020/25, EU Regulation 889/2008, EU Regulation 710/2009, EU Regulation 203/2012 are discussed.

The particularities of food products’ export on the EU market
The terms of food products’ supply to the countries of the European Union are examined. The features of the requirements for the import and release of products are analyzed. The main problems faced by an exporting company selling their products on the European market are indicated. A list of food products most imported by Europe from the Russian Federation is provided, and a positive trend in terms of export volume for each of the listed products is pointed. The authors identify the main problems as a result of which the European Union does not want to purchase products, among them the insufficient quality of these products and non-compliance with all the requirements for them stand out. The key conditions for the Russian Federation to be included in the list of leading countries in the export of food products, despite the existing climatic and other peculiarities of the country, are outlined.

Satellite indicators of air quality changes over Russia due to the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions
The analysis of the dust content (pm10) and NO2 in the atmosphere over Russia for January - May 2020 in comparison with previous years was carried out. Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service data archives are used as a source of information. It was found that the imposition of socio-economic restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic affected the content of dust and nitrogen oxide in the atmosphere unevenly for different regions of the country. The state of atmospheric dust and NO2 content has improved due to the restrictions imposed in a number of regions of the Far East (apparently, also due to restrictions on the territory of neighboring China) and, to a lesser degree, in the center of the European part of Russia. The information obtained can be used to predict the development of the social and economic situation in the coming years and to plan preventive measures to overcome the economic and social consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as to develop proposals to overcome negative consequences for the environment, including measures to optimize territorial development, nature protection and consideration of ecosystem functions.

Environmental education
Eco-friendly and agricultural destinations as green tourism trends
In recent years, the environmental pollution and global warming are having a strong impact on the choice of tourists travel methods around the world. The eco-friendly destinations and agricultural tours (food festivals are included in this list) are becoming the contemporary trend that attracts the attention of many people. The surveys with statistics data of different world tour operators prove this trend relevance. The study reflects the current preference of green tourism, the environmental protection tours for tourists, especially for the young people, and this is a trend that countries all over the world are aiming for. Thus, the countries are increasingly aware of the issue of protecting nature, and environment and culture are the basis for sustainable tourism development. Not only the government agencies are interested in creating green tourism destinations but also the tourism businesses are working on different ways to protect the environment. But between the good intensions and their manifestation there is a large gap which is expressed in a serious distortion when the specially protected natural areas having a high recreational potential are utilized for green tourism destinations at the cost of inevitable losses (the samples of this tactics are given on two countries cases).

Training in environmental, occupational, industrial and fire safety management at the university, summer school, organization
The article examines the role of training in environmental protection management, industrial and fire safety, labor protection, including training in first aid skills. Currently, more and more attention is paid not only to environmental protection, but also to related HSE management issues. The relationship between environmental and occupational safety issues, including fire and industrial safety issues, is determined by the impact of the results of accidents and incidents on the environment. The whole complex of preventive measures aimed at minimizing the impact on the environment is simultaneously aimed at ensuring the safety of the employees, preserving their life and health. In the event that all measures for managing production processes could not ensure the safety of the employees, it is necessary to provide first aid, before medical aid is available. Training in first aid, occupational safety, and minimization of impact on the environment skills is important not only at the university as part of a training program or summer schools, but also in organizations to ensure the safety of the work carried out. In addition, teaching these issues is important from an early age - starting from kindergarten, school and earlier.

Environmental Monitoring
Development of the environmental monitoring system of the RUDN University
The brief results of the functioning of the environmental monitoring system of the RUDN University campus are summarized. The monitoring system created in 2017 is aimed at obtaining data on the state of the environment of the campus and the adjacent territory of the Southwestern Forest Park, which is considered as conditionally background. The territory is surrounded by a network of highways with heavy traffic, bordered by residential buildings and an administrative zone. The technogenic load is mainly represented by transport emissions, as most part of Moscow territory. From this point of view, the area is considered as a representative object for study, where it is planned to continue work on environmental monitoring and modeling of pollutant flows, as well as greenhouse gas flows. Since the beginning of observations, more than 4000 records have been received on acoustic and electromagnetic pollution, as well as on pollution of atmospheric air, soil, vegetation, snow cover, which allows to confidently identify areas of influence of traffic flows to the territory and simulate the migration of pollutants, as well as to develop a basis for assessing ecosystem services of the territory. In particular, these are assessments of greenhouse gas emissions and uptake by the soil - plant complex.

Human ecology
The content of toxic metals in the hair of students from different regions of the world
The results of a study on the content of toxic metals in the hair of first-year students of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia who arrived for training from various climatogeographic regions of the world are presented. The research involved first-year students from Africa, Latin America, the Near and Middle East, and Southeast Asia. A group of first-year students from the Moscow region acted as a control during the research. Studies have shown that there are significant differences in the content of toxic metals (Al, As, Hg, Pb, Cd, Sn) in the hair of foreign first-year students, depending on the region of residence. Students from Africa and Latin America were characterized by the highest content of toxic metals in their hair.