No 4 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Articles: 18
- URL:

Higher-Order Capacities: Innovative Approaches and Methods of Research
The necessity of specific approaches and methods for the study of the higher-order spiritual, reflective and creative capacities is emphasized; their definition is given; the possibilities of their research are reviewed, including the innovative approaches and methods that go beyond the traditional psychometric paradigm.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(4):10-16

Designing Health-Saving and Health-Creative Educational Environment at University: Contextual Approach
This article presents some aspects of designing a healthy educational environment in the conditions of a modern University. The authors pay a special attention to considering the phenomenology of the educational environment and the identification of differences of health-creative educational environment from health-saving. The relationship between the educational environment and a context is shown. For the first time the authors submit the characteristics of the educational environment in the context of the type and disclose the essence of the contextual approach in designing health-saving and health-creative educational environment.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(4):17-22

Psychological Features of Self-Realization in Chinese Women
The article analyzes the results of the empirical study of self-realization of an individual. The study was performed on the Chinese respondents in the frame of the polysystemic concept of self-realization of the personality.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(4):38-43

Interconnection of Internality as Personality Characteristics and Professional Responsibility of CEO

Comparative Analysis of Factor Structure of Sociability in Representatives of Russian, Uighur and Kumandin Nationalities
The article analyzes the results of the empirical study of sociability as a basic property of the personality performed on a sample of the representatives of different nationalities. The comparison is based on the factor analysis.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(4):49-56

Peculiarities of Nervous System Properties Manifestation and Volition in Persons with Different Kinds of Addictive Behavior
The article presents the results of the empirical studies of the manifestations of nervous system properties and the will of persons with different types of addictive behavior. The results of the study suggest the similarity of these symptoms in the vast majority of addicts, regardless of the form of addiction, and their differences in individuals without addictions.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(4):57-64

To the Problem of Relation of Sociability and Aggression of Personality with Manifestation of Conflict Behavior Styles
The article considers the results of the study of the relationship of personality traits (for example, sociability and aggression) with the styles of behavior in conflict, carried out in line with the system-functional approach developed by Alexander I. Krupnov. It also analyzes the results of the joint factor analysis of the variables of sociability, aggression and the styles of behavior in conflict in the two groups of respondents: the young people involved and not involved in social Latin dances.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(4):65-72

Psychological Features of Perseverance in Students with Different Levels of it Expression
The paper presents an analysis of the manifestation of perseverance variables in students. The quantitative measure of the respondents with high and low levels of manifestation of the given property of the personality is correlated.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(4):73-77

Maintenance of Younger School Students’ Development in Modern Conditions
The article substantiates the need of the maintenance of younger school students’ development as the condition of the prevention of their asocial behavior. The main problems connected with the organization of this process are considered, and also the main directions of the process and its contents are defined.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(4):78-84

Individually-Personal Peculiarities of Younger Preschoolers’ Speech
Studying the speech of the younger preschoolers is a major factor in designing educational methods and preparing children for school. There exist individual and gender differences in the way children acquire speech skills. Word comprehension and idea interpretation depend on the child’s upbringing, his or her environment, the interaction within the family. This article submits the research data obtained from the study of the individual peculiarities of the younger preschool children’s speech.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(4):85-91

Formation of Professional Competences of Future Mathematics Teacher in the Process of Studying Integrated Optional Course
The integrated optional course as a means of forming the metasubject qualities and professional competences of a future teacher is considered in the article. The example of the implementation of the course in the process of future mathematics teacher training in the frame of the subject “Mathematics in life” is given.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(4):92-98

Development of Spatial Thinking in Process of Studying Stereometry
The article examines the development of spatial thinking while studying solid geometry. The key note of the study is to examine the selected levels of spatial thinking: the creation and manipulation of spatial images in the course of solving stereometric problems.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(4):99-102

Contemporary Principles of Teaching Second Foreign Language
This article identifies the educational principles that are relevant at the present moment. They reflect the needs of modern society and are modified in the process of development of social, economic, political and cultural relations.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(4):103-109

Psychological Study of Future Lawyers’ Moral Ideal Formation in SVE System
The article presents a psychological study of future lawyers’ moral ideal formation. During the experimental work the main characteristics and contradictions specific for a certain level of moral ideal formation were revealed among the 1st to the 3rd year students.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(4):110-114

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(4):115-117