Vol 25, No 3 (2017)
- Year: 2017
- Articles: 10
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/ecology/issue/view/1055
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2310-2017-25-3
Full Issue
Substantiation of sustainable transport infrastructure engineering in Baku and Baku agglomeration
Research object - transport infrastructure of Baku and Baku agglomeration (BA). Research subject - environement-relatedmodes of transportation in Baku andBA, world practices of ecofriendly mobility choices. Research target - form the rationale for tramway and bicycle network development across Baku from ecological point of view. Research methods and methodology - sociological survey, mathematical methods, cartographical and climatic analysis, SWOT analysis, description. Data base - dataof Intelligent Transport Management Center, survey data on popular websites, normative legal base andstatistics reports оf foreign government agencies. Results and approbation - reasults of research could be used for strategy realisation focused on development of sustainable transporation optionsacross ВА. Projected suggestions - initial phase of tramway network (TN) development in Baku intented to construct tramway linealong Baku sea-front. Ongoing project works of railways connecting Baku with Heydar Aliyev International Airport and touristic centers Shakhdag and Gabala will be set in operation in the future.
Comparative assessment of municipal solid waste management system in Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan
Issue of the municipal solid waste management is a very urgent problem of the environmental governance in the countries with different level of economic and social development. The aim of the current research is an assessment of the municipal solid waste management systems in Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan based on the BiPRO approach. The common problems of Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus are the absence of the ban for landfilling fixed in the normative documents; landfilling as a main way of the waste treatment; the significant amount of the biodegradable waste located at the dumps; incomplete coverage of population by formal system of the waste collection; underdeveloped capacity of recycling plants; the lack of effective forecasting and planning work in the waste management sphere. The result of the assessment is comparable with the results for countries EU from the third group with the lowest scores for the waste management system - Latvia, Cyprus, Romania, Lithuania, Malta, Bulgaria and Greece. The improvement of the waste management systems in the analysed countries should be associated with improving legislation, tariff policy, current institutions, their rights and responsibilities.
Deposits of lacustrine hydrocarbons and geoecological aspects related to their genesis
It is shown that hydrocarbon deposits associated with fossil lacustrine complexes represent a separate genetic group of deposits that differ in terms of a complex of geological, geochemical and geoecological features. The mechanisms of accumulation of sours rocks in lacustrine basins of different hydrological typeare presented. It was established that the lacustrine genesis oil has a better chemical composition compared to liquid hydrocarbons of marine genesis. However, their extraction requires additional economic and environmental costs due to complex geological conditions
Distribution and factors of accumulation of heavy metals and metaloids in river bottom sediments in the territory of the Ulan-Ude city
The distribution and accumulation factors of heavy metals and metalloids (HMMs) in the bottom sediments of the Selenga river and its tributary Uda have been studied on the territory of Ulan-Ude. Their ecological and geochemical condition can influence the state of the lower reaches of the Selenga river and Baikal lake. We selected 3 background, 12 urban and 1 sample of bottom sediments downstream of the city. The main physical-chemical properties (pH, content of organic matter, iron oxides, granulometric composition) and the total content of HMMs in the samples were determined. The sediments of the Selenga and Udarivers are characterized by sandy and sandy-loamy granulometric composition, neutral reaction, low content of organic matter and Fe2O3. Upstream Ulan-Ude the rivershave a similar chemical composition of the sediments and are characterized by the dispersion and near-clark concentrations of the HMMs. Within the city and downstream, microelemental composition of the sediments has not significantly differ from the background one, this is due to their low sorption capacity and insignificant contamination of the precipitating suspended matter. Low-contrast geochemical anomalies were formed near the motorways (Mo, Cd, Bi), the oil storage facilities “BuryatTerminal” (W, Cu, Mo, As, Sb, Pb, Bi, Cd, Co, Ni), treatment plant (As, W, Bi), upstream of the aircraft plant (Cd) and below TPP-1 (W, V, Cd, Cu, Sb). The presence of correlations between the HMM content and the physico-chemical properties of the deposits indicates that the geochemical anomalies were formed also due to the sorption-sedimentation, chemisorption and biogeochemical barriers. The acid barrier is of great importance for the accumulation of an anionic Mo. The total HMM contamination of sediments within the city and downstream refers to the permissible level. The MPC in the sediments of the Selengariver was exceeded for As(in 1,5-3,4 times). Thus, in the UlanUde city and downstream, there are a weak man-made transformation and a low ecological danger of pollution of river sediments. The maximum contents of HMMs are localized on geochemical barriers near industrial enterprises and highways.
Geochemical barriers as forms of geosystems’ self-organization
In article the attempt is done to estimate the functional role of geochemical barriers (GCB) in relation to properties and evolution of geochemical systems (GCS) becomes. The methodological base is fundamentals of Haken’ synergetics, the idea of self-organization of systems and nonequilibrium (non-linear) thermodynamics of I. Prigozhin and his school. From the author’s positions GCB are considered as the self-organized components of GCS in which an activization of physical and chemical processes is observed. It is leading to transformation of atomic molecular structures, chemical associations and separate chemical elements under the influence of the active medium (processes). They can be the defining phenomenon of emergence and evolution of geochemical systems. From the position of geoecology and geochemistry the estimation of permissible anthropogenic load on natural systems and its rationing are impossible without realizing the GCB role in migration and transformation of pollutants. The concept of geochemical barriers is the basis for actively applied in practice technologies for cleaning and protecting soils, underground and surface waters and the whole geological environment.
On the need to improve the safety and quality control of extracts from the leaves of ginkgo biloba
Seasonal changes in the Phrynocephalus Guttatus Guttatusgmel. population age and sex structure
The autumn studies of the Phrynocephalus guttatus guttatus Gmel. population in the Astrakhan semideserts (August 2011 and August - September 2016) revealed the following features of its age and sex structure. The autumn settlement of the species reliably splits into several age groups: 1-2 group of young, 2-4 groups of females and 2-5 group of males. In the fall season the settlement is dominated by males, especially great was the numerical superiority of the males in the fall season of 2016.The lack of immature individuals, the significant prevalence of older age groups and the predominance of males among adult animals in the autumn 2016 create the picture of the population depression. The unsustainable type of population dynamics, typical for short-living species, may be one of the characteristics that stimulates the processes of population depression. Almost complete replacement of the population is likely to occur both in two or 3-4 years.
Approaches to accounting environmental factors in forming the price for real estate by the example of Astana
Problems of the environment in the modern world have negative consequences, thereby emphasizing the urgency for today. The ecological situation, especially in large and industrial cities, is dangerous for residents of these cities due to non-compliance with environmental standards. As a consequence, one of the promising vectors of urban policy aimed at the effective use of land resources is the inclusion of environmental factors in the valuation of real estate. The cost of real estate is formed by taking into account the aggregate of physical, economic, social and administrative factors. This article is devoted to the study of environmental factors from the perspective of their influence on housing pricing. Due to low environmental education, passivity of meaningful choice, residents often acquire real estate guided only by prestige and subjective visual assessment. However, the value of environmental goods increases markedly when the environmental factor acts as a limiting factor.
Innovative environmental educational project “Green campus of RUDN-University”
Осенние полевые исследования популяции круглоголовки-вертихвостки (Phrynocephalus guttatus guttatus Gmel.), проведенные в конце августа 2011 года и в конце августа – начале сентября 2016 года в песчаных полупустынях Астраханской области, выявили следующие особенности ее половозрастной структуры. Осеннее поселение круглоголовок-вертихвосток достоверно распадается на несколько половозрастных групп: 1–2 группы неполовозрелых животных, 2–4 группы самок и 2–5 групп самцов. В осеннем сезоне в поселении преобладали самцы, особенно велик был численный перевес самцов в осенний сезон 2016 года. Отсутствие в осеннем поселении 2016 года неполовозрелых особей, значительный перевес старших возрастных групп и преобладание самцов среди половозрелых животных создали картину общего старения и депрессии популяции. Лабильность типа динамики численности, характерная для коротко живущих видов, может быть одной из характеристик, способствующих процессам популяционной депрессии. Практически полная смена населения исследуемой популяции круглоголовки-вертихвостки, вероятно, может происходить как за два, так и за 3–4 года.