Sound systems interference of English and oriental languages

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The article investigates the phenomena of phonetic interference, which appears as a result of the contact of English and oriental languages in the consciousness and speech of bilinguals - speakers of Chinese, Korean, and Japanese. The data of the comparative acoustic analysis of the samples from the accented lingua franca speech corpus (RACE) are given. The article also includes recommendations on applying the results of the research to studying the variability of lingua franca in the Asia Pacific Region. It determines the significance of comparative studies of differently structured languages for developing practical recommendations regarding the development of strategies needed for the perception of accented speech and regarding the instruction of English with respect to the learner's native language.

About the authors

V L Zavyalova

Far Eastern Federal University (FENU)

Кафедра лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникацииШкола региональных и международных исследований; Дальневосточный федеральный университет; Far Eastern Federal University (FENU)


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