Russian Language Studies
Editor-in-Chief: Viktor M. Shaklein, Doctor of Philology, Professor.
ISSN: 2618-8163 (Print) ISSN: 2618-8171 (Online)
Founded in 2003. Publication frequency: quarterly.
Open Access: Open Access. APC: no article processing charge.
Peer-Review: double blind. Publication language: Russian, English
PUBLISHER: Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba (RUDN University)
Official registered name in English: Russian Language Studies. See the Journal History to get information on previous journal titles.
Indexation: Russian Index of Science Citation, Scopus, ANVUR(10)s, Google Scholar, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, WorldCat, East View, Cyberleninka, Dimensions, DOAJ, ResearchBib, Lens, Research4Life, JournalTOCs, British Library, Bodleian Libraries (University of Oxford), Ghent University Library
The journal “Russian Language Studies” is specialized in actual problems of the Russian language and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign, non-native, and native language under the conditions of Russian, closely related and unrelated linguistic environment.
The journal presents a platform for Russian and foreign scientists, reflects not only linguistic, but also cultural, historical, social aspects of learning and teaching Russian.
The mission of the journal is to give the opportunity to specialists in Russian philology from different countries and regions to objectively inform international scientific community about modern research in the Russian language, its functioning in the multipolar world and to draw the scientific attention to these problems.
The aim of the journal is to create scientific, research, educational and information space for presenting the achievements of Russian and foreign scientists in Russian language studies and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language.
The targets of the journal are:
- Delivering the achievements of Russian and foreign scientists in Russian language studies, publishing the results of scientific centres in developing and keeping the Russian language in the multipolar world;
- Characterizing theoretical papers on Russian language functioning in Russia and abroad;
- Pointing out the problems in methods of teaching Russian as a foreign, non-native, and native language;
- Analyzing modern trends in Russian language teaching at school and university;
- Reflecting problems of learning and teaching Russian as a foreign language and keeping the Russian language in diasporas;
- Problems of developing Russian as a language of science;
- Presenting Russian national policy in the Russian language and methods of its teaching;
- Demonstrating media-didactic and electronic means of teaching Russian.
Next issues of the journal are planned as thematic ones and are devoted to the most actual problems of Russian language studies. Thematic issues are announced at the journal site.
The journal publishes scientific articles (theoretical, academic and research, methodical), review articles, book reviews, annotations, scientific reports about Russian and foreign scientists.
The journal publishes only original articles that have not been published before. Self-plagiarism is not allowed.
The journal has an international status proved by the editorial board and reviewers including outstanding scientists from Russia, the United States, Belarus, Spain, Italy, Latvia, Finland, Germany, Great Britain.
The journal is published every three months with 4 issues a year.
Electronic versions of issues of the journal are available on the site in the open access. Readers can subscribe to the print versions in post-offices of the Russian Federation. The index of the journal in subscription edition catalogue “Rospechat” is 36433.
Dear colleagues,Posted: 15.06.2021
Please use APA style in References. You can find the specific rules of formatting references in a special section «Formatting a Reference List». We kindly ask you to follow the rules of formatting references. |
Dear authors!Posted: 23.12.2020
We are planning to devote one of our issues of 2021 to the topic «The Russian language in the world wide web». Paper submission deadline: February, 1, 2021. |
Dear readers,Posted: 04.12.2020
An important event occurred in the life of our journal.After the expert evaluation "Russian Language Studies" is included in the international database SCOPUS. Scopus is expected to reflect the journal's content (starting with the articles from the 2019 issues) in 2021. |
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Current Issue
- Year: 2024
- Articles: 11
- URL:
- DOI:
Full Issue
Actual Problems of Russian Language Studies
Digital business etiquette: the influence of Internet communication
Business communication has significantly expanded its arsenal of tools and begun to embrace technologies that were previously platforms for private informal communication: social networks and messengers. The relevance and novelty of our research are due to the fact that contemporary digital etiquette in business correspondence, not yet subjected to linguistic analysis, requires not only description and codification but also analysis of the transformations that influence changes in the communicative behavior of participants in business internet communication. The aim of the research is to analyze the elements of informal internet communication inherent in messengers and their influence on modern digital business correspondence. The hypothesis is that the shift of business communication to messengers leads to an increasingly oral-like nature of written business internet communication: it becomes more dynamic, more dialogical, and the norms of business communication are transformed, becoming less rigid. The main research method is a sociolinguistic survey in the form of an internet questionnaire. The research material includes data from mass internet surveys conducted from 2017 to 2024 in O.V. Lukinova’s “Digital Etiquette” Telegram channel. Internet memes were sporadically used to illustrate and confirm assessments in the linguistic reflection of internet users. The authors conclude that business communication in messengers is simultaneously influenced by several factors: business epistolary tradition, email etiquette, and patterns of informal communication that were originally inherent in messengers. Under the influence of the latter, the role of politeness formulas changes in digital business correspondence, a balance between the synchronicity and asynchronicity of communication is sought, the role of graphical symbols changes, and the oral-written nature of internet communication is reconsidered. The research perspective is a comparative analysis of certain etiquette formulas, elements, and details of traditional and electronic business correspondence.

Lexical and word-formation innovations in the Russian-language Internet communication: Productive word-formation models
The relevance of the study is related to the need to study new word-building phenomena in various fields of Internet communication as one of the most dynamic communication systems. The aim of the study is to identify productive word-building types and models recorded in Russian-language texts on the Internet in 2018-2024. The research material, which is introduced into scientific discourse for the first time, represents lexical and word-formation innovations in the texts of blogs, comments on them, and comments on social networks. The study used descriptive and classification methods, structural-semantic, word-building, contextual types of analysis in the new aspects: cognitive, pragmatic, and socio-cultural. As a result of the conducted research, the external and internal factors of neologization were determined: extralinguistic factors are associated with economic, socio-political, cultural, and ideological changes in society; intra- linguistic factors are conditioned, in particular, by the law of linguistic economy. Derivational trends in the field of Internet communication are characterized: trends towards internationalization and democratization. Productive word-building models and formants, of both foreign and native origin, have been identified. The social conditionality of all the considered neologisms is manifested not only in the choice of word-formation formants and models, but also in the nature of the source words naming actual, socially important realities characterizing new social relations. The researchers regard the manifestation of the linguocreative personality of the authors of blogs and comments in the implementation of expressive-evaluative, and ludic functions of neologisms in Internet texts. The obtained results are important both for the theory of derivatology, neology, and Internet linguistics in general, and for lexicographic practice.

Pragmatics of verifiers in the aspect of active processes in Russian Internet media discourse
The study discusses the linguo-pragmatic potential of verification markers in the discourse of Russian Internet media. The relevance of the study is conditioned by the linguistic and general humanitarian significance of identifying and interpreting the linguopragmatic effects of nonstandard use of verifiers as a manifestation of active processes in the Russian language. The aim of the study is to analyze the factive predicates выяснилось ‘ it was found out’, установлено ‘it was established’, подтвердилось ‘it was confirmed’, было доказано ‘it was proved’, стало известно ‘it became known’, etc. in the context of propositional attitudes and their role in the discursive implementation of non-cooperative communication strategies in Russian speech. The method of linguo-pragmatic interpretation of non-usual communicative strategies is used, based on a complex research procedure for describing active processes in the Russian language, on the method of cognitive-discursive analysis of corpus data, as well as on the ideas and principles of foreign applied and “affective” pragmatics. The research material is language data from the newspaper subcorpus of the Russian National Corpus (200 contexts with verifiers). The study describes ambiguous and internally contradictory models of factual propositional knowledge attitudes and their discursive implementation in propositions that do not have a reference to a reliable and/or proven fact. A connection has been established between such cases and models of language anomality, because a speaker normally cannot have contradictory intentions. It is shown that these cases contain a contradiction between the propositional knowledge attitude obtained with certainty and the uncertain content of the proposition. For pragmatic anomalies generated by verifiers, a “conflict of modalities” has been established (reliable and unreliable, factual and hypothetical, knowledge and assumption, etc.). It is concluded that such non-usual uses of verification markers are associated either with the intention of the media text author to implement a manipulative strategy de re , or just with the speaker’s insufficient linguistic and communicative competence within the framework of bona fide . The prospects for the study are in the expansion of its empirical base with discursive indicators of truth ( истинно ‘truly’, подлинно ‘actually’, действительно ‘really’, etc.), as well as by involving other highly influential discourses (political, advertising, poetic, etc.).

Language form compression in modern Russian speech
Compressive word formation results from the active tendency to save speech effort and, accordingly, to save linguistic means, which makes its research relevant. At the lexical level, the principle of economy is realized in constriction, truncation, semantic condensation, i.e. processes based on reduction, minimization of structures. The aim of the study is to identify and fix the manifestations of this tendency in modern Russian speech, to generalize the ways of linguistic compression as mechanisms of its representation, to establish their universality and specificity in the Russian language in the pan-Slavic context. The research material is Internet resources, dictionaries of neologisms, the Russian national corpus, the speech of young people. The material was analyzed with both general scientific (relevant material collection, observation, analysis, systematization, description, interpretation), and linguistic methods (methods of word-formation, component, contextual, comparative analysis; structural-semantic method; method of modeling the derivational basis). Among extralinguistic and linguistic reasons for active compression word production, the author points out the influence of the English language as the most important factor, acting both as a donor of short lexical units and as a translator of derivation methods and mechanisms. Among the compression phenomena in modern speech, the article considers such phenomena as borrowings, collocations, composites, clipping, derivation with zero affixation, univerbation, semantic condensation. It is revealed that form compression not only strengthens its communicative function, but also, due to the pragmatic possibilities of the compression, increases its emotional-evaluative and relational functions. The analysis of the main manifestations of form compression in modern Russian speech allows us to conclude that they are universal, but at the same time have some specific features due to the specific national derivational system.

Trends of compressive word formation in modern Russian language
The study deals with the ways of compressive word formation, which are active in the modern Russian language, and reveals their dynamic processes. The aim of the study is to determine the leading trends in the development of compressive word formation in the modern Russian language. The relevance of the work is conditioned by the necessity of multidimensional study of active processes in the modern Russian language. Contexts extracted from modern fiction texts, records of oral speech, examples of compressives in the media and the Internet are used as material. The study describes and compares such ways of compression word formation as truncation, addition, abbreviation, and nominalization. Especially high productivity of truncation and univerbation in modern Russian speech is noted. It is shown that compressive word formation is currently characterized by new tendencies: active borrowing, expansion of compressives of different types and spheres of their use in modern Russian speech, formation of new ways of compressive wordformation, spread of truncation on words of different parts of speech. The increasing frequency of contaminated formations in modern Russian speech is revealed. Studies of trends of compressive word formation in the modern Russian language show the correlation of ways of word formation in synchronicity and detailed analysis of derivational processes taking into account the principle of linguistic economy.

Metaphors and subjective-evaluative affixes as means of expressing verbal aggression: nomina agentis in Russian media discourse
The aim of the study is to analyze agentives as a means of expressing speech aggression in lexico-semantic and word-formation aspects. The relevance of the topic is that this linguistic problem has significant social projections. As a rule, speech aggression is considered within the framework of Internet communication, but nowadays it is also observed in the media space. For that reason, the study was conducted on the material of media texts published on various news Internet portals, some of them were borrowed from the newspaper subcorpus of the Russian National Corpus. Relying on the linguistic literature of 1997-2022, the author offers a brief overview of the studies on speech aggression in Russian-language media (typologization and means of expression). The author focuses on agentives, which are expressed by metaphors or derivatives with the semantics of similarity or non-compliance with some norm. Using the method of contextualsemantic analysis, in addition to zoonyms, the author presents agentives with the meaning of unreal persons, which, depending on the context, provide an opportunity for the addressee to cause moral damage to the referent, insult, humiliate, discredit, or even dehumanize him. The author considered the suffixes -оид- ‘-oid’ , -уг- ‘-ug-‘ and the prefixes псевдо- ‘pseudo-‘, квази- ‘quasi-‘, недо- ‘under-‘ , as well as the prefixoid лже- ‘pseudo-‘ . The analysis draws attention to the issue of the addressee's awareness/unawareness of speech aggression. The results of the analysis confirm that subjective evaluation is becoming increasingly important in the sphere of Russian-language media. The discrediting of the referent by means of speech aggression is manifested, on the one hand, in quotations of direct speech of a bystander and, on the other hand, in journalists' own statements. The conclusion is that the consciousness of speech aggression is noticeably increased.

Language play on Russian-language Internet forums
The relevance of the topic is determined by the need for a more comprehensive analysis of the linguistic and creative activity of users in computer-mediated communication, achieved through language play. In informal computer-mediated communication, the phenomenon of language play, as a manifestation of linguistic creativity, serves as a means of self-presentation and entertainment, impacting all levels of the language system, primarily the orthographic and lexical level, as well as the level of word-formation. The aim of the study is thus to identify the most frequent patterns of language play in informal computer-mediated communication based on data collected from Russian-language Internet forums. Research material were texts of messages exchanged by users within the framework of informal, relaxed communication on Russian-language Internet forums, participants of which are residents of the Russian Federation, as well as post-Soviet countries and other countries around the world. Based on the material selected by means of a complete sampling from October 2022 to March 2024, the author’s card index was compiled, numbering 396 contexts in which various types of language games are presented. For the purposes of the study, methods of continuous sampling, direct observation of language use, contextual, semantic and stylistic analysis, analysis of word-formation processes as well as descriptive and analytical approach were applied. The novelty of the work is due to the specifics of the linguistic material and is associated with the analysis of specific ways of manifestation of linguistic creativity in Internet discourse. The theoretical framework of the present paper focuses on the studies of Russian and foreign scholars in the field of language play and linguistic creativity. It has been established that anonymity of communication on the forum promotes spontaneity and freedom of expression, and also creates favorable conditions for the linguistic and creative activities of communicants, realized through a language play, which is carried out using linguistic means of different levels. The analysis of the collected data made it possible to identify the most frequent language play techniques in informal computer-mediated communication on Russian-language Internet forums, such as the nonstandard use of graphic characters, the creation of nonce words and the various changes involving phraseological units, quotes and other fixed expressions. Prospects for the research are seen in further study of the linguistic and creative potential of computer-mediated communication using the material of the Russian language, as well as conducting comparative studies using primarily data from other Slavic languages.

Mediadidactics and electronic means of instruction
Linguodidactic potential of metaverse language environments for teaching Russian as a foreign language
Since 2020, the term “metaverse” has been spontaneously used in both scientific and media discourse, particularly in relation to multiplayer virtual worlds and the new generation of the Internet Web3. These resources spontaneously form artificial language environments, which are sometimes used within the communicative approach to foreign language teaching. However, there is no common definition of the metaverse in the scientific literature. The aim of this study is to analyze the linguodidactic potential of virtual language environments in metaverses for communicative teaching of Russian as a foreign language. This study examines the features of metaverses in the context of virtual learning and the broader scientific discourse dedicated to modern approaches to computer-assisted linguodidactics. The research employed a comprehensive set of methods, including scientific observation, critical analysis of literature, study and synthesis of foreign language learning experiences using v-learning technologies as described by foreign scientists, and terminological analysis. The study resulted in an analysis of the linguodidactic potential based on the most current scientific works on the topic. A set of identified features led to an updated understanding of the metaverse as a technology in education. The findings suggest that virtual language environments in metaverses have high linguodidactic potential for communicative teaching of Russian. Virtual language environments in metaverses possess several properties inherent to real ones, which enhances students’ motivation and deep engagement in the learning process. This prospectively justifies the expansion of these technologies in distance learning of Russian as a foreign language.

Cultural Linguistics: Theoretical and Applied Aspects
Linguistic-culturological characteristics of a conflicting linguistic personality in modern Internet discourse
The research is devoted to the conflictual linguistic personality of a hater as one of the types of cybercommunication which are rapidly gaining popularity, namely, hating as a purposeful type of speech aggression on the Internet. The relevance of the proposed research is determined by the need to consider a new communicative reality in the modern Internet space and identify new forms of communication between members of the network community. The aim of the study is to describe the characteristic features of hating in modern Internet discourse, identify stereotypical features of haters, and consider the ideas about haters in the linguistic consciousness of communicants. The material was the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists on virtual linguistic personality, as well as more than 300 interactions from popular Russian-language Internet chats where communicants resort to various speech strategies and tactics. The authors used linguisticcultural, linguistic-pragmatic, descriptive methods, as well as elements of contextual-situational and intentional analysis. Synchronous Internet discourse is presented as a media platform for interaction, as well as the verbal and non-verbal impact of communication participants on each other and on a wide audience of users in general. The main characteristics of the modern cognitive and communicative space of the Internet (hypertextuality, virtuality, crealization, etc.) are highlighted and described in detail, and the characteristics of the speech behavior of the main virtual linguistic and cultural types are given. As a result of the study of one of the key linguistic and cultural types - the conflicting linguistic personality of a hater - the following characteristics of his speech behavior were revealed: a dynamic manipulative scenario, targeting and subjectivity, an attitude towards obtaining a perlocutionary effect when achieving the goal of pleasure, satisfaction, and selfadmiration that the hater needs. It is also shown that, as a rule, famous and popular personalities are chosen as the object of cyber aggression for the manifestation of online hating; there is no objective assessment or criticism in the comments of the haters, their speech activity is exclusively destructive. The prospect of further research is related to the application of the proposed integrative approach to the study of other types of cyber aggression: flaming, trolling, cyberbullying, etc.

Scientific Discourse: Scientist's Opinion
Taxis in utterances with verbs of motion in the Russian language: nonstandard simultaneity situations
The relevance of the work is determined by the neccessity in: 1) studying the interaction of lexical and grammatical semantics in characterizing situations that have a common conceptual basis of movement (chronological and spatial); 2) studying non-central grammatical phenomena, their semantics largely depending on the linguistic environment; 3) creating a system of subcategorization of non-standard taxis situations. The aim of the work is to identify the range of simultaneity situations expressed with finite verbs and adverbial participles with the semantics of movement contrasted in non-causativeness / causativeness. The material was literary texts of the XX-XXI centuries from the main subcorpus of the Russian National Corpus. Utterances with noncausative verbs of movement and causative adverbial participles of movement were analyzed. The material under study is peculiar due to the fact that the meaning of simultaneity is determined by the interaction of the lexical meanings of non-causative verbs of movement and causative adverbial participles of movement and extralinguistic factors. The main research method is functional analysis based on the theory of categorical situations by A.V. Bondarko. As a result of the study, two main types of aspectual-taxis situations were identified: the simultaneity of movement processes and the simultaneity of integral facts of movement. The simultaneity of movement processes includes 3 situations: 1) simultaneity of movement processes in the middle fixed periods; 2) prospective simultaneity of movement processes; 3) retrospective simultaneity of movement processes. The simultaneity of integral facts of movement includes 2 situations: 1) simultaneity of the results of integral movement facts; 2) simultaneity of integral movement facts when the result of causative movement is not actualized. The prospects for the work are to continue studying the role of lexical semantics in Russian taxis constructions and to compare utterances with adverbial participles.

On Cultural Heritage of Russian Philology
Stylistic marks axiology in the “Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language” edited by D.N. Ushakov and the new lexicographic reality
The importance of addressing both theoretical and practical challenges of lexicography in the process of mastering, accumulating, and transmitting knowledge, which is materialized in language, is unquestionable. The relevance of the study is fueled by the enduring interest of researchers in the problems associated with developing academic traditions of Russian lexicography. The aim of the study is axiological analysis of stylistic markers, an important component of the lexicography metalanguage, and their systematization, which forms a methodological basis for further scholarly work in this field. This is because the research is based on the lexicographic tradition established by the prominent linguist D.N. Ushakov in the normative academic “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” (1935-1940), a harmonious and sequential approach to the lexicographic parameterization of the Russian language, characterizing the stylistic status of words. The methodology of comprehensive research included general scientific methods of observation, comparison, analysis, and the contextual method in assessing stylistic deviations of normative stylistic markers. The consistent idea in the study is that the results of the conducted research testify to the foresight of D.N. Ushakov as a linguist, who anticipated the development of axiological issues in Russian language studies and the special role of stylistic qualification of words, their close connection with the evaluative nature of words in negative and positive semantics. The prospects for studying the system of stylistic markers as an important component of lexicography metalanguage are clear; they highlight the position of the word in the system of literary language, its expressiveevaluative connotations. The modern picture of studying the stylistic stratification of the lexicon remains a significant research object at the current stage of the Russian language in the diversity of prospective methods of lexicographic stylistics.