
Issue Title File
No 2 (2014) Role of Subjective Well-Being in Intercultural Adaptation PDF


Chebotareva E.J.
No 1 (2014) PSI CHI at PFUR: First Russian Chapter of the International Honor Society in Psychology PDF


Takooshian H., Novikova I.A., Chebotareva E.Y.
No 4 (2014) Imitation as Factor of Developing Higher Abilities in Children: Resource Approach PDF


Ozhiganova G.V.
No 3 (2014) Features of Self-Realization in Students with High Level of Persistence PDF


Kudinov S.I., Kudinov S.S., Avdeyev N.P.
No 2 (2014) Psychological features of aggressiveness of smoking female students PDF


Novikova I.A., Novikov A.L.
No 3 (2013) Information Personality Development in Activity: Environmental Component PDF


Gagarin A.V., Raitskaya L.K.
No 4 (2013) Psychological Features of Perseverance in Students with Different Levels of it Expression PDF


Avdeev N.P.
No 2 (2013) Psychological Analysis of Patriotic Personality Manifestation in Students PDF


Kudinov S.I., Kudinova I.B., Kudinov S.S.
No 3 (2013) Cross-Cultural Differences in Perception of Patient by Senior Medical Students PDF


Nizovtseva T.R., Rumyantseva T.V.
No 1 (2013) Psychological Structure of Sociability in Uighur Nationality Representatives PDF


Vdovina K.Y.
No 2 (2013) Emotional and Cognitive Self-Regulation PDF


Matthews G., Kustubayeva A.M., Tolegenova A., Kamzanova A., Zholdassova M.
No 1 (2013) Legal Culture as Public Phenomenon and Problems of Forming it in School-Children PDF


Vorontsova T.V., Savelyeva A.V.
No 4 (2013) New Tasks of Modern University Education PDF


Demchuk M.I.
No 3 (2013) Civic Patriotism as Basis for Axiological and Motivational Activity of Personality Involved in Innovative Activity PDF


Mikhailova O.B.
No 4 (2013) Maintenance of Younger School Students’ Development in Modern Conditions PDF


Scherbinina O.A.
No 2 (2013) Individually-Typological Peculiarities of Personality Self-Discipline and Self-Actualization Correlation PDF


Kudinov S.S.
No 3 (2013) Contents of Education for Sustainable Development PDF


Ermakov D.S.
No 1 (2013) Specifics of Motivation Structure of Retail Managers with Different Professional Success Levels PDF


Babaev T.M., Kotov L.N.
No 2 (2013) Discriminating Model of Figures with Different Number Uniform Elements PDF


Chudina Y.A.
No 1 (2013) Peculiarities of Foster Home Milieu Influence on Psychosocial Personality Development PDF


Plugina M.I., Manakina E.A.
No 4 (2013) Higher-Order Capacities: Innovative Approaches and Methods of Research PDF


Ozhiganova G.V.
No 3 (2013) Relations of Individually-Typical Features of Persistence with Temperament Properties in Students PDF


Novikova I.A., Shlyakhta D.A., Baranova S.V.
No 4 (2013) Individually-Personal Peculiarities of Younger Preschoolers’ Speech PDF


Novikova M.E.
No 2 (2013) Gender Distinctions of Personality Self-Realization in Chinese Students PDF


Chzhan Pan Hao -., Chzhan Ten -.
No 3 (2013) Student Intercultural Interaction: Higher School Resources PDF


Kazarenkov V.I., Siegień-Matyjewicz A.J., Kazarenkova T.B.
No 1 (2013) Psychological Context of Old Russian Iconography PDF


Klypa O.V.
No 2 (2013) On Estimation of Problems and Prospects of Competitiveness Growth on the World Market of Educational Services by Russian Higher Schools PDF


Denisenko V.N., Yefremova L.I., Tkach G.F.
No 1 (2013) On the Problem of Controlling Emotional Responses of Elementary School-Age Pupils with Cognitive Development Disorder PDF


Dmitriev A.A., Verkhoturova N.Y.
No 4 (2013) Designing Health-Saving and Health-Creative Educational Environment at University: Contextual Approach PDF


Madzhuga A.G., Sinitsina I.A.
No 3 (2013) Orientation in Structure of Personality Properties in Students of Various Education Profiles PDF


Kirsanov V.M.
No 4 (2013) Formation of Professional Competences of Future Mathematics Teacher in the Process of Studying Integrated Optional Course PDF


Bagachuk A.V., Shashkina M.B.
No 2 (2013) Specificity of Psychological Structure of Temperament in Students of Military University PDF


Bespalova T.M.
No 3 (2013) Modern Approaches to Development of Schoolchildren Up-Bringing: Searching Theoretical and Methodical Invariants PDF


Klochkova L.I.
No 1 (2013) Discrimination Features of Chromatic Figures in Various Background Characteristics PDF


Chudina Y.A.
No 2 (2013) Developing Informative Educational Environment as Pedagogical System of New Level: Structure and Constituent Components PDF


Ilyasova E.N.
No 1 (2013) Optimization of Northeastern Region First-Graders’ Adaptation to School PDF


Yakimchuk S.A.
No 4 (2013) Main Trends in Research into Initiativity in Psychology PDF


Shurukhina G.A.
No 3 (2013) Age Self-Schemas of Teenagers PDF


Kurysheva O.V.
No 4 (2013) Development of Spatial Thinking in Process of Studying Stereometry PDF


Sanina E.I., Grishina O.A.
No 2 (2013) Russian Language and Russian Vision of the World in Communicative and Behaviour Aspect PDF


Balykhina T.M.
No 3 (2013) Education as a Social Phenomenon and its Relationship with Educational Environment PDF


Vorontsova T.V., Kotova O.A.
No 1 (2013) Rivalry Forms in Interpersonal and Intergroup Interaction (Based on Foreign Studies) PDF


Levchenko V.V.
No 2 (2013) Extracurricular Activity as Factor Forming Interest in Educationally-Cognitive Activity in Students with Poor Academic Performance PDF


Kazarenkov V.I., Gadzhibalaeva I.U.
No 1 (2013) Realization of Intersubject Connections in Structure of Further Education PDF


Tatarinov D.A.
No 4 (2013) “Psychological Swollen Cheek” and Tragedy of Estrangement in Sherwood Anderson’s Works PDF


Pinaev S.M.
No 3 (2013) Research of Personality Self-Actualization in Russia and Abroad PDF


Hammad S.M.
No 4 (2013) Contemporary Principles of Teaching Second Foreign Language PDF


Burina E.V.
No 2 (2013) Value Orientations of Russians Living in Kostroma Region PDF


Reznikov E.N.
No 3 (2013) Psychological Attitude of Students to Information and Computer Learning Environments PDF


Sungurova N.L.
No 1 (2013) Comparative Analysis of Conceptual Approaches towards Self-Realization of Personality in Domestic and Foreign Psychology PDF


Pankratova V.V.
No 2 (2013) Principles of Mathematical Education Content Selection for Students Majoring in Economics: Competence Approach PDF


Savadova A.A.
No 1 (2013) 7 th International Conference “Personality in the Intercultural Space” PDF


Kovalenko A.G., Novikova I.A., Shuraeva E.L.
No 4 (2013) Psychological Features of Self-Realization in Chinese Women PDF


Kudinov S.I., Kudinova I.B., Zhang Teng -.
No 3 (2013) Age Peculiarities of Professional Self-Realization of Personality (by the Example of the Experts in Marketing from the People’s Republic of China) PDF


Chzhan Ten -.
No 4 (2013) Psychological Study of Future Lawyers’ Moral Ideal Formation in SVE System PDF


Prokhorova T.N., Rocheva O.E.
No 2 (2013) Features of Process of Sociocultural Adaptation and Formation of Communicative Competence of Latin-American (Hispanic) Students in Russia PDF


Boyko Z.V., Marin Jerez K.G.
No 3 (2013) Specificity of Educational Interaction of Foreign Language Teacher and Student in Context of Mutual Personal-Creative Self-Determination PDF


Prokhorova T.N., Grigoryeva M.A.
No 1 (2013) Problem of Emotional Intelligence and its Link With Workplace Performance in Foreign Literature PDF


Yaglova O.V.
No 2 (2013) Our authors PDF


- -.
No 1 (2013) International Conference “Modern Tendencies in Further Education for Adults” PDF


Kazarenkov V.I.
No 4 (2013) Interconnection of Internality as Personality Characteristics and Professional Responsibility of CEO PDF


Bykov S.V.
No 3 (2013) Psychological Features of Self-Realization in Chinese Students PDF


Chzhan Pan Hao -.
No 1 (2013) Active Behaviour in Structure of Spirituality of Personality in Students PDF


Ivashchenko A.V., Chkhikvadze T.V.
No 4 (2013) Our authors PDF


- -.
No 2 (2013) Cross-Cultural Adaptation Specifics in Arabic Students Considering Stressful Situation In Native Country PDF


Pilishvili T.S., Al Masri Ismail -.
No 3 (2013) Reading as Dialogue: About the Creative Dialogue Tasks at Literature Lessons in the 7 th Grade PDF


Shebalkova S.O.
No 1 (2013) Development of Psychological Test on Reflective Sociability PDF


Anoshkin I.V.
No 1 (2013) Our authors PDF


- -.
No 4 (2013) Comparative Analysis of Factor Structure of Sociability in Representatives of Russian, Uighur and Kumandin Nationalities PDF


Kudinov S.S., Vdovina K.Y.
No 3 (2013) Massage Therapy for PTSD, Trauma, and Anxiety PDF


Rich G.J.
No 1 (2013) Comparative Analysis of Self-Realization of Russian and Foreign Students PDF


Kudinov S.I., Chzhan Pan Hao -.
No 2 (2013) Necessity of Dividing General Methodology of Psychology into a Number of Particular Trends of Meta-Scientific Research PDF


Yatsenko D.A.
No 3 (2013) Features of Organization and Development of Creative Technical Activities of Students by Teachers of Technology PDF


Musaiev K.F.
No 1 (2013) Problem of Language Representation in Native Speaker’s Mind in Context of Language Border Zone: Studying Need in Karelian Language PDF


Viaut Alain -., Moskvicheva S.A.
No 4 (2013) Peculiarities of Nervous System Properties Manifestation and Volition in Persons with Different Kinds of Addictive Behavior PDF


Smirnov A.V.
No 3 (2013) Discriminating Models of Different Sized Color Geometric Figures PDF


Chudina Y.A.
No 1 (2013) Personality Self-Realization in Teachers with Different Levels of Professional Work Satisfaction PDF


Kudinov S.S., Arkhipochkina K.V.
No 2 (2013) Theoretical and Phenomenological Paradigms of Organizational Relations Research PDF


Gulenina S.V.
No 3 (2013) Our authors PDF


- -.
No 1 (2013) On Psychological Function of Metonymy in the Language of Fiction PDF


Novikov A.L., Rybakov M.A.
No 4 (2013) To the Problem of Relation of Sociability and Aggression of Personality with Manifestation of Conflict Behavior Styles PDF


Tolstova D.A.
No 3 (2013) Social-Psychological Determinants of Electoral Voting Behavior PDF


Ivanenko K.A.
No 1 (2013) Psychological Features of Young People Involved with Social Latin Dancing PDF


Novikova I.A., Tolstova D.A.
No 2 (2013) Retrospective Analysis of Studying Psychological Nature of Creativity PDF


Artjushkina N.V., Rudenko S.V., Zagitov A.R., Akyulova M.Z.
No 1 (2013) Organizational Approaches to Education: Poly-Paradigmal Approach PDF


Makuseva T.G.
No 4 (2012) Using Business Games in Forming Interest towards Learning in College Students with Poor Performance PDF


Gadzhibalayeva I.U.
No 4 (2012) Features of Ecological Competence of Students Living in Conditions of Big City (by the Example of the Students of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia) PDF


Mudrak S.A., Gagarin A.V., Glebov V.V.
No 4 (2012) Psychological and Pedagogical Conditions of Designing a Developing Information Educational Environment in the Conditions of Modern School PDF


Ilyasova E.N.
No 4 (2012) Russian-Language Verification of P.C. Earley and S. Ang’s “Cultural Intelligence Scale” PDF


Belovol E.V., Shkvarilo K.A., Khvorova E.M.
No 4 (2012) Individual-Typological Characteristics of Personal Fulfillment PDF


Kudinov S.S., Avdeyev N.P., Arkhipochkina K.V.
No 4 (2012) Formation of Motivational and Value Attitude of Pupils to their Health: Gender Approach PDF


Davletshina R.M.
No 4 (2012) Ethnic Characteristics of Students’ Value Orientations PDF


Chebotareva E.J.
No 4 (2012) Factor Structure of Confidence in Professional and Nonprofessional Athletes PDF


Rushina M.A.
No 4 (2012) Business-Training Computer Games as Method of Future Specialist Training PDF


Karauylbayev S.K.
No 4 (2012) Peculiarities of Stereotypes about Non-Verbal Communication and their Role in Cross-Cultural Interaction between Russian and Chinese Students PDF


Novikova I.A., Gridunova M.V.
No 4 (2012) Comparative Analysis of Sociability and Intellectual Curiosity in Adults with Different Types of Character “Core” PDF


Berdnikova A.A.
No 4 (2012) Our authors PDF


- -.
No 4 (2012) Gender Specifics of Arab and Mongolian Students’ Orderliness Manifestation PDF


Orsoo Tuya -.
No 4 (2012) Phenomenology of Legal Consciousness of Studying Youth in Context of State and Legal Life of Modern Society PDF


Hamidullina E.M.
No 4 (2012) Types of Activity as Determinants of Innovative Potential Development in Personality PDF


Mikhailova O.B.
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