The history of teaching the Russian language in Lebanon: a chronological overview starting with the “Moscow school” of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society until present times
- Authors: Semaan N.V.1, Demesheva E.N.2, Baher T.V.3
- Russian Center for Science and Culture
- Lebanese University
- Lebanese Cultural Orthodox Imperial Society
- Pages: 271-294
- Section: Scientific Review
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article is dedicated to the history of teaching the Russian language in Lebanon from the end of the XIX century to present times. The authors tried to analyze how the pivotal historical moments of Russian-Lebanese relations influenced the conditions for teaching the Russian language in Lebanon. The article provides a brief description of the programs and methods used in various educational institutions for teaching Russian in Lebanon, depending on the form in which it was in demand for its functioning (at one stage or another). First as a language taught in some “Moscow schools” of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, then as a language for preserving the Russian culture of the Diaspora initially formed by first wave immigrants and finally at the present stage, Russian as a foreign language or as a native language for bilingual children of compatriots living in Lebanon.
About the authors
Nataliya V. Semaan
Russian Center for Science and Culture
Author for correspondence.
Candidate of Philology, lecturer of the Russian language and literature at the external school of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Lebanese Republic, Head of the Russian language school for bilingual children “Kedr” at the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Beirut, Chairperson of the Lebanese Society of Teachers of the Russian Language and Literature (LOPRYAL).
Rachid Karame St., Beirut, 7883, Lebanese RepublicElena N. Demesheva
Lebanese University
Candidate of Pedagogy, lecturer at the Faculty of Philology and Humanities in the Lebanese University, at the Department of International Affairs of Faculty of Arts and Sciences in the American University of Science and Technology, instructor at the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Beirut. Research interests: methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language to an Arabic-speaking audience outside native linguistic and cultural environment, Russian and Arabic phraseology, linguoculturology, linguodidactics, intercultural communication
P.O. Box 14/6573, Dekwaneh, Lebanese RepublicTatiana V. Baher
Lebanese Cultural Orthodox Imperial Society
member of the Lebanese Cultural Orthodox Imperial Society in Amion
Chaouki Al Chammas Bldg., Liban Nord Abdallah Saadeh Blvd., Amioun, 32111, Lebanese RepublicReferences
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