
Language representations and language attitudes in the Mishar dialect continuum
Moskvitcheva S., Viaut A., Zamaletdinov R.
Kinship terms variation among speakers of Bahmaie dialect in Khuzestan Province of Iran
Tazik K., Aliakbari M.
Internal migration and changes in language repertoire among Sindhi youth
Abbasi M., David M., Ali A.
Linguistic pluricentrism and the Russian language
Shaibakova D., Protassova E., Yelenevskaya M.
Language organization existance and functioning
Bondarenko E.
The role of the diminutive suffixes in the national variants of the Spanish language of Peru and Bolivia
Sinitsyna A.
Language Maintenance and Language Death: The Case of the Irish Language
Pecnikova J., Slatinska A.
A semiotic portrait of a big Chinese city
Leontovich O., Kotelnikova N.
Linguistic and statistical analysis of the lexical ‘Langue-Parole’ dichotomy in a restricted domain
Sheremetyeva S., Babina O.
Rhetorical structure and persuasive features of advertising: An intercultural analysis of English and Arabic online advertisements
Khedri M., Hasan E., Kritsis K.
A Program for the Preservation and Revitalization of the Languages of Russia
Kibrik A.
Mapping models in novel metaphors and their effect on gaze behavior and default interpretations in native and target languages
Kiose M.
Beyond words in evaluation: Formulaic language in critical reviews of research articles across disciplines
Kashiha H.
Fictive motion categories in modern Persian: A cognitive semantic approach
Nikabadi M., Lotfi A., Hadian B.
Comparative analysis of phraseological units of Body parts lexico-semantic field (on the material of Arabic, Avar and Russian languages)
Ismailova Z.
The English language: the past and the present
Minasyan A.
Text content variables as a function of comprehension: Propositional discourse analysis
Solnyshkina M., Harkova E., Ebzeeva Y.
Maintenance of Russian as a heritage language in Germany: A longitudinal approach
Brehmer B.
Language Situation and Language Policy in New Zealand
Beckeyeva A.
Identity, politeness and discursive practices in a changing world
Eslami Z., Larina T., Pashmforoosh R.
Russian language maintenance among multilingual teachers in Israeli educational settings
Putjata G.
The Russian language maintenance and language contacts
Zabrodskaja A., Ivanova O.
Russian is a Multinational Language?
Bakhtikireeva U.
Emotions and attitudes in present day Russian through the prism of new words: Cultural semantics of zhest’ and related concepts
Gladkova A.
Language education from a post-native-speakerist perspective: The case of English as an international language
Hino N.
Language Cultural Specificity of the Language Units “Cat” and “Dog” in English and Chinese Languages
Baghana J., Iakovleva E.
The present and the future of Breton language in France
Mikheeva N., Illarionova O.
To the issue of language isomorphic inner system
Boghana J., Bondarenko E.
Normative conservatism against language fashion
Krylova O.
ReaderBench: Multilevel analysis of Russian text characteristics
Corlatescu D., Ruseti Ș., Dascalu M.
Translanguaging space and translanguaging practices in multilingual Russian-speaking families
Karpava S., Ringblom N., Zabrodskaja A.
The dynamics of political correctness, inclusive language and freedom of speech
Leontovich O.
Suryanarayan N.
On the factors, having influence on processes of utterance perception and production in general, and in Vietnamese, in particular
Gumnikov I.
Onomasiological territorial french language features (based on nicknames material)
Baghana J., Langner A.
The Language Context in Modern Morocco
Baghana J., Tupeyko D.
Natural language processing and discourse complexity studies
Solnyshkina M., McNamara D., Zamaletdinov R.
Israeli Russian: Case morphology in a bilingual context
Meir N., Avramenko M., Verkhovtceva T.
Kinship terms as indicators of identity and social reality: A case study of Syrian Arabic and Hindi
Suryanarayan N., Khalil A.
Review of Rakhimov G.H. 2017. Ingliz tili O’zbekistonda: sociolingvistik va pragmatik kursatkichlar (The English language in Uzbekistan: sociolinguistic and pragmatic aspects). Tashkent: TAMADDUN
Dzhusupov M.
Teaching financial translation from Russian into English: stylistic aspect
Kupriyanova M.
Politeness and impoliteness in social network service communication in Korea
Rhee S.
Computational linguistics and discourse complexology: Paradigms and research methods
Solovyev V., Solnyshkina M., McNamara D.
The Reflection of the Hierarchy of Values in the Proverbial Fund of the Russian and French languages
Nelyubova N., Hiltbrunner V., Ershov V.
The new theory of language by N.Ya. Marr as a phenomenon of the linguistic science
Sukhov S.
“... to grasp the native's point of view...” - A Plea for a Holistic Documentation of the Trobriand Islanders' Language, Culture and Cognition
Senft G.
Lexical and Semantic Fields Judge and Sudya in the English and Russian Languages
Ozyumenko V.
Theory of Translation: referential situation and its temporal component as expression of the speaker's inner time consciousness
Bobrova S.
Faunonyms within the african set-expressions
Baghana J., Galiaskarova V.
Immigrants’ Bilingual Humor: Language Play and Social Adaptation (The Case of Russian-Speaking Israelis)
Yelenevskaya M.
Family language policy in Russian-Estonian and Russian-Spanish multilingual settings
Ivanova O., Zabrodskaja A.
Teaching languages in multicultural surroundings: New tendencies
Yelenevskaya M., Protassova E.
Semantiz Structure of the Legal Term
Kulevskaya E., Dudik N.
The relationship between linguistics and journalism
Kirilenko N.
The colloqual elements within the Old Russian literary texts in the middle of the XV century
Ivanova M.
Code switch problem and language contacts
Ebzeeva J., Toutova E.
Analysis of functions and structure of open speeches of modern politicians in Japan
Seredenko V.
Language attitudes, practices and identity in the new Lithuanian diaspora
Ramonienė M., Ramonaitė J.
English as a Lingua Franca from an applied linguistics perspective: In the context of Japan
Hino N.
Distinctive Lexical Patterns in Russian Patient Information Leaflets: A Corpus-Driven Study
Grabowski Ł.
English borrowings in the French financial discourse as a feature of national character
Naydenova N.
Comparative corpus analysis of everyday spoken Czech and literary Czech language
Izotov A.
Linguistic stratification of the Swiss French-speaking cantons
Dmitrieva E., Usmanova Z.
Normalizing a new language hierarchy: Event names in post-Soviet urban space
Smagulova J., Madiyeva D.
Varieties of English and Kachru’s Expanding Circle
Proshina Z., Nelson C.
The comparative analysis of progress made by Russian, European and Japanese psycholinguistics
Seredenko V.
Stereotype notions of the moon in the language of the German poetry
Trynkov D.
Collection and evaluation of lexical complexity data for Russian language using crowdsourcing
Abramov A., Ivanov V.
Russian in the multilingual environment of three Asian countries
Protassova E., Suryanarayan N., Yelenevskaya M.
Viimaranta H., Protassova E., Mustajoki A.
Exploring the linguistic landscape of Cameroon: Reflections on language policy and ideology
Pütz M.
The Deformation of Language in James Joyce’s Literary Works: Interpretation and Translation Challenges
Nesterova N., Naugolnykh E.
The Semantics of Logical Connectors: therefore, moreover and in fact
Wong J.
Perception of Cultural Concept “Wine” in French Evaluational World View
Loginova P.
Language mechanism used to manipulate publics opinion in English and Russian news texts
Larina T., Ozyumenko V., Ponomarenko E.
The Structure and Contents of the English Written Entry Examination as a Major Subject at the Department of Linguistics
Bobrova S.
Intercultural aspect of studying of emotions
Soldatova O.
The main trends in the researches of textological problems done by young scientists in Russia
Ebzeeva Y.
Dialectical approach to study lexico-semantic fields of beauty and ugliness in German
Popova N.
Acoustic Characteristics of Stressed Front Vowels in the French speech of Russian and Mari people
Zorina Z., Sagdullina E.
US military ethnic stereotype reflected through ethnic anecdotes
Romanov A.
Metasemiotic Projects and Lifestyle Media: Formulating Commodities as Resources for Identity Enactment
Molodychenko E.
A Discourse-Based View in Interdisciplinary Approaches to Fictional Text Analysis
Sousa A.
Ex Pluribus Unum: Linguocultural Concept as an Integral Entity
Vorkachev S.
Lexical features of emphasis in the Swiss national variant of French language
Dmitrieva E.
The lexical-semantic field of some color terms in the galician language
Platonova E.
Observations regarding the values of the imperative identified in Romanian language
Jianu M.
The Role of the English Language in Nigeria
Borisova A., Ilina N.
The Influence of Zoo- And Phytocomponents in the Phraseology of the Pyrenean Variety of Spanish on Shaping Mexican Phraseological Units
Gishkaeva L.
Arabic proverbs about woman’s state and her place in Arabic society
Koukhareva E.
COVID-19 trending neologisms and word formation processes in English
Al-Salman S., Haider A.
Mexican Politeness: an Empirical Study on the Reasons Underlying/Motivating Practices to Construct Local Interpersonal Relationships
Mugford G.
“A Significant Part of an Insignificant Identity”: the Re-Articulation of North-East Scots between Tradition and Globalization
Loester B.
To the problem of the pragmatic equivalence in translation
Karpovskaya N.
Linguistic tools of MSA and usage of them in advertising
Nemov A.
Albanian relicts in the Armenian translation (transfer) of «The history of Albania» by Moisey Kagankatvaci
Nagiev F.
Emotional and Expressive Characteristics of the verbal idioms in Russian, Tajik and English Languages
Akhmedova F.
Sources of formation of the «family» lexico-semantic field in the french language of sub-saharan Africa
Naydenova N.
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