On Entropy Solutions of Anisotropic Elliptic Equations with Variable Nonlinearity Indices
- Authors: Kozhevnikova LM1,2
- Sterlitamak Branch of Bashkir State University
- Elabuga Branch of Kazan Federal University
- Issue: Vol 63, No 3 (2017): Differential and Functional Differential Equations
- Pages: 475-493
- Section: New Results
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/CMFD/article/view/22394
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2413-3639-2017-63-3-475-493
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For a certain class of second-order anisotropic elliptic equations with variable nonlinearity indices and L1 right-hand side we consider the Dirichlet problem in arbitrary unbounded domains. We prove the existence and uniqueness of entropy solutions in anisotropic Sobolev spaces with variable indices.
About the authors
L M Kozhevnikova
Sterlitamak Branch of Bashkir State University; Elabuga Branch of Kazan Federal University
Email: kosul@mail.ru
37 Lenina av., 453103 Sterlitamak, Russia; 89 Kazanskaya st., 423604 Elabuga, Russia
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