Numerical analysis of stationary solutions of systems with delayed argument in mathematical immunology

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This work is devoted to the technology developed by the authors that allows one for fixed values of parameters and tracing by parameters to calculate stationary solutions of systems with delay and analyze their stability. We discuss the results of applying this technology to Marchuk-Petrov's antiviral immune response model with parameter values corresponding to hepatitis B infection. The presence of bistability and hysteresis properties in this model is shown for the first time.

About the authors

M. Yu. Khristichenko

Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Moscow, Russia

Yu. M. Nechepurenko

Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Moscow, Russia

D. S. Grebennikov

Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Moscow, Russia

G. A. Bocharov

Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Moscow, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2022 Khristichenko M.Y., Nechepurenko Y.M., Grebennikov D.S., Bocharov G.A.

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