
Educating future Russian language teachers in the United States
Reagan T.G.
Teaching Russian to Uyghurs in PRC universities: pedagogical toolkit of nationally oriented methods
Strelchuk E.N., Ilikhamu S.
Textbooks on reading in Russian for Chinese universities over the past 30 years: analysis and prospects
Li Y.
Methodological opportunities for international students acquiring content and language integrated learning in a contemporary educational environment
Dolzhikova A.V.
Dictionary of IT terms as a tool for Russian language studies and linguodidactics in the context of digitalization in education
Bozhenkova N.A., Rubleva E.V., Baharloo H.
Authentic video materials as a means of shaping communicative competence in Russian among Spanish and Dutch learners
Gorozhankina T.N., Grechukhina V.V.
Artificial intelligence in teaching Russian as a foreign language
Sysoyev P.V., Filatov E.M.
Teaching Russian vocabulary on the base of the educationalmethodical complex “New Souvenir 1” in Tanzania
Mikova S.S., Kataeva I.V., Ndyay M.
Russian lessons for foreigners: tools of artificial intelligence or the art of technology?
Dziuba E.V.
Forming a methodical thesaurus of a foreign author of a manual on Russian as a foreign language
Farysenkova L.V., Zhellali E.I.
Russian as a foreign language textbook: at the crossroads of ways, opinions and interests
Kozhevnikova E.V., Vyazovskaya V.V., Trubchaninova M.E.
Online lesson of Russian as a foreign language in the context of pedagogical activity digital transformation
Dyakova T.A., Khvorova L.E.
Serafima Alekseevna Khavronina: researcher, methodologist, teacher
Vokhmina L.L., Klobukova L.P.
Some Aspects of Listening in Professional Language Training
Nedosugova A.B.
How to Lend the Shoulder, Not to Do Harm during Online Learning Russian as a Foreign Language
Pashkovskaya S.S.
Searching for “the golden key” (problems of modern Russian as a foreign language textbooks)
Pashkovskaya S.S.
Teaching Russian in a closely-related Slovak environment
Markova E.M., Kvapil R.
Non-Verbal Component of Cross-Cultural Communication in Teaching Foreign Language Speaker
Talibina E.V., Polyakova E.V., Minakova N.A.
Russian language in Hungary: from past to future
Hamsovszki S.A.
Russian as a foreign language e-textbooks: current state and perspectives
Azimov E.G.
Methodical support of teaching Russian in the foreign educational environment: main categories of subjects and their characteristics
Guzhelya D.Y.
Professional vocabulary in Russian as a foreign language textbooks: on the experience of teaching foreign military men
Govorukhina Y.A., Mongina F.M.
Teaching Russian in Turkish universities: modern trends
Kulsha D.N., Ryabokoneva O.V.
System-based approach to train foreign students' communicative competence in the lsp field
Shustikova T.V., Žurkina N.V.
Online resources in teaching Russian as a foreign language: expectations vs reality
Vyazovskaya V.V., Danilevskaya T.A., Trubchaninova M.E.
On the Continuity of Grammatical and Phonetic Aspects in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language
Loginova I.M.
Phonetization of teaching Russian as a foreign language in digital humanitarian knowledge: theoretical aspect
Deryabina S.A., Liubimova N.A.
Innovative technologies in teaching Russian as a foreign language
Ndyay M., Nguyen W.T., Grunina E.O.
Harmonization of international relations - a meaningful didactic factor in teaching russian as a foreign language
Konstantinova L.A., Pronina E.V.
He X.
Slang in teaching russian as a foreign language
Minakova N.A., Talybina E.V.
Linguadidactic aspect of the methodics of teaching russian as foreign language and ways of its studying
Loginova I.M.
What a textbook on Russian as a foreign language for adult students should be
Kozdra M.
Shutova M.N., Orekhova I.A.
Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language with the Use of LearningApps Service
Ignatovitch T.V.
The Means of Teaching Foreign Students to Perceive Verbal Images of an Artistic Text
Eremina E.A.
Linguoulturological methodology of teaching russian as a foreign language based on systematic principles
Gynin V.I.
E.A. Bryzgunova’s Phonemic Theory in Teaching Foreign Students
Sveshnikova O.A.
“Russian as we speak it” (about Serafima A. Khavronina and the book of her life)
Nikitin O.V.
Friendship as a reflective value in Chinese and Russian aphorisms: experience of linguistic and cultural concepts e-teaching
Bai Y., Zheltukhina M.R.
The unofficial Ekaterinburg urbanonimes as an element of linguistic and cultural competence of a foreign student
Klimenko E.N.
Phonetic Aspect of Teaching at the Chair of the Russian language and Methods of Its Teaching
Loginova I.M.
On Actual Methodical Research Areas in Russian as a Foreign Language (Based on Dissertation Papers Defended at the Chair of the Russian Language and Methods of Its Teaching)
Deryabina S.A.
Development of ideas about the teaching method in didactics and linguodidactics
Moskovkin L.V.
Textbook “We start to learn prepositions and conjunctions. Preposition, case and conjunctive constructions in speech”
Iljina S.A., Ivanova I.S.
The history of teaching the Russian language in Lebanon: a chronological overview starting with the “Moscow school” of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society until present times
Semaan N.V., Demesheva E.N., Baher T.V.
About «new life» of old vocable in the сontemporary literary russian language
Shmelkova V.V.
1 - 47 of 47 Items

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