Vol 21, No 4 (2023)
- Year: 2023
- Articles: 9
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/russian-language-studies/issue/view/1729
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2618-8163-2023-21-4
Full Issue
Actual Problems of Russian Language Studies
Functions and semantics of foreign language beauty vocabulary in the modern Russian language
The authors examine the main principles of the vocabulary of the semantic field “Cosmetics and cosmetic products” formation and development in the modern Russian language. The purpose of this study is to describe the functional status and semantic parameters of lexical units of foreign origin in comparison with their prototypes. The relevance of the work is dual: extralinguistic space transformation, the deepening of knowledge about it and the complication of the knowledge structure means the evolution of language systems, where the vocabulary demonstrates the most sensitive reactions and, therefore, higher dynamics. The material of the work included the data form advertising texts and audiovisual documents published in specialized magazines (articles and reviews), as well as users’ comments at beauty forums. The authors followed the system-synergetic model of foreign lexemes in the Russian language compared with their prototypes in the source language. The concept of language contacts is clarified and the main approaches to the typology of foreign vocabulary are provided. The authors establish the most significant differential semes that categorize the vocabulary of the sphere under study and clarify its etymological composition. The types of variability of foreign language units in the beauty vocabulary are described in detail and the wide distribution of these particular variants are explained. Based on a detailed structural analysis of lexical units, the authors draw conclusions about the productivity of some morphological ways of forming new words, such as suffixation and composition. The study also reveals the increasing frequency of the so-called phraseological (or combinability) calquing. A comparative component analysis of the meaning of a foreign word in Russian and its prototype identified ascending trends in semantics within the framework of the studied layer: the functioning of semantic rows where logical-hierarchical paradigms are built.

Borrowed vocabulary as a fragment of the Russian language picture of the world: linguoculturological description
The relevance of the study is determined by the need for further study of the modern Russian language picture of the world, including by considering borrowed lexical units that explicate the conceptual meanings in the minds of Russian speakers precepting their own national culture. Of particular scientific interest are the results of the associative experiment, which demonstrate the specifics of Russian-speaking informants’ interpretation of subject-conceptual, connotative, primarily axiological, components of the borrowed units meaning, in our case, Sinicisms. The purpose of the study is to identify and describe the universal and nationally determined components in the semantics of the associates obtained during the experiment, which mark a fragment of the Russian picture of the world associated with understanding Chinese culture. The materials included the works of scientists on the problem of lexical borrowings, data from lexicographic sources, as well as the results of a survey and an associative experiment in a group of Russian-speaking students studying at Tomsk State Pedagogical University. A comprehensive research methodology was used, including methods of theoretical, introspective and experimental analysis. The results of the experiment made it possible to draw a conclusion about the role, place and content of fragments of the worldview of Russian-speaking informants related to the idea of the history, culture and language of China and based on the reception of different thematic borrowed lexical units. The authors proved that, despite the influence of the native linguistic culture on interpreting Sinicisms by Russian language native speakers, they understand the core subject-conceptual components of the meaning of all stimulus words. This fact testifies to the presence of a general idea on the original Chinese culture, imprinted in the national language and in the minds of the informants. We revealed that the degree of success and completeness of interpreting the borrowings depends on a certain thematic category of the unit: the most diverse and numerous reactions were received to words denoting philosophical concepts, the socio-political vocabulary has the least limited range of reactions. In general, the results of the experiment demonstrated the positive value meanings conveying respect and interest to Chinese language and culture in the minds of the representatives of modern Russian linguistic culture. The prospects of the research involve further study of Russian linguistic culture involving borrowed words from different source languages, as well as expanding the audience of recipients depending on their status indicators.

Cultural Linguistics: Theoretical and Applied Aspects
Linguistic and cultural foundations of verbal aggression in the Russian language
The relevance of the research is determined by the insufficient study of the forms of aggression in the context of culture, as well as insufficient description of the extralinguistic prerequisites of aggression correlated with the subject area of culture, and intra-linguistic means and methods of cultural reference of aggression. The aim of the study is to identify the linguistic and cultural foundations of expressing aggression in the Russian language and to describe the means of its verbalization through the prism of the binary category “Own/ Other”, which is the basis of ethnic conflicts. To achieve this aim, the method of definitional, semantic, linguistic-cultural analysis, descriptive method was used. A sociolinguistic experiment was conducted. Methods of continuous sampling from lexicographic sources and of quantitative calculations of the responses received by the participants of the experiment were applied. The research material included: 1) a corpus of more than 50 lexical and phraseological units of the Russian language taken from dictionaries, which verbalize aggressive attitude towards “foreign” culture and “foreign” ethnos; 2) a range of ethnopholisms obtained in the sociolinguistic experiment among high school students in Astrakhan. It was determined that aggression in the Russian language has a culturological explanation: it is conditioned by identifying the ethnos according to the principle of “own - other”. The linguistic and cultural basis of aggressive semantics is the semantics of “alienness”, which is expressed by demonstrating an obviously negative attitude to “alien”, which is the object of an aggressive action. A special group of lexical means - linguistic and cultural markers of aggression - includes units, negatively characterizing representatives/artifacts of a “foreign” culture. Linguistic and cultural markers of aggression are ethnopholisms. Aggressive nominations of ethnic groups historically residing both far abroad and in the Russian multicultural region are equally relevant in the linguistic consciousness of young people. From extralinguistic positions, the consolidation and activation of hostile lexico-phraseological means in the language are conditioned by the intercultural historical contacts of nations which are currently being reflected in the journalistic discourse, in Internet communication. The perspective of the research is seen in the use of its results for developing the concept of overcoming speech aggression in the educational space, where the factor of hostility has hindered the education of a tolerant personality.

Conceptualization of ideas about Russian culture and the culture of Russia in the Russian language
The authors discuss the issues of conceptualization of ideas about Russian culture and the culture of Russia (RF) in the Russian language. The chosen issue is relevant not only in the light of linguistic-culturological and cognitive research, but also in connection with its social significance in modern geopolitical situation. The working hypothesis was the assumption that Russian culture and the culture of the Russian Federation are perceived differently by Russian speakers: Russian culture remains in the field of traditional and folklorized ideas, while Russian culture is perceived as modern and industrial. The aim of the research is to make up a cognitive matrix of the fields “Russian culture” and “Culture of the Russian Federation” and identify the conceptual components of verbalized ideas about culture among its bearers. The study is based on empirical data collected with representational and mini-essay techniques. The received corpus materials were quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed with structural-grammatical and lexical-semantic analysis, categorial-formal model of narrative analysis, clustering and visualization of verbalized cognitive fields. It was found that there are no fundamental differences in the ideas of Russian speakers about Russian culture and the culture of Russia, however, ideas about Russian culture have greater sensibility, involvement, which is reflected both at lexical-semantic and syntactic levels, while culture of Russia is perceived as more dynamic one and built through the prism of other cultures. The created cognitive matrix and the developed methodological approach in studies with new target groups will provide new data not only for cognitive theory and cultural linguistics, but also for planning the state cultural policy.

Modern Linguodidactics
Dictionary of IT terms as a tool for Russian language studies and linguodidactics in the context of digitalization in education
The authors present a comprehensive description of the main features of a new vocabulary project aimed at expanding and systematizing the methodological competencies of a modern teacher of philology. The relevance of the work is determined both by the object of research itself, which is a corpus of terminological units relevant in the digital pedagogical space, and by the need to fix numerous changes in linguistic/linguopedagogical/philological education determined by the transition to convergent learning. The aim of the research is to characterize the specifics of the dictionary entry structure in this lexicographic resource, to describe the principles and methods of selecting terminological units, to identify ways of their defining and translation. The research material includes Russian terminological systems and their English versions, correlated with pedagogical and lexical phenomena of the Russian language. The following scientific methods and approaches were used: component analysis of dictionary entries, comparative method, functional analysis of English and Russian terminology (if there is a translated version), linguistic-cognitive analysis, data systematization and clustering, qualification data interpretation. The results of the study are as follows: a set of problems related to the constitution and categorization of new terminological units explicating the transformation of the educational paradigm is identified and described; the features of lexicographic definition and presentation of indices are characterized; various ways of defining IT terms in the aspect of foreign language teaching methods are proposed, examples of dictionary entries are given. The perspectives of the study are in further expanding, specifying and systematizing IT terminology in modern language education and creating on this base new lexicographic projects which would intensify teaching in Russian higher education institutions.

Methods of Teaching Russian as a Native, Non-Native, Foreign Language
Creating the system of teaching Russian as a second language to primary school children from migrant families
In modern Russian schools, foreign-speaking children from migrant families study on a par with Russian-speaking classmates. To adapt in the educational space, such students should be bilinguals. The necessity of forming the Russian-speaking component of the bilingual language personality of children from migrant families determines the relevance of this work. The aim of the study is to create the system of teaching Russian as a second language to primary school children from migrant families. The material included the scientific works on Russian as a foreign and as a second language, studies on the social and linguistic adaptation of migrants. Methods of complex theoretical analysis and modeling were used. The model of teaching Russian as a second language has been created, including target, methodological, content, and procedural components. The characteristics of each component of the teaching process are given, the parts of the components and the main content of these parts are determined. The super goal of teaching is the formation of the Russian-speaking component of the bilingual language personality with the help of language adaptation, including interpersonal language adaptation, linguistic-cultural adaptation, meta-subject language adaptation, psycholinguistic adaptation. Integration of the target, methodological, content, and procedural components of the model will make teaching Russian as a second language structured and purposeful and will contribute to the formation of a bilingual linguistic personality of a child from a migrant family. The prospects of the research are further study and description of the model components, as well as testing the proposed system of teaching Russian as a second language.

Konstruirovanie sovremennoy effektivnoy modeli obucheniya inostrantsev russkomu yazyku na printsipakh antropologicheskoy lingvodidaktiki
The relevance of the work is due to the need to optimize the educational process by its integrating on all its main parameters; to free up the working time of students, to increase the productivity of educational activities and ensure the high quality of mastering the learning materials by means of multidimensional and multi-level integrative units in educational speech activity in the Russian language. The aim of the research is to present an integrative model of efficient educational speech activity of international students in the Russian language, as well as implementing this model within a specific lesson. The study was carried out on the material of audio recordings of classroom discourse in learning groups of international students, A2-B1 level of the Russian language proficiency. The method of modeling, based on integrating and differentiating units correlation and generalization of best practices in teaching Russian to foreign learners were used. A descriptive model of teaching Russian to international students has been developed, based on the bidirectional and multifaceted integrative system, scaling: a) from the personality-based activity approach, across its three principles (anthropological, communicative and cognitive), to operating with the acquired language material (vertical perspective); b) from the integrative to differentiating units of the languages in contact in the process of educational cross-cultural communication at the level of text/discourse as communicative units (considering their verbalizations) (horizontal perspective). In accordance with the presented model, the development of the student's linguistic personality at the initial stage of learning Russian is based on the identified integrative units. In terms of content, these are microtexts of the following types: a) description; b) narrative, as well as structural units (words and word forms) that identify them and are included in the processes of internalization; in operational terms, this is the interaction of integrated reading-listening-speaking systems. The study demonstrates that both right-hemisphere and left-hemisphere international students easily include (integrate) into their linguistic consciousness a typified Russian-language description or narrative, as well as elements of reasoning, using the cognitive strategy “from synthesis to analysis”. The educational materials interiorized on the integrative basis allows these students further, at the B1 level, to cope with more complicated educational tasks, such as producing their own monologues/discourses of different types.

Formation patterns of schoolchildren’s scientific linguistic world picture at Russian language lessons in the Russian Federation
The relevance of the research is due to the importance of forming a scientific linguistic picture of the world in the Russian language lessons as a cognitive component of the students’ linguistic worldview and to the need of developing linguistic-methodological foundations to achieve this aim. The aim of the study is to identify and describe the patterns of forming the scientific linguistic world picture in the process of teaching Russian in secondary schools. Theoretical analysis of scientific literature, observation, pedagogical experiment were used as scientific methods. The scientific publications on cultural linguistics, cognitive linguistics, theory and methodology of teaching the Russian language were the research materials. The definition of the concept “scientific linguistic picture of the world” is given in relation to the tasks of teaching the Russian language. The authors revealed that the formation of the scientific linguistic picture of the world is formed through learning new words and concepts as a result of observation, analysis and interpretation of language phenomena from linguistic positions during categorization and conceptualization primarily at the lexical level. The formation of scientific linguistic world picture is based on the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired at Russian language lessons and, to a certain extent, is set in the guidelines of the textbook authors. The main didactic means of forming the scientific linguistic world picture is the scientific linguistic text. The leading method of forming the scientific linguistic world picture is cognitive linguistic tasks, including comparative ones. Prospects for further study of the problem lie in developing a methodology for forming a scientific linguistic world picture at Russian language lessons on the basis of various sections of linguistics.

Methodological opportunities for international students acquiring content and language integrated learning in a contemporary educational environment
Russian Federation has consistently ranked among the top ten countries in the world for the number of international students enrolled in secondary and higher education institutions to pursue a specialization. In this context, one of the most crucial and pressing problems of Russian pedagogy is the high-quality education. The current system, however, does not adequately address this issue, as seen by the high number of first-year international students that are expelled each year for not comprehending certain concepts in Russian language. In this regard, the goal of the study was to identify the challenges that prohibit international students from receiving a successful education in Russian universities' junior programs and to devise solutions to these challenges. Monitoring studies were carried out with the help of international students enrolled in the RUDN University's first-year programs for bachelor's, master's, and speciality degrees in order to achieve this objective. The data acquired show that the system of pre-university education for international students has to be modernized in terms of both the Russian language and specific academic areas. Subject-language integration as a learning strategy has enormous methodological promise for raising standards and effectiveness. Content and language integrated learning has a lot of methodological promise for enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of the current system. The author take into account and carefully analyze the technologies and guiding principles of this notion in relation to the duties of preparing international students for pre-university education. The theory and methodology of teaching the Russian language and specialized subjects in the Russian language to foreigners with a professional orientation are being developed by this research, which also helps to develop the conditions for maximizing the educational training of foreign students in Russian universities.