Searching for “the golden key” (problems of modern Russian as a foreign language textbooks)
- Authors: Pashkovskaya S.S.1
- Penza State University
- Pages: 7-28
- Section: Review Article
- URL:
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The article generalizes and gives critical analysis of the problems of a modern Russian as foreign language (RFL) textbook. Its essential characteristics and functions are revealed. A textbook on Russian as a foreign language reflects the features of Russian language teaching at a certain stage of science development. The important characteristic of all RFL textbooks is the ability to simulate pedagogical process, simplified and at the same time idealized, and to ensure the interaction between the teacher and students. A textbook on Russian as a foreign language structures foreign language material presentation, organizes gradual formation of speech skills and abilities. The textbook realizes the informational function as well. The motivating function of the textbook can be realized in the unity of its external and internal structure. The interrelation of “visual appeal” (paper, font, colourful illustrations, etc.) and clearly structured material presentation with the necessarily generalized and systematized information is presented in a textbook. Practical (communicative) orientation is the essential characteristic of RFL textbook. RFL textbooks realizes a differentiated approach to control and training, i.e. performs the controlling function. A brief description of different generations of textbooks is given. The analysis of scientific and educational literature allows to confirm methodological necessity of creating an encyclopedia for the authors of RFL textbooks. The encyclopedia could sum up fundamental research in teaching foreign languages and Russian as a foreign language.
About the authors
Svetlana Sergeevna Pashkovskaya
Penza State University
Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department “Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language” in Penza State University
40 Krasnaya St., Penza, 440026, Russian FederationReferences
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