Vol 31, No 1 (2023)
- Year: 2023
- Articles: 11
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/ecology/issue/view/1644
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2310-2023-31-1
Full Issue
Bioremediation of polluted soils with pesticides using microorganisms - situation in Colombia
The analysis of the scientific literature on the subject of bioremediation in Latin America countries shows that due to the excessive and uncontrolled use of pesticides in agriculture, there are negative impacts on the environment, mainly on soil and water, as well as on human health. However, through processes such as bioremediation, which utilize the metabolic potential of microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi, it is possible to reduce the impact of pesticides on the environment and human health, which are key factors for achieving sustainable development. Colombia has a severe pesticide pollution problem, as the uncontrolled use of pesticides has affected not only the environment but also human health. Thus, bioremediation is a good alternative to the restoration of a polluted environment and the reduction of its impact on human health.

Rewilding in megacities: from concept to implementation
The expansion of urban agglomerations and the accompanying increase in the severity of environmental problems require special attention to ensure a comfortable urban environment. One of the ways to solve this problem is to create an ecological framework in the megacity, formed by quasi-natural biocenoses, created within the application of the concept of rewilding. This article reviews the main current trends and approaches to the implementation of rewilding; discusses positive and negative environmental effects of the transformation of urban ecosystems within rewilding; presents an analytical review of available techniques and options for rewilding in various megacities around the world.

Research on carbon balance in Japan
The article presents an overview of scientific publications on the subject of the study «carbon balance in terrestrial ecosystems», made for the territory of Japan and indexed in the Scopus database for the period 2017-2021. Within this theme, the areas with the highest number of articles are highlighted: carbon fluxes in soils, carbon stocks in above ground phytomass (mainly studies of the ecosystems of Hokkaido), features of carbon dioxide sequestration by various plant species typical for Japan, as well as the carbon balance dynamics associated with deforestation, reforestation and natural phenomena such as typhoons. The most active in publishing activity scientific and academic institutions were identified (Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute; National Agriculture and Food Research Organization; Hokkaido University).

Human ecology
The use of a piece sound absorber to reduce the impact of noise on workers in the dairy industry on the example of industrial enterprises of the Republic of Mordovia
The paper analyzes the working conditions of workers in the dairy industry, which showed that the prevailing harmful production factor is the increased noise level. It has been proven that noise has a negative impact not only on the hearing organs, but also on the whole organism as a whole as a general biological irritant, therefore, reducing noise expansion due to engineering solutions is an urgent task of our time. The article assesses the noise impact on operators of the dairy industry as part of a special assessment of working conditions. The analysis showed that the excess noise level is observed at all workplaces. To protect workers from an increased noise level, a design of a sound-suppressing piece sound absorber is proposed, which is distinguished by high sanitary and hygienic properties. The use of sound-suppressing piece sound absorbers will improve working conditions from a harmful class to an acceptable one.

Features of the relationship between elemental composition and immune reactions in representatives of ethno-demographic groups of the North-East of Russia
The content of some chemical elements that support immune responses (selenium, zinc, iron, iodine) was analyzed among representatives of the ethno-demographic groups of the North-East of Russia - natives (Chukchi, Koryaks, Evens), mestizos, and newcomers. A potential risk group for the development of hyposelenoses is the Koryak ethnic group. The minimum values of zinc were found among the Chukchi. In representatives of all ethno-demographic groups, the iron content was within the reference values, but its maximum values were noted in the newcomers. The maximum iodine levels are also characteristic of the newcomers. Comparable iodine content was noted in the Evens group. Features of the elemental status (selenium, zinc, iron, iodine) in the inhabitants of the north indicate that among the ethno-demographic groups, it is the aboriginal ethnic groups that are most predisposed to the development of immunodeficiency states.

Influence of the elemental composition of water and soil on the environmental portrait of teenagers in Khabarovsky Kray
The results of studying the content of Fe, Сu, Mo, Zn, Co, Se, Th and U in drinking water, soil and hair of teenagers of different ethnic groups (Nivkhs, Evens, Russians) living in the Khabarovsk Territory are presented. One of the priority directions of the regional policy of the Khabarovsk region is the preservation of the health of indigenous people. In the conditions of a biogeochemical province, the organism develops adaptive mechanisms that compensate for the imbalance of a number of microelements in the environment which occurred for many generations. However, in the areas of compact residence of the indigenous population, there is an increase in the illnesses from 2010 to 2020 among the Nivkhs (Mykolaiv district) and Evens (Okhotsk district) by 1.8 times and 1.4 times, respectively, which indicates the presence of signs of depletion of the functional reserves of the body of indigenous people. In this regard, the assessment of the ecological state of the environment and the analysis of the content of chemical elements in the hair, reflecting the duration and nature of their entry into the organism, is of particular relevance.

Environmental Monitoring
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans: methods of analysis, distribution in the Moscow region and application of biotesting methods to them
The review presents data on chemical-analytical methods of PCDD, PCDF determination and biotesting methods used for toxicological assessment of pollutants. Distribution of PCDDs, PCDFs on the territory of Moscow is analyzed. Analysis of publications of Russian and foreign authors showed that the currently existing methods of biotesting are in fact untested for dioxins. In order to quickly establish the toxicological effect of persistent organic pollutants in soil, it is suggested to use biotesting methods, with inclusion of test organisms representing the main trophic levels of ecosystems: producers, consumers, and decomposers.

Assessment of water quality of Shlinsky reservoir by hydrochemical indicators
The paper presents the main results of assessing the water quality of the Shlinsky reservoir for the period 2015-2019. Based on the analysis of hydrochemical data obtained by standard chemical methods, according to 22 indicators. Monitoring of the reservoir water quality until 2021 was carried out by the Dubna Ecoanalytic Laboratory. The Shlinsky reservoir is located on the border of the Tver and Novgorod regions, is part of the Vyshnevolotsk water system. The reservoir provides releases for the needs of energy, water transport and improvement of water supply in Moscow. As a result of the study, priority pollutants were identified, the water quality of the reservoir was assessed based on the results of calculating the water pollution index (WPI) and the specific combinatorial index of water pollution (SCIWP). It is shown that there is no significant anthropogenic impact on the ecosystem of a water body. The water quality of the reservoir is assessed as "moderately polluted" water (according to the value of the water pollution index) and slightly polluted - polluted water (according to the value of the specific combinatorial index of water pollution).

Biological resources
The tree layer structure of forest communities of the Kola Peninsula central part formed when aerotechnogenic emissions reduced
This research provides an overview of the main component of forest ecosystems in northern Europe, the tree layer formed by the Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L .) species. The studied communities are located in the immediate vicinity of the largest plant in Europe, OAO Severonickel (Monchegorsk, Murmansk region). The main pollutants are polymetallic dust containing elements such as Cu, Ni and Co (which are by-products of processing and smelting non-ferrous ores) and sulfur dioxide - SO2 (which is formed during the primary processing of ores, the so-called “roasting”). The first permanent trial plots (PPPs) in this region were established in the early 1970s. Since the second half of the 1990s, the plant has significantly reduced the amount of aerotechnogenic emissions, as evidenced by the data noted by some researchers at that time. The cumulative nature of the accumulation (and release) of polymetallic dust led to the fact that, starting from the time the ore processing plant reduced its capacity, the concentration of metals contained in the soil and plant organs decreased to a certain level. We present the materials obtained in the course of field research in 2015-2018.

Modern practice of algal resources exploitation in the Russian Federation: trends and opportunities
The article deals with the prospects of economic use of algae resources, which have unique biochemical properties and are valuable raw materials for many areas of industrial activity. The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that, despite the high adaptive capacity and almost ubiquitous distribution of algal resources, their economic potential is not fully realized, and this area of the economy is very promising for scientific research. Analysis of available literature showed that in spite of obvious perspectives of expanding sphere of algae resources use, Russian businessmen still leave without proper attention possibilities of algae use as raw material for different industrial processes. At the same time, the Far Eastern and Northern sea areas with particularly rich reserves of algae resources, which are very promising from the point of view of their economic development, have now been identified. The examples presented in this paper demonstrate the high potential prospects for expanding the economic use of algae resources in Russia.
