No 3 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Articles: 21
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Information Personality Development in Activity: Environmental Component
The research is focused on the environmental component of the information personality development, the basic foundation for defining the content of the process (Personality — Environment — Activity System); the Internet as an environmental phenomenon for the man and as an information and educational environment. In their theoretical argumentation the authors arrive at the essential structural and functional characteristics of a hypothetical construct, i. e. information personality . The authors also give the key theoretical grounds reflecting the aspects of the development of the information personality in the Internet environment and discuss the outcomes of their theoretical and empirical studies of the phenomenon.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(3):5-13

Civic Patriotism as Basis for Axiological and Motivational Activity of Personality Involved in Innovative Activity
The development of the innovative activity in a personality is impossible without the goals, values and motives of self-fulfillment. This article provides a theoretical analysis and substantiation of the social and psychological role of civic patriotism for the development of the axiological and motivational activity in a personality. It also defines the basic trends of the development of civic patriotism in the contemporary higher education.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(3):14-21

Relations of Individually-Typical Features of Persistence with Temperament Properties in Students
The problem of revealing the individually-typical features of persistence within the framework of the system-functional approach is discussed in the article. The four basic types of the persistence of students are described. A special attention is given to the comparative research of the said types and the specificity of the temperament which allows defining their psychological characteristics, and also elaborates on the possibility of the psychological correction work with the representatives of each of the types.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(3):22-30

Orientation in Structure of Personality Properties in Students of Various Education Profiles
The results of the orientation diagnostics of the students with creative and non-creative major disciplines (training profiles) are analyzed in the article. The students of the first and senior years of the day and correspondence departments took part in the research. The sample included the students who are training in the higher education institutions of the cities of Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, Kostanay (Republic of Kazakhstan).
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(3):31-36

Age Self-Schemas of Teenagers
In the article the results of the empirical research of the structure and content of age self-schemas of teenagers are presented. The results show that the basic components of the age self-schemas are generalized ideas about the age. They include the relations with the opposite sex, their appearance and plans for the future. The leading tendency of the age self-schemas is to build a life perspective. The relationship between the force of the age schematic processing and the subjective age is proved.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(3):37-43

Age Peculiarities of Professional Self-Realization of Personality (by the Example of the Experts in Marketing from the People’s Republic of China)
The results of the empirical research carried out on the sample of the experts in marketing from China are discussed in the article. The age aspects of the professional self-realization of the respondents are analyzed. The research was carried out within the framework of the polysystem concept of the personality self-realization.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(3):49-54

Psychological Features of Self-Realization in Chinese Students
The empirical results of the research devoted to the problem of self-realization of students from China are discussed in the article, the specificity of the manifestation of separate variables in the structural organization of the said phenomenon is analyzed.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(3):55-59

Massage Therapy for PTSD, Trauma, and Anxiety
In recent years, psychologists, as well as other mental health and allied health professionals, have rediscovered the potential value of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) for health and well-being. One such CAM modality is massage therapy. This article examines the evidence for the value of applications of massage therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), trauma, and related conditions, including anxiety.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(3):60-66

Discriminating Models of Different Sized Color Geometric Figures
The data obtained by us in two experiments, where the different sized color geometric figures were used as stimuli, are described in the article. We have built configurative and categorical discriminating models differing by formal and intensional characteristics. The models reflect the different ways of visual gestalt generation: additive and non-additive principles of consolidation of neural mechanisms analyzing the visual features of the picture.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(3):67-76

Social-Psychological Determinants of Electoral Voting Behavior
This article reviews the current models of the voter behavior and proves the need in creating a new overarching conceptual framework, finding the integral social-psychological factor of the voter decision making. The public opinion is regarded as such a factor. The article presents the findings of the latest psychological research, devoted to the analysis of the connection between the different components of public opinion and electoral behavior.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(3):77-84

Cross-Cultural Differences in Perception of Patient by Senior Medical Students
The present study analyses the qualitative characteristics of the attitude of the Russian and international medical students to the patient. The peculiarities of the perception of the patient and the contact with him/her are revealed through interviewing students.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(3):85-90

Contents of Education for Sustainable Development
The essence of education for sustainable development (ESD) has been disclosed in this article. The definition of ESD has been formulated. The key approaches to the formation of the ESD curriculum have been designated. The criteria for selecting the content of ESD have been proposed. The feasibility of applying the competency based approach has been shown.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(3):91-96

Student Intercultural Interaction: Higher School Resources
The basic aspects of using the higher school resources in forming the knowledge and experience in intercultural interaction (communicative, cognitive, motivational, administrative, emotional) in students are presented in the article; the possibilities of using the integration of classwork and extra-curricular activities for developing the experience in intercultural interaction in the future experts, the need for intercultural dialogue are defined.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(3):97-104

Modern Approaches to Development of Schoolchildren Up-Bringing: Searching Theoretical and Methodical Invariants
This article discloses the modern approaches to schoolchildren up-bringing which enrich the practical work at school proceeding from the variety of educational systems, different up-bringing programmes in the school activity, organizing social projects, providing the conditions for the creative activity of children and adults and so on.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(3):105-110

Education as a Social Phenomenon and its Relationship with Educational Environment
The paper analyzes the historical theory of education. It addresses the linkages between learning and educational processes, as well as a generalized structure of the process of education in the modern educational institutions.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(3):111-115

Specificity of Educational Interaction of Foreign Language Teacher and Student in Context of Mutual Personal-Creative Self-Determination
The article is devoted to the investigation of the educational interaction between a teacher and a student in the context of personal-creative self-determination. The authors propose some methods of pedagogical influence which promote the elimination of formalistic attitude pattern in a training group.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(3):123-128

Reading as Dialogue: About the Creative Dialogue Tasks at Literature Lessons in the 7 th Grade
The theme of this article is the compliance of the existing model of reading to the requirements of the FGOS OOO (FSES CGE) standard. The promising model of reading, which supposes an interactive dialogue between the author and the reader and the topical questions of the teaching of literature and psychology of reading are also discussed in this article. The author describes a system of dialogue tasks in literature classes in the 7th grade and gives the most successful student's work as an example of educational feedback in the system “author-reader”.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(3):129-134

Features of Organization and Development of Creative Technical Activities of Students by Teachers of Technology
The research considers the problem of creativity in the education as a problem of co-creation of teachers and learners in the course of which the social, professional, moral, and other qualities of the personality are formed. We define the process of creative problem solving and psychological understanding of the mechanism of creation, modern methods of searching for new solutions and develop psychologically sound methods of teaching them.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(3):135-141

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(3):142-144