
Comparative Analysis of Animal Phraseological Units with Religious Component in Russian and Chinese
Ding L., Lysyakova M.V.
The language worldview specifics in the fiction discourse of a Russian speaking bilingual writer
Тumanova A.B.
The Image of Power Based on the Materials of the Crimean Associative Dictionary
Ufimtseva N.V.
The Role of Linguocultural Studies in Modern Times: Basic Principles and Method of Research
Kovshova M.L.
Intertextual Character of Poetic Philological Discourse
Antonova E.N.
On the Interaction of Culture and Non-literate Language
Ikonnikova O.N., Kuzharova I.V.
The Concept «Strength of Mind» in the Russian and Japanese Fraseology
Nedosugova A.B.
Peculiarities of Greek Origin Words Perception by the Representatives of Contemporary Russian Linguistic Culture: Associative Experiment
Shaklein V.M., Scomarovscaia A.A.
Persiyanova S.G., Rostova E.G.
TRANSLATING IDIOMS OF COLOUR (an Examination of the Relationship of Idioms of Colour Between English, Arabic and Spanish Languages)
Fityan Reema -., Azcutia Maite -.
Linguocultural Analysis of the Advertisement Language in the American English
Polyakova G.M.
Specifics of training Russian students to cross-cultural interaction in auditorium and non-auditorium activity
Degtyareva N.P.
The comparative analysis of the logoepistem in Russian and Tajik languages
Nagzibekova M.B., Mirzoyeva Z.D.
National Language Linguistic Personality and Semiotics of Target Text
Drosdov Díez T.
On Some Features of the Adversarial Function in Debates between US Presidential Contenders: Research into the Rhetoric of Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and Donald Trump. Article 1
Mukhortov D.S.
Athropocentricity and ethnocentricity of languages and cultures within the frames of current science
Jioeva A.A.
Symbolical images of the EAR, GRAIN, RYE and BREAD as the embodiment of the poetic concept of the being of Byelorussians
Grinberg S.A.
The pragmatic approach to a formation of the Russian language personality in a new sociocultural reality
Nedosugova A.B.
Mahmud Kashgari - the founder of areal linguistics
Isabekova U.K.
1 - 19 of 19 Items

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