
Verb database: Structure, clusters and options
Buntman N.V., Borisova A.S., Darovskikh Y.A.
Linguistic and statistical analysis of the lexical ‘Langue-Parole’ dichotomy in a restricted domain
Sheremetyeva S.O., Babina O.I.
Cognitive complexity measures for educational texts: Empirical validation of linguistic parameters
Kupriyanov R.V., Bukach O.V., Aleksandrova O.I.
Transgressive Russianness: Claiming authenticity in the Russian woman assemblage
Gritsenko E.S., Laletina A.O.
Aspectual pairs: Prefix vs. suffix way of formation
Solovyev V.D., Bochkarev V.V., Bayrasheva V.R.
The new theory of language by N.Ya. Marr as a phenomenon of the linguistic science
Sukhov S.V.
Ways of expressing the category of instrumentality in retranslated texts
Galimova K.N., Gafiyatova E.V., Alyunina Y.M.
Research on word stress in Iranian languages by Soviet and Russian scholars
Ivanov V.B., Silanteva L.G.
Emotionalisation of contemporary media discourse: A research agenda
Zappettini F., Ponton D.M., Larina T.V.
School Community Members Nomination in the French and Russian Languages
Pryakhina E.V.
A corpus-based approach to corporate communication research
Malyuga E.N.
French political symbolism and identity construction
Trim R.
The meaning of welcome. Positive migration discourse
Ponton D.M.
ReaderBench: Multilevel analysis of Russian text characteristics
Corlatescu D., Ruseti Ș., Dascalu M.
Approaches to Genre Analysis of English Engineering Discourse
Bolsunovskaya L.M.
Translation: analysis and synthesis
Vorobiev V.V., Ershov V.I., Semenov A.L.
War yesterday and today: The image of Russia in British media discourse
Solopova O.A., Kushneruk S.L.
The Realization of Impoliteness in Arguments between the Democrats and Republicans over the Government Shutdown Issue in the US
Alemi M., Latifi A.
Movements and Meanings: Towards an Integrated Approach to Political Discourse Analysis
Ponton D.M.
Prosodic theory of John Rupert firth
Gavrilova J.V.
Lexico-semantic peculiarities of place names of Nova Scotia (Canada)
Ilyina A.U.
Acoustic Characteristics of Stressed Front Vowels in the French speech of Russian and Mari people
Zorina Z.G., Sagdullina E.V.
Analysis of Spanish realia in the novel of E. Mendoza “No word from gurb”
Lilikovich O.S.
The UK as victim and hero in the Sun’s coverage of the Brexit ‘humiliation’
Zappettini F.
Speech Genres and Discourse: Genres Study in Discourse Analysis Paradigm
Dementyev V.V.
The verbs of aggressive emotional condition
Zakoyan L.M.
The word means for expression of modal possibilities in indication of Albanian verbs
Blerina T.A.
Stylistic Features in Academic Discourse
Lobina Y.A.
Discourse Analysis and Pragmatics: Their Scope and Relation
Alba-Juez L.
Institutional Discourse Markers: Educational Discourse
Penkov B.V.
Realization of hill Mari consonant combinations in native speaker's speech
Utyatina L.N.
Translation Analysis of Linguistic Characteristics of French Specific Discourse
Gavrilenko N.N.
“No” and “net” as response tokens in English and Russian business discourse: In search of a functional equivalence
Malyuga E.N., McCarthy M.
Mackenzie J.L.
The main trends in the researches of textological problems done by young scientists in Russia
Ebzeeva Y.N.
Analysis of mechanics of verbal manipulation with key words of social vocabulary exemplified in journalistic article
Bubnova N.A.
Gender Marked Phraseological Units of Phraseosemantic Group Designating Men’s Affectionate Behaviour
Kurguzenkova Z.V.
Linguistic creativity and discourse profiles of English language children’s novels
Kiose M.I.
Narratives about Displacement and Stigmatization of Identities
de Oliveira M.C., Lisboa C.M.
Implicit expression of wishes of greetings and wishes on parting (on the material of German and Russian)
Shatilova L.M.
The literary text as the object of conceptual analysis
Karaseva Y.A.
Phraseological units with personal names in modern Spanish
Chesnokova O.S., Shkarban E.A.
The cases of observance and violation of politeness maxims by communicants in the ego-state of natural Child
Gizatova G.F.
Language, culture and ideology in discursive practices
Bilá M., Ivanova S.V.
Shopping as ‘Best Practice’ - Analyzing Walmart’s Debated Sustainability Policies
Abbamonte L., Cavaliere F.
To the aspect of the structure of the semantic fields of emotional and evaluative verbs in Russian and Arabic languages
Elyseev V.S.
Perception of colour in French and Russian linguistic cultures: a study based on phraseological units
Kurguzenkova Z.V.
Institutional discourse analysis: educational discourse
Penkov B.V.
Linguostatistic analysis of deverbatives usage in different types of english and russian texts
Mamontov A.S., Mamontova E.Y.
Metasemiotic Projects and Lifestyle Media: Formulating Commodities as Resources for Identity Enactment
Molodychenko E.N.
Metaphor and Grammar in the Poetic Representation of Nature
Goatly A.
Cultural linguistics analysis of phraseological units with gastronomic component
Smirnova E.V., Yliynisheva L.V.
Comparative corpus analysis of everyday spoken Czech and literary Czech language
Izotov A.I.
Sound systems interference of English and oriental languages
Zavyalova V.L.
Understandings of Impoliteness in the Greek Context
Tzanne A., Sifianou M.
“Let Me Tell You...”: Audience Engagement Strategies in the Campaign Speeches of Trump, Clinton, and Sanders
Quam J., Ryshina-Pankova M.
Pragmalinguistic characteristics of Biblical idiomatic expressions in Russian, Spanish, Italian, French, and English
Reunova E.V.
Formation of processual discursive-analytical interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary links in linguistic curriculum
Popova N.V.
1 - 60 of 60 Items

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