Diversity of vascular plants and zooplankton communities in regard to the ecological assessment of the territory of the ecological park “Samara Venice”, Samara Region, Russia

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The results of the floristic and hydrobiological studies performed in May - August 2020 on the territory of the ecological park “Samara Venice” (Samara Region, Russia) are presented. These data form the basis for the ecological assessment of the territory. The diversity of vascular plants is presented by 4 divisions, 65 families, 205 genera, and 309 species. Among them, 66 species (21.4%) belong to the alien plant species, including nine invasive. Habitats of the plants included in the regional Red List are found. The zooplankton diversity comprises 60 species and morphs. The zooplankton community has undergone significant transformation, manifesting by an increase in the total biomass and in the biomass of crustaceans and rotifers, and by a decrease in absolute and relative species richness. It is revealed that a number of the studied water bodies belong to the transitional type, and may be characterized as of middle position between the meso- to eutrophic type (moderately polluted and polluted waters).

About the authors

Stepan A. Senator

Tsitsin Main Botanical Garden of RAS

Author for correspondence.
Email: stsenator@yandex.ru

Candidate of Biological Sciences, scientist researcher

4 Botanicheskaya St, Moscow, 127276, Russian Federation

Oksana V. Mukhortova

Samara Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Togliatti State University

Email: muhortova-o@mail.ru

Candidate of Biological Sciences, scientist researcher, Institute of Ecology of the Volga River Basin, Russian Academy of Sciences; Associate Professor, Institute of Engineering and Environmental Safety, Togliatti State University

4 Komzina St, Togliatti, 445020, Russian Federation; 14 Belorusskaya St, Togliatti, 445020, Russian Federation

Oksana G. Nurova

Togliatti State University

Email: Safety@tltsu.ru

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Institute of Engineering and Environmental Safety

14 Belorusskaya St, Togliatti, 445020, Russian Federation

Kristina V. Sopina

Togliatti State University

Email: Safety@tltsu.ru

student, Institute of Engineering and Environmental Safety

14 Belorusskaya St, Togliatti, 445020, Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2021 Senator S.A., Mukhortova O.V., Nurova O.G., Sopina K.V.

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