Editorial Note

Approaches and tools for Russian text linguistic profiling

Solnyshkina M.I., Solovyev V.D., Ebzeeva Y.N.


Approaches and tools for assessing linguistic and cognitive complexity of educational texts are in demand both in science and teaching. Predicting difficulties of perception and understanding and ranking texts by classes, i.e. the number of years of learning or levels of language proficiency (A1-C2), are of particular importance for education. The study is aimed at demonstrating modern methodologies, algorithms, and tools for analyzing Russian texts in text profiler and automatic analyzer RuLingva and at presenting articles from the thematic issue on comprehensive analysis of Russian language textbooks for Russian and Belarusian schools. The research demonstrates that the modern paradigm of discourse complexology is based on the methods of stylistic statistics, which identifies functional characteristics of language units and verifies them using big data. The services on RuLingva are designed for teachers and researchers; they automatically analyze educational texts and predict their target audience based on readability, lexical diversity, abstractness, frequency, and terminological density. In “Russian as a Foreign Language” mode, RuLingva downloads lists of words from the text according to each level of language proficiency and estimates their proportion. This provides material for pre- and post-text work. RuLingva algorithm is based on the typology of educational texts and is to be supplied with tools for assessing a person’s verbal intelligence and reading literacy. The nearest prospect of RuLingva lies in widening the range of complexity predictors and installing automatic subject area discriminator. Both directions are planned to be implemented using neural networks, classification models, “typological passports” of educational texts with different complexity, and thematic orientation.

Russian Language Studies. 2024;22(4):501-517
pages 501-517 views 111

Key Issues of Russian Language Research

Predicative potential of lexical parameters: text complexity assessment in Russian language textbooks for 5-7 grades

Andreeva M.I., Zamaletdinov R.R., Borisova A.S.


This study addresses the urgent issue of assessing the influence of lexical parameters on text complexity. The research has been conducted on the material of a specialized linguistic corpus, which includes texts of 15 modern Russian language textbooks for 5-7 grades, with a total size of 811911 words. The study is aimed at identifying the scale and dynamics of changes in vocabulary of Russian textbooks for 5-7 grades. The research algorithm included the following stages: (a) identifying the size and content of vocabulary in modern Russian textbooks for 5-7 grades, (b) assessing the share of linguistic terms in their vocabulary, and (c) identifying complexity predictors, i.e. parameters demonstrating a statistically significant correlation with readability. The analytical part of the study was preceded by a meta-description of the corpus, its tokenization, lemmatization, segmentation into fragments of approximately 1000 words. Text parameters were calculated using the text profiler RuLingva, and the correlation strength was assessed with STATISTIKA. To ensure the research results reliability, co-dependencies of lexical parameters and text readability were analyzed at two levels: at the textbook level (with average indicators for 15 textbooks for 5-7 grades) and at the level of 1000-word fragments. We revealed a slightly lower readability index, which was expected to be 1.0-1.5 levels higher. The latter may be a characteristic of Russian language textbook as a genre and indicate eclecticism of academic texts, including fragments of research discourse (rules and theory), fiction (exercises), and instructional discourse (texts of tasks). The research demonstrated that the share of linguistic terms does not exceed 2 % in the textbook vocabulary, but their share in the texts rises to 13 %. The statistical analysis indicates that the indices of ‘lexical density’, cohesion (global and local overlaps of nouns and arguments), ‘descriptiveness’ (ratio between adjectives and nouns), ‘narrativity’ (ratio between verbs and nouns), and the share of nouns in the genitive case are text complexity predictors. The prospects for the research include studying verbs and pronouns as complexity predictors in Russian language textbooks.

Russian Language Studies. 2024;22(4):518-539
pages 518-539 views 99

Russian language textbook as agent of change: from USSR to the new century

Bulina E.N., Solnyshkina M.I., Ebzeeva Y.N.


The relevance of studying the linguistic parameters of the text in the Russian language textbook as a separate genre is determined, on the one hand, by the absence of clear linguistic criteria for a standard textbook in Russian studies, and on the other hand, by the increased criticism of the textbook language after the revision of the Federal State Educational Standard. The research is aimed at identifying differences and similarities of Russian language textbooks for 5th graders published in 1935-1974 and 2012-2015. Consistent description, analysis of their structure, content, and language with methods of corpus linguistics, text analytics and automatic profiling with RuLingva analyzer confirmed our hypothesis that representing the same genre, Russian language textbooks of the two historical periods have linguistic differences. The authors proved that the composition common to all textbooks - linguistic theory, texts of assignments and exercises, artistic and educational texts of exercises - varies significantly in size and communicative strategies. Compositional similarity realized in all textbooks in sequential arrangement of theory and exercises, is not found only in the oldest textbook of 1935 by Shapiro, which has separate chapters for rules and exercises. The modern textbooks differ mostly in texts of instructions which are 2.5 times longer than in Soviet textbooks; their motivational questions have a tendency to dialogism. Directives in Soviet textbooks contain traditional incentives in the form of direct verbal imperatives. Illustrative sources of modern textbooks are more various and include research texts from humanities, natural sciences, and turn-of-the-century fiction. Much more diverse typography of modern textbooks contributes to text comprehension. The prospects of the study imply identifying the content preferences of the authors of textbooks of the two periods and systematic parameterization of the textbooks vocabulary, its lexical-syntactic and discourse analysis.

Russian Language Studies. 2024;22(4):540-554
pages 540-554 views 93

Linguistic profiling of educational and artistic texts

Voronin K.V., Ismaeva F.H., Danilov A.V.


Implemented within text analytics as one of the strategic directions of modern Russian linguistics, the research focuses on the linguistic profiling of educational and artistic texts. The identified genre features contribute to software systems development and big language data processing. The study is aimed at revealing the ranges of linguistic parameters which differentiate educational (secondary) and artistic (primary) texts. The study was based on 72 biographies from textbooks on Russian as a foreign language and 90 excerpts from adventure stories. The genres were chosen for the contrastive study for the following reasons: (1) a high degree of narrativity and actions; (2) functional differences, namely, informative function of biography and entertaining function of adventure stories. The research corpus comprised 120932 words. Two data processing tools were used in the study: (1) the linguistic parameters were calculated using RuLingva platform, (2) STATISTIKA program was used to identify statistically significant differences between the two genres. The revealed genre-specific parameters include global and local overlaps of nouns and arguments, nouns in prepositional and genitive cases, past and present verb forms. Global and local overlaps of nouns and arguments were found to contribute to high cohesion of biographies, because the nomination of each next event in the person's life in connected with the previous one. The genitive case prevails in biographies due to the use of nominative word combinations. The research perspective is seen in the typology of genres based on linguistic profiling of official and personal biographies, on the one hand, and adventure novels, on the other hand. An important aspect of further research in the studied area is the installation of meaning matrices in the RuLingva text profiler to automate text linguistic profiling.

Russian Language Studies. 2024;22(4):555-578
pages 555-578 views 96

Theory of Russian orthography in educational literature for students of the Republic of Belarus

Ivanov E.E., Kulikovich V.I.


The rigid framework for interpreting any “code of rules” significantly limits the theoretical aspects of doing research on them and requires a special explanation in relation to orthography as a section of linguistics, especially when there are several national variants of the literary language. The relevance of the study is substantiated by the urgent need for a theoretical description of the corpus of the most significant concepts of spelling used in teaching Russian in Belarus and creating a strategic plan for introducing innovations in spelling; the need to record changes in definitions determined by the transition to convergent learning; the influence of a complex of linguistic and extralinguistic factors, and the development of optional arguments for the codification of the Belarusian national version of the Russian language. The aim of the study is to determine the parameters and specifics of the theory of orthography in educational literature for teaching Russian in the Republic of Belarus. The material of the study contained the definitions and language illustrations of the main concepts of the theory of orthography (spelling, spelling rule, orthogram, spelling principle, spelling error, spelling norm, etc.) in textbooks and manuals on the Russian language for higher education institutions of the Republic of Belarus published from 2000 to 2024. The methods of parameterization and comparison, logical-linguistic and lexical-semantic analysis were used. The authors revealed that both specialized educational publications devoted only to spelling and comprehensive publications where spelling is part of the educational material lack the theoretical and meta-linguistic apparatus of either a significant part or the entire necessary base of the theory of orthography. There are different approaches to the positioning of orthographic terminology that coexist in various educational publications. This is mainly an orientation towards outdated traditions, the absence of modern concepts (such as “orthographic activity”, “orthographic picture of the language”, etc.). The theory of orthography in educational literature on the Russian language for higher educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus is based, as a rule, on the modern rules of Russian spelling, but is characterized, on the one hand, by innovative specificity, and on the other hand, by their conservative positioning in writing practice. This indicates different approaches to the formation of the orthographic linguistic personality, orthographic linguistic and metalinguistic consciousness of Belarusians studying the Russian language. The main principles of modern theory of spelling development should take into account orthographic innovations and national and cultural specificity in teaching the Russian language in higher educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus.

Russian Language Studies. 2024;22(4):598-614
pages 598-614 views 102

Lexical enrichment of philological textbooks: corpus and statistical approaches

Galimova K.N., Martynova E.V., Moskvitcheva S.A.


The relevance of the study is determined by the need to study objective data on vocabulary frequency in Russian language textbooks and mastering vocabulary in teaching Russian as the native language at school. The article describes the experience of creating a frequency dictionary of philological textbooks based on the linguistic corpus of textbooks on the Russian language and literature for 5-7 grades. Philological textbooks present an average model of the Russian language and literature, reflecting topics relevant to the student and gradually increasing the volume of lexical complexity. The aim of the article is to assess lexical enrichment in philological textbooks for 5-7 grades and to improve the methodology for compiling frequency lists. The study was carried out on the material of a corpus including 66 textbooks on the Russian language and Literature with the total size of 1,553,224 tokens. Methods of corpus and computational linguistics methods, comparative-contrastive, and statistical methods (IKSWEB program, the Google Colab environment, the Pandas, NLTK and Pymorphy libraries) revealed that the frequency list of the 5th grade comprises 8984 lemmas; the 6th grade, 7572 lemmas; the 7th grade, 7321 lemmas. Vocabulary “enrichment” in the 6th grade consists of 258 lexemes, and in the 7th grade, 150 lexemes. The lexical core of the three frequency lists are words of the thematic groups “Philological terms”, “Verbs denoting educational actions”, “Nature”, “Family and friendly relations”, “Art”, and “Time”. The 6th grade vocabulary “enrichment” includes archaisms and historicisms, terms denoting forms of the national language, and word-formation terms. The 7th grade “enrichment” comprises of linguistic terms on the themes “Names of verb forms”, “Religion”, and socio-political vocabulary. The frequency lists confirmed the hypothesis about the thematic balance of texts in modern textbooks on the Russian language and Literature and linguistics terminology being the core in the textbooks. The prospects of the study are seen in conducting a similar research of educational texts in Philology and other subjects form the textbooks for senior school in order to define intra- and meta-subject links.

Russian Language Studies. 2024;22(4):579-597
pages 579-597 views 83

Language of Russian textbooks: diachronic linguistic profiling

Kupriyanov R.V., Shoeva G.N., Aleksandrova O.I.


The relevance of the research is conditioned by the need for a more complete understanding of the educational text as a genre with a multifunctional role in the educational process. When educational standards are revised and attention to the quality of textbooks is increased, the analysis of diachronic changes in the structure and content of Russian language textbooks becomes relevant to determine the main factors affecting the educational process. The aim of this study is to examine the linguistic specificity of text formants in Russian language textbooks and analyze the trends of their changes over time. The materials of the study include Russian language textbooks published in the Soviet Union (1935-1974) and in Russia (2012-2015). The research methods are based on the comparative analysis of linguistic parameters of formants ‘Exercises’ - ‘Tasks’ - ‘Theory’ and statistical tests to identify differences between these categories. The research showed statistically significant differences in most linguistic parameters, which confirm the thesis about the educational text heterogeneity. The most important differences among the formant categories were observed in the following parameters: Flesh-Kincaid Score, Global Noun Overlap, Type-Token Ratio, Singletons, Past Tense Verbs, Mean Sentence Length, Mean Word Length, Global Argument Overlap, and the Number of Nouns in the Genitive Case. Modern Russian language textbooks have lower lexical density and fewer nouns per 1000 tokens, higher local noun repetition, more frequent future tense verb forms, and higher global text coherence. These patterns reflect diachronic changes in the texts from Russian language textbooks. Future research should expand the range of the analyzed Russian language textbooks, particularly by including texts from textbooks for senior and elementary school, as well as a more detailed examination of the dynamics of linguistic parameter changes in Russian language textbooks during the Soviet period.

Russian Language Studies. 2024;22(4):615-632
pages 615-632 views 97

Methods of monitoring anglicisms in discourse of the Russian youth

Privalova I.V., Petrova A.A., Gishkaeva L.N.


The lack of long-term comprehensive monitoring of English borrowings in youth discourse and sociolect makes this study relevant. Our aim is to describe the authors’ methods for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of anglicisms in the sociolect of the Russian youth. We also aim to clarify the lexicographic consolidation modes of anglicisms in the Russian literary language. The hypothesis is that anglicisms dominate other linguistic units in the youth sociolect, such as newspeak and individual word creation. However, they do not entrench in the Russian literary language. This survey is a pilot macroproject, which encompasses two microprojects. The first microproject was conducted at Volgograd State University (2017-2019) and Saratov State University (2020-2022). The experiments involved 135 respondents aged 16 to 25. The second microproject was carried out at Kazan State University in 2022-2024. There were 210 respondents aged 15 to 25. The research material included 345 online and offline questionnaires and data from lexicographic sources and corpora. A unified methodology included classification and comparative methods, sociolinguistic interviewing, and psycholinguistic introspection. We have found out the main sources of English borrowings in the youth discourse and anglicisms frequency among slangisms. The influence of social characteristics on language variants distribution has been detected. The current findings demonstrate discrepancies between the indicators of anglicisms in the questionnaires and in the Russian National Corpus. The authors’ monitoring methods can be further applied for sovereignty preservation of the Russian language system.

Russian Language Studies. 2024;22(4):633-661
pages 633-661 views 124

Methods of Teaching Russian as a Native, Non-Native, Foreign Language

Teaching Arab schoolchildren Russian etiquette formulas: linguistic and culturological aspect

Levushkina O.N., Chernysheva E.G., Yanchenko V.D.


Teaching Russian as a foreign language is aimed at the formation of students’ communicative competence. Speech etiquette with its formulas as culture-intensive language units is one of the components of communicative competence. Therefore, teaching speech etiquette is to consider linguistic-cultural aspect. It is important to show students how the linguistic cultures of the studied and the native language interact. The aim of the study is to present a set of exercises for teaching Russian speech etiquette to Arabic-speaking schoolchildren in the linguistic-cultural aspect at the initial stage of learning Russian as a foreign language. The main methods of this study are theoretical analysis, methodological design, and scientific and methodological generalization. The study involved Lebanese schoolchildren aged 15 and older who studied Russian at the initial stage at the Open Education Center of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in the Lebanese Republic (Anab) in 2024. In the study, the features of the linguistic-cultural aspect were revealed, such as elements of cultural and etymological commentary, comparison of linguistic and extra-linguistic realities of the native and studied languages, correlation of etiquette formulas in Russian and native languages. The scientific novelty of the article is the proposed system of exercises considering dialogue etiquette phases (greeting, gratitude, address and saying good-bye) and the linguistic-cultural features of these formulas in Russian and Arabic. The linguistic-cultural aspect of etiquette formulas at the first stage of language learning is an important motivating factor.

Russian Language Studies. 2024;22(4):662-680
pages 662-680 views 96

Pedagogical Technology in the Methodology of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language: Transformation of the Concept and Author’s Classification

Leshutina I.A., Davydova M.A., Strelchuk E.N.


“Pedagogical technology” is one of the actively used concepts of scientific and pedagogical discourse with dozen definitions and interpretations. The aim of the study is to consider pedagogical technologies in terms of their use in Russian as a foreign language classes and to propose the author's classification on the basis of a unified communicatively significant principle, taking into account the various approaches to their interpretation and systematization in methodological science. The research materials included more than 40 definitions of the phenomenon of “pedagogical technology” and about 10 classifications of those technologies. Methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, and comparison were used. As a result, the approaches to pedagogical technologies in domestic and foreign methodological science are systematized; the author’s classification of pedagogical technologies from the position of the communicative principle is proposed. The classification is based on such concepts as speech act/speech action, speech event, and speech genre. Examples of specific pedagogical technologies are given and divided into three groups according to students’ communicative efforts; and the possibilities of combining various technologies and their synergy in the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language are shown. The prospects for the research are to create a textbook containing the theoretical foundations for pedagogical technologies integration into the educational process in accordance with foreign speakers’ level of language proficiency and their professional orientation.

Russian Language Studies. 2024;22(4):681-697
pages 681-697 views 86