Nonstationary Problem of Complex Heat Transfer in a System of Semitransparent Bodies with Radiation Di use Re ection and Refraction Boundary-Value Conditions
- Authors: Amosov A.A.1
- National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”
- Issue: Vol 59, No (2016)
- Pages: 5-34
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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We consider a nonstationary initial-boundary value problem describing complex (radiative-con-ductive) heat transfer in a system of semitransparent bodies. To describe radiation propagation, we use the transport equation with radiation di use re ection and refraction boundary-value conditions. We take into account that the radiation intensity and optical properties of bodies depend on the radiation frequency. The unique solvability of a weak solution is established. The comparison theorem is proved. A priori estimates of a weak solution are obtained as well as its regularity.
About the authors
A. A. Amosov
National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”
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