No 1 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Articles: 23
- URL:

Comparative Analysis of Self-Realization of Russian and Foreign Students
The empirical data on personality self-realization received on the sample of the students from Russia and the far-abroad countries are analyzed in the article. The comparative analysis of the hierarchical structure of the variables of self-realization in the Russian and foreign students is submitted.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(1):12-18

Personality Self-Realization in Teachers with Different Levels of Professional Work Satisfaction
The article analyzes the data of an empirical study of professional work satisfaction and self-realization of the personality in teachers. The psychological features of self-realization in the teachers with different levels of satisfaction with their professional work are characterized.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(1):19-27

Psychological Features of Young People Involved with Social Latin Dancing
The possibility of studying the personality by means of the psychological potential of the dance (salsa, for example) is discussed in the article. The results of the comparative empiric research of sociability, aggressiveness and conflict behavior styles in young people involved and not involved with social Latin American dances are presented and analyzed.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(1):28-36

Discrimination Features of Chromatic Figures in Various Background Characteristics
Visual recognition features of images with different figure-ground segregation have been considered in the article. The research was carried out within the framework of Sokolov and Izmaylov’s spherical model and was based on the construction of color objects discrimination models depending on the changes of background characteristics. The research has revealed the specific influence of the background on figure discrimination. The derived models reflect the mechanisms of the all-in-one perception of the visual space.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(1):59-68

Rivalry Forms in Interpersonal and Intergroup Interaction (Based on Foreign Studies)
The article analyses and systematizes the results of numerous empirical studies in foreign social psychology, dedicated to the comparison of various forms of rivalry (competition, cooperation) in interpersonal and intergroup interaction. It emphasizes the significant specification, made by J.M. Rabbie, concerning the interdependence of interpersonal and intergroup rivalry interrelations, that “the discontinuity hypothesis” of J. Schopler & C. Insko can be seen as a special case of a more general reciprocal interdependence hypothesis.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(1):69-74

Problem of Emotional Intelligence and its Link With Workplace Performance in Foreign Literature
The article introduces different approaches to the emotional intelligence (EI) definition and research, the main trends of the concept critique and proves the importance of the further research of the link between the emotional intelligence and workplace performance.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(1):80-85

Problem of Language Representation in Native Speaker’s Mind in Context of Language Border Zone: Studying Need in Karelian Language
The article is focused on the issues related to the language representation in the native speaker’s mind. It reveals that there are no direct dependencies between the structural language maturity, its historical development, and the speakers’ need in its usage.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(1):92-97

On Psychological Function of Metonymy in the Language of Fiction
The article discusses the metonymy as a special technique of creative thinking. The authors suggest accentuating the psychological functions of the metonymy in addition to the lexical-semantic and stylistic functions on the basis of the analysis of the language of the twentieth century literature.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(1):98-105

Organizational Approaches to Education: Poly-Paradigmal Approach
This article considers the poly-paradigmal approach to the educational arrangement, aimed at the intensification of students’ self-educational cognitive activity and its place in education; the structural components of the poly-paradigmal approach are also submitted in the paper.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(1):106-112

Legal Culture as Public Phenomenon and Problems of Forming it in School-Children
In the article the place and role of legal culture in the context of general culture of the personality and society are considered; the basic theories of the formation of legal culture are submitted; the problems and pedagogical conditions of legal culture education of school-children are covered.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(1):113-117

Peculiarities of Foster Home Milieu Influence on Psychosocial Personality Development
The issues considered in the article are connected with the personality development in the conditions of deprivation. The main source of the risk for the personality development is the educational environment of the foster home centers. Consequently one of the main tasks for the state is to design the creative background providing an all-round development of each child.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(1):118-123

On the Problem of Controlling Emotional Responses of Elementary School-Age Pupils with Cognitive Development Disorder
The article raises the essential, but understudied in corrective pedagogy issue of controlling the emotional responses of the elementary school-age pupils with cognitive development disorder. The necessity of the purposeful formation of the skills controlling the emotional responses in the above-mentioned category of pupils in order for them to socialize is proved.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(1):124-129

Optimization of Northeastern Region First-Graders’ Adaptation to School
The work is devoted to the adaptation of the children in the northeastern region of Russia to school. In the article the influence of the extreme environmental conditions on the health of the children living in the Magadan region, which is an additional factor influencing the success of the child’s adaptation to the changing conditions of life, is proven; the recommendations to optimize the process of adaptation that enhance the adaptive opportunities of first-graders are provided.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(1):130-135

Realization of Intersubject Connections in Structure of Further Education
In the article the author’s experience in the system of further education is presented. The training course «Mathematics and the world around» aimed at the integration of the intersubject connections of mathematics and physics is presented. The contents of the course, its features and results are pointed out.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(1):136-139

7 th International Conference “Personality in the Intercultural Space”
A brief review of the traditional 7 th International Conference “Personality in the Intercultural Space” that took place on 15—16 November 2012 at the Philological Department of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia is submitted in the publication.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(1):140-143

International Conference “Modern Tendencies in Further Education for Adults”
A brief review of the International Scientific Conference “Modern Tendencies in Further Education for Adults”, which took place in the Republican Higher School Institute of Belarus State University (Minsk, Republic of Belarus) on 14 November 2013 is submitted in the publication.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(1):144-146

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(1):147-150