The Juror’s Image of an Entertainment TV-Show (on the basis of “The Voice” Show)
- Authors: Gerasimova A.S.1, Issers O.S.1
- F.M. Dostoevsky Omsk State University
- Issue: Vol 20, No 3 (2016)
- Pages: 117-131
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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The article is devoted to the peculiarities of a public discourse and communicative characteristics of the juror’s image in a creative TV-show «The Voice». Nowadays TV-show has become a popular entertaining program where the image of the juror is not only a pragmatic component of public communication but an element creating the plot of the program as well. Based on the material of oral statements in 40 speech situations, the research defines verbal and non-verbal dominants of Russian communicative behavior while assessing (means of lexical expression, speech tactics, gestures, mimicry and manners) which form a universal image of a tutor throughout a creative TV-show. Being quite new for Russian television, such entertaining format creates a necessity of describing role peculiarities expanding the idea of Russian communicative behavior in conditions of public vicarious communication. To find out verbal and non-verbal correlates of the juror’s role such phenomena as «image» аnd «lingvocultural type» are compared in the article. Theoretical basis of the study was formed due to works of Russian and foreign researchers devoted to image-making and public relations (I.L. Vikent'ev, G.G. Pochepsov, A.P. Fedorkina, V.M. Shepel', P. Bird, J. Fiske, E. Sampson, P. Seitel) as well as works in the sphere of lingvopersonology and cognitive linguistics (O.A. Dmitrieva, V.I. Karasik, V.P. Neroznak, R. Jackendoff, V. Evans, D. Geeraerts). Functional and semantic complexity of a TV-discourse in its genre of a show determined the usage of general description methods, methods of interpretation, generalization and classification. Among some particular the methods of communicative, discourse, structural and semantic analysis were used. In result the study shows that image characteristics are formed not only thanks to the individual peculiarities of the juror’s communicative behavior, but also due to general elements - musical education, sphere of communication, interests etc. These generalized characteristics make it possible to differentiate a lingvocultural type «TV-project tutor» which is notable for its specific cultural speech behavior. The concept «lingvocultural type» becomes a generalized, multivariate, and objective phenomenon. However, in its reduced variant it turns into image.
About the authors
Anastasia Sergeevna Gerasimova
F.M. Dostoevsky Omsk State University
55, Prospect Mira Str., 644077, Omsk, Russia
Oksana Sergeeva Issers
F.M. Dostoevsky Omsk State University
55, Prospect Mira Str., 644077, Omsk, Russia
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