Friendship as a reflective value in Chinese and Russian aphorisms: experience of linguistic and cultural concepts e-teaching
- Authors: Bai Y.1, Zheltukhina M.R.2
- Xinjiang University
- Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University
- Pages: 54-68
- Section: Mediadidactics and electronic means of instruction
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article is devoted to the current problem of modern linguodidactics, Russian language studies and linguoculturology - linguocultural concepts e-teaching in intercultural context on the material of the Russian language. The article deals with using information and communication technologies in teaching Russian as a foreign language in linguoculturological aspect. Methods of online learning Russian as a foreign language to Chinese students are offered. This study is based on methods of analytical description, systematization, generalization, comparative analysis, linguoconceptual and linguoaxiological analysis, e-learning. As the material of a research, Chinese and Russian aphoristic funds are used (more than 100 aphoristic statements containing lexemes friend , friendship , to be on friendly terms ). The article presents electronic educational teaching materials, which take into account students' specific communication competences formed in the process of studying Russian linguistic and cultural concepts in an intercultural context. Within the framework of a series of webinars (online seminars), the stages of axiological analysis of the concept friendship , verbalized in Chinese and Russian aphorisms, are revealed in the process of e-learning linguocultural concepts in an intercultural context by Chinese students studying Russian as a foreign language. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the fact that for the first time the article offers exercises for online teaching Russian as a foreign language with linguocultural concepts analysis in an intercultural context on the material of Chinese and Russian aphorisms. The article contributes to the development of linguoconceptology, linguoculturology, linguoaxiology, Russian language studies, methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, e-learning in an intercultural context, and intercultural communication. The materials of the study can be used at classes on Russian as a foreign language, linguodidactics, intercultural communication, and translation theory and practice. The materials of the study could form the basis of an electronic textbook for teaching linguistic and cultural concepts in an intercultural context in the course of Russian as a foreign language.
About the authors
Yu Bai
Xinjiang University
Author for correspondence.
Ph.D. (Philology), Assistant Professor, Head of the Language Service Center at the Institute of Foreign Languages
People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Urumqi Urban District, Urumqi, Tianshan DistrictMarina R. Zheltukhina
Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University
Dr.Sc. (Philology), Professor, Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor of English Philology Department at the Institute of Foreign Languages, Head of the Scientific Research Laboratory “Discourse Linguistics”
27 Lenina Ave, Volgograd, 400066, Russian FederationReferences
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