No 2 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 14
- URL:
Prosodic theory of John Rupert firth
This article is devoted to analysing the views of the outstanding British linguist of the XXth century
John Rupert Firth. The article gives a definition of the term «prosody» and results of the syllabic
structures analysis of Latin, Greek and Arabic, carried out by Firth. Both advantages and disadvantages
of the scientists views are also presented.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2010;(2):5-10

Grammar form and semantics of number in clothes and accessory appellationsin Russian and Spanish languages
This article concerns categorical semantics of number. This grammar category is regarded as a
unity between meaning and form. Opinions of Russian and Spanish linguists on this problem are represented
in this article. The languages are compared in the aspect of semantic field and lexical groups.
The research is based on Russian and Spanish appellation of clothes and accessories.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2010;(2):11-19

The reduction of the unstressed vowels in the English and Russian languages
The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of the degrees of reduction of the unstressed
vowels (quantitative, qualitative and zero) in the English and Russian languages. We also contemplate
the words which have weak (reduced) forms.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2010;(2):20-26

Pragmatic peculiarities of Spanish somatic idioms
This article is dedicated to the study of the Spanish idioms with such words in their composition,
which designate internal organs and parts of the human body: kidney, liver, eggs (guts). In Spanish, these
idioms are connected, first of all, with the concept «courage» and other basic traits of mans nature.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2010;(2):42-50

Event-related temporary collocations in modern english newspaperdiscourse
The paper discusses collocations called by the author as «temporary collocations». The temporary collocations (TC) under discussion are understood as expressions with one marked component, being peripheral to the mainstream of idioms and phrasal expressions, which enables us to treat the analyzed TC in a narrow slightly idiomatic meaning. Quite a few examples borrowed from the authentic English newspapers and magazines are used to demonstrate the relationship between the event and the emergence of the TC; also the discourse definition is provided with a focus on interdependence between the TC and the discourse.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2010;(2):59-65

Elements of fire in koloristik I. Bunins prose
In the article the elements of fire as a fragment of a color picture of the world of I.A. Bunin, functioning in the conditions of art prose are exposed to the analysis and the description. The structure, classification, sphere denotations coloration according to a smooth surface principle is advanced.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2010;(2):73-81

Problem of language and speech in polycultural family
This article is about theoretical and practical analysis of forming speech association for the different-
cultures environment child. It gives description the main stage of forming childs speech in a few
languages at the same time. All of them confirm of examples from own practices.
The article is for philologists and language teachers.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2010;(2):87-98

Politeness category and style of communication. Comparison of Englishand Russian lingvocultural traditions
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2010;(2):99-102

Our authors
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2010;(2):103-104