Russian as a foreign language e-textbooks: current state and perspectives
- Authors: Azimov E.G.1
- Pushkin State Russian Language Institute
- Pages: 39-53
- Section: Mediadidactics and electronic means of instruction
- URL:
- DOI:
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The aim of the article is to describe the didactic features of various Russian as a foreign language e-textbooks, online courses, and define their pedagogical features, disadvantages and advantages in language learning. The research methodology includes surveys and analysis of scientific literature, learning outcomes, expert assessments. The research is based on studying the results of pedagogical research and experience of using information and communication technologies in language teaching. The results of the study are given, and the necessity of using various types of electronic textbooks is proved. The article addresses the following issues: how can e-textbooks improve students’ competence? what are the most effective teaching methods in the aspect of new digital technologies? The results of the study allowed to identify the following requirements for online courses: teachers' active participation, planning various possibilities for using online courses, conducting regular monitoring of the course study, supporting the learning process and user interaction within social services, and developing specially designed learning material. The article discusses principles that should be applied in Russian language online courses. The results of the study showed that the variety of forms and means of e-textbooks contributes to implementation of various methods and technologies of teaching Russian (blended learning, inverted class learning, problem-based learning).
About the authors
Elhan G. Azimov
Pushkin State Russian Language Institute
Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language
6 Akademika Volgina St., Moscow, 117485, Russian FederationReferences
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