Vol 32, No 3 (2024)


Sea level rising under global warming

Tetelmin V.V.


Empirical calculation functions of global warming are presented, as well as the results of the sea level rising calculation for three scenarios of the world energy sector decarbonization. The functions of the sea level rising are given, separately considering the impact of continental ice melting and the impact of water thermal expansion. It is concluded that the goals of the Paris Agreement to keep global warming within +2°C are unattainable. Even under the intensive decarbonization scenario, the world will follow a trajectory of global temperature rise by 5°C over the next 100 years.

RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2024;32(3):233-250
pages 233-250 views

Evaluation of the effect of oyster mushroom polysaccharide on the resistance of plants to the toxic effects of oil pollution by biotesting

Logacheva E.A., Babicheva O.O., Karpunina L.V.


Currently, interest in the search and study of biologically active compounds among higher basidiomycetes has increased in many countries of the world. Polysaccharides of basidiomycetes are widely used in various sectors of the national economy. Traditionally, the use of basidiomycetes is carried out in three main areas: pharmaceutical, food and environmental. In this regard, the need for these biopolymers is steadily increasing and requires the study of the properties of promising polysaccharides of fungal origin. To date, their introduction into production is an urgent task of modern biotechnology.

RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2024;32(3):251-258
pages 251-258 views

Human ecology

The effectiveness of noise protection of the green spaces of the city of Bryansk

Nesterenko V.M.


The most serious negative factor for life, and even more so for human recreation in urban conditions, is urban noise, the level of which has increased significantly recently. The city of Bryansk is also an exception - the administrative center of the Non-Chernozem region of the Russian Federation, in which a large number of parks squares, and forest parks are concentrated. The evaluation of the physical characteristics of the main noise sources forming the noise regime and the averaged sample values of noise on the streets of Bryansk is quite relevant. The study considers the condition of green spaces located near highways of citywide significance, streets of district significance and residential, as well as the ability of green spaces to absorb noise. The permissible sound level at the calculated points was determined and compared with the regulatory criteria. The characteristics of the strips of green spaces with the most effective noise protection are revealed.

RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2024;32(3):259-273
pages 259-273 views

Environmental Monitoring

Calculation of generalized indicators of radiation-ecological risk for areas of the Barents and Kara Seas exposed to the influence of nuclear and radiation hazardous objects

Anikina N.A., Kryshev A.I.


Most of the potential sources of radioactive contamination in the Arctic are located in the Barents and Kara Seas. In this regard, scientific research is regularly carried out in these territories, the results of which can be used to determine and analyze radiation and environmental risk. The goal and objective of the work is to calculate integral indicators of radionuclide pollution and generalized indicators of radiation-ecological risks in water and bottom sediments of the Barents and Kara Seas areas exposed to nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities. It is shown that the index ranges from 9.5·10-5 to 4.1·10-4 for water and from 1.2·10-4 to 1.3·10-2 for bottom sediments, which is much less than one. Calculated values of the risk indicator for K-159 range from 3 to 6, which corresponds to an insignificant radiation impact on the marine environment, for bays and the Novaya Zemlya depression from 12 to 18, which is characterized by a weak impact on the radiation situation. Thus, the objects under assessment have an insignificant and weak impact on the radiation situation in the Arctic region, but, taking into account the potential danger, they require constant monitoring of the components of the marine environment in order to timely detect radiation-ecological changes.

RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2024;32(3):274-285
pages 274-285 views

Industrial Ecology

Modification of the properties of nonconforming zeolite raw materials from deposits in Eastern Transbaikalia in order to obtain effective sorbents for wastewater treatment

Obuzdina M.V., Rush E.A.


The article presents the results of investigation of various modifications based on nonconforming zeolite raw materials rocks of the Holinsky depozit with a low klinoptilolite content (50-55%), which substantiates the feasibility of their involvement in the production of sorbents effective for wastewater treatment from oil products and heavy metal ions. Various methods of modifying zeolites have been studied: with high-silicon compounds (hexamethyldisilazalone and tetraethoxysilane), as well as with a sulfur polymer based on by-products of the production of epichlorohydrin. The investigation of microstructures of obtained samples was carried out using scanning electron spectroscopy (SEM), X-ray phase analysis (XPA) using powder X-ray diffractometry. The fixation of modifiers on the zeolite surface has been proven by IR spectroscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The sorption of heavy metal ions such as nickel and zinc on modified zeolites has been proven by IR, EDS, and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). To prove the sorption of oil products, IR methods were used, as well as differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetry. Сlass of hazard (IV) for spent sorbents was established by biotesting using Daphnia magna Straus and Chlorella vulgaris Beijer .

RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2024;32(3):286-293
pages 286-293 views

Short announcements

The problem of forming an environmentally responsible public consciousness on the example of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Khabarovsk Territory

Tolmacheva I.A., Oshlakova Z.V.


In the present work examines the problem of ecology and the relevance of the formation of a new form of public ecological consciousness. The work uses methods of analysis, synthesis, systematization, generalization. Information is provided on the problem of water pollution in the Khabarovsk Territory. The article describes the activities of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Khabarovsk Territory on the formation of an environmentally responsible consciousness of the population when involving it in eco-volunteer activities, provides data on other ongoing events and their information support. An overview of the quantitative indicators of the campaign «Water of Russia» for five years in the Khabarovsk Territory is made. According to the authors, the annual increase in the number of eco-volunteers in the Khabarovsk Territory suggests that holding environmental actions effectively affects the formation of environmental awareness of the public. It was noted that the implementation of environmental programs in the field of education, science and business will help to respond to environmental challenges in modern society. The authors believe that systematic and systematic work is needed to form an ecological culture and consciousness of the population. Such work is feasible in educational events, promotional campaigns and PR projects with the support of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Khabarovsk Territory.

RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2024;32(3):294-300
pages 294-300 views

Fostering an environmental culture of competent waste management

Primak E.A., Ivanova E.A.


At present the importance of solving the problem of ecological culture formation increases every year in all regions of Russia. In its turn it is caused by the necessity of taking measures not only for ecological literacy and education but also for environment improvement, rational resource management, separate collection of industrial and consumption wastes and well-organized recycling of secondary raw materials. This problem can only be solved by the joint efforts of both public authorities, local authorities, also the population of Russia. The purpose of the research was to study the basic reasons of insufficiently responsible attitude of the Russian population in the field of waste management through the consideration of the level of ecological literacy in this sphere. The study presents the results of socio-ecological survey conducted by the method of sociological research to assess the real level of environmental literacy of the Russian population and to identify their need for environmental education. The survey revealed the main problems and difficulties faced by the respondents in the field of separate waste collection.

RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2024;32(3):301-311
pages 301-311 views


To the 80th Anniversary of Academician Vladimir V. Tetelmin

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RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2024;32(3):312-315
pages 312-315 views
pages 316-317 views

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