Contemporary Mathematics. Fundamental Directions
Editor-in-Chief: Alexander L. Skubachevskii, Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba (RUDN University), Moscow, Russian Federation
ISSN: 2413-3639 (print), 2949-0618 (online). Founded in 2003 г. Publication frequency: quarterly. Peer-Review: blind
Open Access: Open Access. APC: no article processing charge. Indexation:,, Google Scholar, Lens, Research4Life
Publication language: Russian
Publisher: Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba (RUDN University)
The journal "Contemporary Mathematics. Fundamental Directions" is published both in English and Russian.
The journal is devoted to the actual topics of contemporary mathematics.
The journal is focused on publication of surveys as well as articles containing novel results.
The English version is published by "Springer Science+Business Media, Inc." (USA) in the series "Journal of Mathematical Sciences." ISSN: 1072-3374 (print version) ISSN: 1573-8795 (electronic version)
Current Issue
Vol 70, No 3 (2024)
- Year: 2024
- Articles: 11
- URL:
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Full Issue
On the formulation of boundary-value problems for binomial functional equations
In a number of previous works it was found that for binomial functional equations of the form
Triviality of outer derivations in lp(G) for one class of groups
In this paper, we study derivations in group rings completed by various types of norms. The main attention is paid to the class of groups in which conjugations act in a controlled manner in some sense. Using the method of identifying derivations and characters on some category, we obtain an alternative way of proving that for this class of groups all derivations are inner.
Construction of multidimensional vector fields whose projections onto coordinate planes have given topological structures
The aim of the work is to construct multidimensional vector fields that are represented by autonomous systems of ordinary differential equations and have specified topological structures in specified limited simply connected domains of the phase space, provided that these structures can be specified by topological structures of projections of the sought vector fields onto coordinate planes. This problem is an inverse problem of the qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations. The results of this work can be used to construct mathematical models of dynamic systems in various fields of science and technology. In particular, for mechanical systems with an arbitrary finite number of degrees of freedom, such vector fields can represent kinematic equations of program motions and be used to obtain control forces and moments implementing these motions.
On expanding attractors of arbitrary codimension
Thanks to the works by R.V. Plykin and V.Z. Grines, the most studied expanding attractors are orientable attractors of codimension one of A -diffeomorphisms of multidimensional closed manifolds and one-dimensional attractors on closed surfaces. In this paper, we prove that there exist closed manifolds of any dimension, starting with three, admitting structurally stable diffeomorphisms and diffeomorphisms satisfying Smale’s axiom A, with expanding attractors of arbitrary codimension. For some codimensions the type of manifolds is obtained.
On two methods of determining η-invariants of elliptic boundaryvalue problems
For a class of boundary-value problems with a parameter that are elliptic in the sense of Agranovich-Vishik, we establish the equality of the η-invariant defined in terms of the Melrose regularization and the spectral η-invariant of the Atiyah-Patodi-Singer type defined using the analytic continuation of the spectral η-function of the operator.
Maslov index on symplectic manifolds infinitesimal Lagrangian manifolds
This paper is a summary of the report at the conference “Semiclassical analysis and nonlocal elliptic problems-2023”. The definition of the Maslov index of a Lagrangian manifold as a class of onedimensional cohomologies on it gave rise to numerous works generalizing the concepts of the Maslov index. In the works by V. I. Arnold, V. A. Vassiliev and their followers, the theory of Lagrangian bordisms was developed and characteristic classes of Lagrangian submanifolds were constructed on its basis. But there is another approach to describing the Maslov classes of Lagrangian submanifolds, presented in the works by V. V. Trofimov and A. T. Fomenko from a categorical point of view, which served as the source of this report. Inspired by the works by V. V. Trofimov and A. T. Fomenko, we introduce the concept of the so-called infinitesimal Lagrangian manifolds, which, in our opinion, allow us to describe the characteristic classes of Lagrangian manifolds with maximum completeness and calculate the Maslov index for almost any Lagrangian manifold. The question that interests us is the following: when does the Maslov index defined on an individual Lagrangian manifold as a onedimensional cohomology class become the image of some one-dimensional cohomology class of the total space of the bundle of Lagrangian Grassmannians? An answer is given for various classes of bundles of Lagrangian Grassmannians.
Construction of equations of dynamics of a given structure based on equations of program constraints
We consider the problem of constructing a system of differential equations from a given set of constraint equations and reducing them to the form of Lagrange equations with dissipative forces that ensure stabilization of the constraints. We determine the dissipative function from the equations of constraint disturbances. We use modified Helmholtz conditions to represent differential equations in the form of Lagrange equations. We give the solution of the Bertrand problem of determining the central force under the action of which a material point performs stable motion along a conic section.
Self-similar solutions of a multi-phase Stefan problem on the half-line
In this paper, we study self-similar solutions of the multiphase Stefan problem for the heat equation on the half-line x > 0 with constant initial data and Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions. In the case of the Dirichlet boundary condition, we prove that the nonlinear algebraic system for determining the free boundaries is a gradient system, and the corresponding potential is an explicitly written strictly convex and coercive function. Consequently, there exists a unique minimum point of the potential, the coordinates of which determine the free boundaries and give the desired solution. In the case of the Neumann boundary condition, we show that the problem can have solutions with different numbers (types) of phase transitions. For each fixed type n, the system for determining the free boundaries is again a gradient system, and the corresponding potential turns out to be strictly convex and coercive, but in some wider nonphysical domain. In particular, a solution of type n is unique and can exist only if the minimum point of the potential belongs to the physical domain. We give an explicit criterion for the existence of solutions of any type n. Due to the rather complicated structure of the set of solutions, neither the existence nor the uniqueness of a solution to the Stefan-Neumann problem is guaranteed.
Classical solution of the initial-boundary value problem for the wave equation with mixed derivative
In this paper, we study the initial-boundary value problem for a second-order nonhomogeneous hyperbolic equation in a half-strip of the plane with constant coefficients, containing a mixed derivative, with zero and nonzero potentials. This equation is the equation of transverse oscillations of a moving finite string. We consider the case of fixed ends (Dirichlet conditions). We assume that the roots of the characteristic equation are simple and lie on the real axis on different sides of the origin. We formulate our previously proven theorems on finite formulas for a generalized solution in the case of homogeneous and nonhomogeneous problems. Then, based on these formulas, we prove theorems on finite formulas for a classical solution or, in other words, a solution almost everywhere. In the second part of the paper, we formulate theorems on generalized solution of the initial-boundary value problem with ordinary potential and potential of general type, which we had proved earlier. These results are based on the idea of treating an equation with a potential as an inhomogeneity in an equation without a potential. This idea was previously used by A. P. Khromov and V. V. Kornev in the case of equation without mixed derivative. Further, on the basis of formulas for generalized solution to the problem with potentials, we prove theorems on the corresponding formulas for classical solutions for these two types of potentials.
The inverse geometric problem of thermal conductivity for determining the thickness of scale in steam boiler pipes
The paper considers a nonstationary nonlinear problem of thermal conductivity in a steam boiler pipe, on the inner surface of which there is calcined scale. In the inverse geometric problem, the thickness of this scale is determined by the temperature change at the outer surface of the tube. Three cases of movement of water and steam in a tube are considered: only water, water and steam, and only steam. The problem is solved on the cross section of the structural element, the movement of water and steam is modeled by the presence of distributed heat extraction in them, when steam is formed, heat extraction at the phase boundary is taken into account, which is set by the boiling point. As a result of solving the problem by the finite element method, for the three cases under consideration, the dependence of the temperature at the outer boundary on the thickness of the scale layer is constructed. These dependencies serve as the basis for solving the inverse geometric problem of identifying scale parameters.
On one boundary-value problem related to internal flotation
We study the problem of small motions of a system of immiscible ideal fluids with a free surface consisting of two domains: a domain of elastic ice and a domain of crushed ice. Elastic ice is modeled by an elastic plate. By crushed ice we mean weighty particles of some substance floating on the free surface. We also assume that the interface between the fluid layers is a weighty surface. Using the method of orthogonal projection of boundary conditions and the introduction of auxiliary problems, we reduce the original initial-boundary value problem to an equivalent Cauchy problem for a second-order differential equation in a Hilbert space. We obtain the conditions under which there is a strong-in-time solution of the initial-boundary value problem describing the evolution of this hydraulic system. We prove statements about the structure of the spectrum of the problem and about the basis property of the system of eigenfunctions.