No 2 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Articles: 18
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Psychological Analysis of Patriotic Personality Manifestation in Students
The psychological determinants and the peculiarities of patriotic personality manifestation in students are analyzed in the article in the frame of the system paradigm and on the basis of the disposition conception of personality and character characteristics.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(2):5-13

Individually-Typological Peculiarities of Personality Self-Discipline and Self-Actualization Correlation
The scientific credence to the personality self-actualization and self-discipline correlation is given in the article. Within the frame of a system-defined research, different individually-typological peculiarities of self-discipline are highlighted and characterized. Their comparative analysis with the personality self-actualization is conducted.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(2):14-19

Gender Distinctions of Personality Self-Realization in Chinese Students
The structural characteristics of personality self-realization of the Chinese students are analyzed in the article. The hierarchical structure of the expressiveness of the certain variables of the above mentioned phenomenon is examined. On the basis of the factorial analysis the substantial analysis of the self-realization gender distinctions is given.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(2):20-25

Russian Language and Russian Vision of the World in Communicative and Behaviour Aspect
The article reflects the problems of the national (in particular, Russian) mentality and the interrelations of the national character and the language. The article shows the possibility of using the material of the Russian language and literature to build understanding and to promote tolerance for cultural differences among students.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(2):31-36

Features of Process of Sociocultural Adaptation and Formation of Communicative Competence of Latin-American (Hispanic) Students in Russia
This article is devoted to the analysis of the results of our research of the sociocultural adaptation features and the communicative competence of students from Latin America during their education at the university in Russia.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(2):44-49

Cross-Cultural Adaptation Specifics in Arabic Students Considering Stressful Situation In Native Country
The article is devoted to studying the characteristics of adaptation to the new socio-cultural environment in connection with a long-acting stressful situation caused by the military and political events occurring in the homeland. It analyzes the activity-passivity specifics of the Arabic young men and women in the process of cross-cultural adaptation, as well as the display of aggressiveness as a confrontational defensive reaction in the adaptation of Arabic students studying in the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(2):50-55

Necessity of Dividing General Methodology of Psychology into a Number of Particular Trends of Meta-Scientific Research
The article states the illegitimacy of including the problems and matters not directly connected with the methods of scientific studying the psychological phenomena in the works on the methodology of psychology. It also argues about the necessity of separating such problems from the methodology of psychology and transferring them into different meta-psychological sciences: philosophy of psychology, logics of psychology, fundamental problem psychology, meta-theoretical psychology. In conclusion the problems and matters that must be posed and solved specifically in the methodology of psychology and in other meta-sciences are stated.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(2):56-63

Theoretical and Phenomenological Paradigms of Organizational Relations Research
The conceptual notions about the essence of organization and organizational relations in the aspects of the theoretical and phenomenological approaches, objective and subjective context of a person’s self-determination in organization are analyzed in the article. The historical analysis of the dynamics from the classical theories of organization to the phenomenological behavior of real psychological subjects in it is given.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(2):64-68

Retrospective Analysis of Studying Psychological Nature of Creativity
The creativity phenomenon analysis in the works of the domestic and foreign scientists is presented in this article. The authors focus their special attention on the factors of creativity manifestation during the various periods of ontogenesis and on the characteristic of the conditions necessary for the formation of a creative personality. On the basis of the retrospective analysis and the synthesis of the conceptual approaches to studying the parameters of creativity, the criteria by which it is possible to determine the level of the development of the creative personality are revealed.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(2):69-75

Emotional and Cognitive Self-Regulation
A brief outline of four studies that investigated interrelations of cognitive and emotional regulation in collaboration between Departments of Psychology of the University of Cincinnati and Kazakh National University is presented in this article. The aim of the first research was to examine the role of EI in regulating the affective response to a potentially threatening video and relation to brain electrical activity. The second study, conducted at the University of Cincinnati, explored the role of emotion in the search for information relevant to decision-making. The third study was devoted to the evaluating the sensitivity of a range of EEG indexes of engagement to time-on-task effects and to workload manipulation (cueing) during vigilance task performance. The fourth research was based on Posner’s theory of executive control and Matthews’ theory of task engagement. Results of empirical studies has theoretical meaning in understanding selfregulation and practical value in different fields of applied psychology.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(2):76-86

Discriminating Model of Figures with Different Number Uniform Elements
The model of discriminating mechanisms of the figures with a different number of uniform elements has been described in the present article. The experimental investigation of the visual perception of these figures have been made within the scope of the vectorial approach and its results have been interpreted by means of the terms of Sokolov and Izmailov’s spherical model of differentiating stimuli. The discrimination of the figures with a different number of uniform elements (lines) is realized with the integral three-channel neural network, made up as a result of the interaction of the two-channel modules, detecting pictorial elements.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(2):87-95

On Estimation of Problems and Prospects of Competitiveness Growth on the World Market of Educational Services by Russian Higher Schools
The analysis of the survey of the representatives of the Russian higher schools on the problems of the international educational cooperation and the participation in the international academic mobility is submitted in the article.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(2):96-109

Developing Informative Educational Environment as Pedagogical System of New Level: Structure and Constituent Components
The structure and constituent components of the developing informative educational environment are considered in the article. The characteristic of the developing informative educational environment as a pedagogical system of a new level is presented. The theoretical model of designing the developing informative educational environment at a modern school is scientifically proved.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(2):110-114

Extracurricular Activity as Factor Forming Interest in Educationally-Cognitive Activity in Students with Poor Academic Performance
In the article the problem of forming an interest in learning in students through the extracurricular activity is considered; the importance of the extracurricular activity as a factor of the development of the interest in educationally-cognitive activity in the college students with poor academic performance is revealed; the conditions providing the efficiency of using the extracurricular activity for the stimulation of the interest in learning in students with poor academic performance are accentuated.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(2):115-120

Principles of Mathematical Education Content Selection for Students Majoring in Economics: Competence Approach
The article discusses the features of defining the role of the content of training in higher education. It presents some of the principles for selecting the content of teaching mathematics in order to improve the quality of training students from the viewpoint of the competence approach.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(2):121-128

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2013;(2):129-131