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Vol 67, No 1 (2021): Partial Differential Equations Nonexistence of Nontrivial Weak Solutions of Some Nonlinear Inequalities with Gradient Nonlinearity PDF


Admasu V.E., Galakhov E.I., Salieva O.A.
Vol 69, No 3 (2023) Nonlinear differential-difference equations of elliptic and parabolic type and their applications to nonlocal problems PDF


Solonukha O.V.
Vol 60, No (2016) Nonlinear Integral Equations with Kernels of Potential Type on a Segment PDF


Askhabov S.N.
Vol 69, No 2 (2023): Proceedings of the Crimean Autumn Mathematical School-Symposium Nonlinear optics problem with transformation of a spatial variable and an oblique derivative PDF


Kornuta A.A., Lukianenko V.A.
Vol 59, No (2016) Nonstationary Problem of Complex Heat Transfer in a System of Semitransparent Bodies with Radiation Di use Re ection and Refraction Boundary-Value Conditions PDF


Amosov A.A.
Vol 68, No 4 (2022) Numerical analysis of stationary solutions of systems with delayed argument in mathematical immunology PDF


Khristichenko M.Y., Nechepurenko Y.M., Grebennikov D.S., Bocharov G.A.
Vol 69, No 2 (2023): Proceedings of the Crimean Autumn Mathematical School-Symposium Numerical-analytical method for the Burgers equation PDF


Bezrodnykh S.I., Pikulin S.V.
Vol 51, No (2013) O bol'shikh podgrafakh grafa rasstoyaniy, imeyushchikh malen'koe khromaticheskoe chislo PDF


Kokotkin A.A., Raygorodskiy A.M.
Vol 51, No (2013) O khromaticheskikh chislakh tselochislennykh i ratsional'nykh reshetok PDF


Manturov V.O.
Vol 51, No (2013) O kombinatorike razvedeniy PDF


Krisman M.V.
Vol 58, No (2015) O nekotorykh kraevykh zadachakh dlya ellipticheskikh i parabolicheskikh sistem vtorogo poryadka PDF


Golubeva E.V., Dubinskiy Y.A.


Nikabadze M.U.
Vol 58, No (2015) O nekotorykh vyrozhdennykh ellipticheskikh uravneniyakh, voznikayushchikh v geometricheskikh zadachakh PDF


Kaputstso Dol'chetta I., Leoni F., Vitolo A.
Vol 53, No (2014) O nevyazkikh resheniyakh mnogokomponentnoy sistemy Eylera PDF


Palin V.V., Radkevich E.V., Yakovlev N.N., Lukashev E.A.
Vol 58, No (2015) O novykh strukturakh v teorii polnost'yu nelineynykh uravneniy PDF


Ivochkina N.M., Filimonenkova N.V.
Vol 58, No (2015) O regulyarnosti resheniy nachal'no-kraevoy zadachi dlya uravneniya Zakharova-Kuznetsova PDF


Antonova A.P., Faminskiy A.V.
Vol 57, No (2015) Ob abstraktnoy formule Grina dlya troyki gil'bertovykh prostranstv i polutoralineynykh form PDF


Kopachevskiy N.D.
Vol 51, No (2013) Ob ob\"eme giperbolicheskogo oktaedra s netrivial'nymi simmetriyami PDF


Krasnov V.A.
Vol 58, No (2015) Ob upravlenii po printsipu obratnoy svyazi sistemoy s posledeystviem pri nepolnoy informatsii o fazovykh koordinatakh PDF


Kublanov V.S., Maksimov V.I.
Vol 68, No 4 (2022) On a system of differential equations with random parameters PDF


Zadorozhniy V.G., Tikhomirov G.S.
Vol 63, No 4 (2017): Differential and Functional Differential Equations On Absence of Nonnegative Monotone Solutions for Some Coercive Inequalities in a Half-Space PDF


Galakhov E.I., Salieva O.A.
Vol 68, No 1 (2022): Science — Technology — Education — Mathematics — Medicine On Analytic Perturbations of Linear Equations in the Case of Incomplete Generalized Jordan Set PDF


Rakhimov D.G., Akhmadzhanova D.
Vol 69, No 1 (2023): Differential and Functional Differential Equations On asymptotic properties of solutions for differential equations of neutral type PDF


Malygina V.V., Chudinov K.M.
Vol 65, No 4 (2019): Proceedings of the S.M. Nikolskii Mathematical Institute of RUDN University On Asymptotics of the Density of States for Hypoelliptic Almost Periodic Systems PDF


Bezyaev V.I.
Vol 62, No (2016) On Behavior of Solutions of Parabolic Nondivergent Equations with Increasing Higher-Order Coe cients at Large Values of Time PDF


Denisov V.N.
Vol 68, No 1 (2022): Science — Technology — Education — Mathematics — Medicine On Boundedness of Fractional Hadamard Integration and Hadamard-Type Integration in LebesgueSpaces with Mixed Norm PDF


Yakhshiboyev M.U.
Vol 64, No 4 (2018): Contemporary Problems in Mathematics and Physics On Boundedness of Maximal Operators Associated with Hypersurfaces PDF


Ikromov I.A., Usmanov S.E.
Vol 67, No 3 (2021): Dedicated to 70th anniversary of the President of the RUDN University V. M. Filippov On Calculation of the Norm of a Monotone Operator in Ideal Spaces PDF


Bakhtigareeva E.G., Goldman M.L.
Vol 61, No (2016) On Coercive Solvability of Parabolic Equations with Variable Operator PDF


Hanalyev A.R.
Vol 62, No (2016) On Coercivity of Di erential-Di erence Equations with Incommensurable Shifts of Arguments PDF


Ivanova E.P.
Vol 64, No 4 (2018): Contemporary Problems in Mathematics and Physics On Complexification of Real Spaces and Its Manifestations in the Theory of Bochner and Pettis Integrals PDF


Luna-Elizarrara´s M.E., Ram´ırez-Reyes F., Shapiro M.
Vol 70, No 1 (2024): Functional spaces. Differential operators. Problems of mathematics education On discrete models of Boltzmann-type kinetic equations PDF


Bobylev A.V.
Vol 63, No 3 (2017): Differential and Functional Differential Equations On Ellipticity of Hyperelastic Models Based on Experimental Data PDF


Salamatova V.Y., Vasilevskii Y.V.
Vol 69, No 4 (2023) On ellipticity of operators with shear mappings PDF


Boltachev A.V.
Vol 66, No 2 (2020): Proceedings of the Crimean Autumn Mathematical School-Symposium On Embedding of the Morse-Smale Diffeomorphisms in a Topological Flow PDF


Grines V.Z., Gurevich E.Y., Pochinka O.V.
Vol 63, No 3 (2017): Differential and Functional Differential Equations On Entropy Solutions of Anisotropic Elliptic Equations with Variable Nonlinearity Indices PDF


Kozhevnikova L.M.
Vol 70, No 3 (2024) On expanding attractors of arbitrary codimension PDF


Zhuzhoma E.V., Medvedev V.S.
Vol 65, No 1 (2019): Contemporary Problems in Mathematics and Physics On Formulation of Modified Problems for the Euler-Darboux Equation with Parameters Equalto 1/2 in Absolute Value PDF


Dolgopolov M.V., Rodionova I.N.
Vol 67, No 3 (2021): Dedicated to 70th anniversary of the President of the RUDN University V. M. Filippov On Generalized Solutions of the Second Boundary-Value Problem for Differential-Difference Equations with Variable Coefficients PDF


Skubachevskii A.L., Ivanov N.O.
Vol 69, No 3 (2023) On global weak solutions of the Vlasov-Poisson equations with external magnetic field PDF


Belyaeva Y.O., Skubachevskii A.L.
Vol 67, No 3 (2021): Dedicated to 70th anniversary of the President of the RUDN University V. M. Filippov On Holder’s Inequality in Lebesgue Spaces with Variable Order of Summability PDF


Burenkov V.I., Tararykova T.V.
Vol 64, No 1 (2018): Differential and Functional Differential Equations On Homotopic Classification of Elliptic Problems with Contractions and K-Groups of Corresponding C∗-Algebras PDF


Savin A.Y.
Vol 65, No 4 (2019): Proceedings of the S.M. Nikolskii Mathematical Institute of RUDN University On Initial-Boundary Value Problem on Semiaxis for Generalized Kawahara Equation PDF


Faminskii A.V., Martynov E.V.
Vol 65, No 3 (2019): Proceedings of the Crimean Autumn Mathematical School-Symposium On Inner Regularity of Solutions of Two-Dimensional Zakharov-Kuznetsov Equation PDF


Faminskii A.V.
Vol 63, No 3 (2017): Differential and Functional Differential Equations On Lacunas in the Lower Part of the Spectrum of the Periodic Magnetic Operator in a Strip PDF


Borisov D.I.
136 - 180 of 304 Items << < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 > >> 

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