No 3 (2014)


pages 5-7 views

Is it Possible to See a Human Facial Expression during Rapid Eye Movements?

Barabanschikov V.A., Zherdev I.Y.


The identification accuracy of intense basic facial expressions during the saccadic eye movements is studied. An original hardware-software apparatus based on high frequency video eyetracker was used which makes it possible to change visual stimulus twice during a saccade. A reliable identification at a frequency of 0,61 is observed. The identification frequency is related both to the expression modality and alternative response. No relation to egocentric stimulus position is observed.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2014;(3):8-17
pages 8-17 views

Behaviour Control Features in People of Different Professions

Terekhina N.S., Sergienko E.A., Lekalov A.A.


The article presents the results of the research of the psychological characteristics, including the behavior regulation, of people of different professions: with their activity strictly regulated (pilots, N = 44) and with flexible timetables (freelancers, teachers... N = 40). It is shown that there exist certain development features of the behavior control components (volitional, cognitive control and emotional regulation) and the relationship between these components in groups of people with a different degree of professional activity regulation. The behaviour control of pilots is characterized by a higher integration and interrelation of all the components, whereas the behavior control of people working flexible hours has lower connectivity and fragmentation of its components.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2014;(3):18-25
pages 18-25 views

Psychological Characteristics of Gifted Personality

Belovol E.V., Rushina M.A.


This paper presents the theoretical concepts of a gifted personality. The peculiarities of talent diagnostics as a multi-level system are considered in the article. Also the psychometric model of identifying talent as personal potential is proposed.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2014;(3):26-34
pages 26-34 views

Visual Perception of Differently Shaped and Colored Stimuli

Chudina Y.A., Shlyakhta D.A.


The results of the experimental research of visual perception of differently shaped and colored stimuli have been described in the article. The main goal of the experiment was to identify a combination of visual modules, employed in recognizing the stimuli. The desired aim was achieved by building a spherical model of the stimuli and interpreting its formal and contensive properties in terms of vector approach. It has been observed that recognizing complex stimuli is realized as a multichannel network with a specific combination of graphic and color two-channel modules, modeled in the form of a multidimentional sphere.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2014;(3):35-44
pages 35-44 views

Features of Self-Realization in Students with High Level of Persistence

Kudinov S.I., Kudinov S.S., Avdeyev N.P.


The results of the empirical research of personality self-realisation in students with a high level of persistence are discussed in the article. The certain characteristics of self-realisation, the dominant sphere and the structure of the phenomenon in question are considered.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2014;(3):45-52
pages 45-52 views

Personal and Gender Features of Value-Motivational Structure of Innovativeness

Mikhailova O.B.


The article provides new approaches to analyzing and studying value motivational aspects of personal activity that predetermine innovative activity and submits the analysis of a comparative empirical research of value motivational characteristics in students with different levels of innovativeness. On the basis of the detailed description of the strategy of the research the paper presents new significant characteristics of the value motivational sphere of young men and girls.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2014;(3):53-59
pages 53-59 views

Peculiarities of Trust and Distrust in Students of Higher Schools of Economics

Jouravleva L.A., Sumarokova V.A.


The present study introduces the results of the empiric research of different types of trust. It also reveals some peculiarities of the manifestation of trust and distrust towards people in students at various stages of their professional growth.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2014;(3):60-65
pages 60-65 views

Differences in Manifestation of Adaptability in international students

Krupnov A.I., Sheptura A.V.


The article describes the peculiarities and the differences in the manifestation of adaptability in African, Chinese and Latin American students studying in Russian University.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2014;(3):66-70
pages 66-70 views

Specifics of Relationships of Diligence Variables and Socio-Psychological Adaptation in International And Russian Students

Kameneva G.N., Rushina M.A., Anisimova U.N.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the peculiarities of the relations of the variables of diligence as a personality trait and socio-psychological adaptation of students. The presented results of an empirical study show both general and specific relationships for Russian and international students.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2014;(3):71-77
pages 71-77 views

Education in the Changing World: Social-Psychological Perspective

Bovina I.B.


The purpose of the reported paper is to discuss some social-psychological aspects of education in the modern world. In particular we are interested in the analysis of the influence of mass media and new technologies on the education.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2014;(3):78-84
pages 78-84 views

Pedagogical Concepts of Preschool Education

Vorontsova T.V., Kotova O.A.


The article examines the pedagogical concepts of preschool education, and also the structure of upbringing and education in the modern pre-school institution.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2014;(3):85-89
pages 85-89 views

Developing Coping Strategies in Would-Be Psychologists by Employing Reflexive Methods in Education Process

Gagarin A.V., Bekhter A.A.


The article under study summarizes the results of the research aimed at studying the issue of developing coping strategies among would-be psychologists. The authors point out that training a psychologist who should be competitive in modern society presupposes focusing on such activities which would actualize the resources of a person helping overcome professional challenges. The authors try to define the most effective practical methods employed to let an individual find special ways to control stress as well as what should be the pivot point in developing or optimizing coping ability of an individual and what specific methods contribute to this process.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2014;(3):90-96
pages 90-96 views

Creating Information Environment to Organize Self-Study Activity of SVE Students

Sanina E.I., Alexanian G.A.


The article discusses the use of new information technologies in organizing independent work of the SVE (Secondary Vocational Education) students in the framework of a unified educational environment with the use of cloud technologies.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2014;(3):97-101
pages 97-101 views

Organization of training students with disabilities in the conditions of comprehensive school

Volosovets T.V., Kutepova E.N.


The work presents one of the priority directions of the development of the education system for students with disabilities, namely, the organization of their training in comprehensive educational institutions. The integrated co-teaching is recognized by the world community as the most humane therefore it has become one of the major directions in the Russian educational policy. Today, the task of the state and society is to make sure that all children can get an education and live as fully as possible, regardless of their health problems.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2014;(3):102-108
pages 102-108 views

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RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2014;(3):109-111
pages 109-111 views

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