No 2 (2015)
- Year: 2015
- Articles: 24
- URL:
Poetry as a Parable
The article examines the evolution of the understanding of poetry as a specific variety of the language arts. Based on materials from Spanish, Russian, and French poetic discourses, the article reviews the analysis of the essence of poetry, and it recapitulates poetry’s systematic interpretation in the works of scholars from different countries and periods.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2015;(2):7-14

The Stylistic Strategies of Two Texts Dedicated to the Goddess Kali: Contrasted Points of View of the Elite and the Subalterns
The article studies the contrasted religious perceptions of the Goddess Kali by the elite and the subalterns in Bengal. It deals with this subject through the stylistic features of two texts and brings about two different visions of religion, the orthodox and the heterodox.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2015;(2):15-21

Imagery, Symbol and Metaphor as Means of Expressing Emotionality in Modern Tatar Prose
In the article imagery, symbol and metaphor are investigated in the linguistic aspect as means of expressing emotionality in modern Tatar prose. On the basis of theoretical and factual materials the author proves imagery serves as the common basis for symbol and metaphor in expressing emotionality in modern Tatar prose. Thus the potential of imagery, symbol and metaphor in expressing emotionality in modern Tatar prose is formulated on basis their mutual transitivity - the ability of imagery to be easily transformed into metaphor and symbol. Originality of the research lies in the fact that it is taken into account for the first time linguocultural basis of imagery, metaphor and symbol and their potential in expressing emotionality in modern Tatar prose.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2015;(2):22-28

Argumentation of the Etiological Text Typology: Defining the problem and the ways to solve it
The article deals with methodological argumentation of the theory of historical text typology developed by prof. O.I. Valentinova. For the first time in the philological studies the author puts forward the idea to realize the etiological text typology through creating basic historical models for denoting form-and content correlation which reflect changes in mentality and perception - mythological, mediaeval, secular. Stating the need to differentiate historic periods aiming at multiple procreation of sense-differentiating contexts, and those historic periods aiming to forming sense-changing contexts, the author works out the criterion to specify model texts for each period which are due to reflect or radically change historically approved form-and-content correlation thus raising point of reconstructing the dynamic model of semantic structure of Old Russian and Russian literary language and propones solutions.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2015;(2):29-35

Aesthetic Information of Sijo as Translation Problem (the case of the Poem “The Fisherman’s Calendar”/어부사시사)
The article is devoted to the content aspect of aesthetic information representation in the text of the Korean poetic form sijo and contains the analysis of the examples of the aesthetic information reconstruction in the Russian and English translations. Particular attention is paid to the artistic image in a poetic text, the main function of which is the creation of aesthetic effect. As a central category of aesthetics and poetics and also as a potential unit of literary translation the artistic image is considered as special heterogeneous information complex (hyper-unit), which is constructed by a composite set of hypo-units. The analyzed image of an old fisherman-philosopher living in harmony with the surrounding nature and his inner world is the traditional image of Oriental culture and literature.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2015;(2):36-47

Sri Lankan Literature in French: A Case Study on Romesh Gunesekera’s Reef/Récifs
In 1994, British Sri Lankan writer Romesh Gunesekara's debut novel Reef , was short listed for the Booker Prize. The novel was later translated into many languages including French. Reef was translated into French as Récifs (Serpent à plumes, Paris) by Marie-Odile Fortier Masek in 1995. The present paper examines the French translation and the strategies used by the translator. Product-oriented Descriptive Translation Studies are an important area of academic research in Translation Studies. The text chosen for the present study Récifs is set in Sri Lanka. The influence of the Sri Lankan culture, Buddhism and the Sinhala language is noteworthy. Sinhala terms are often used by the author in the original: exclamations, terms of address, swear words, food items, religious terms, species of flora and fauna and also terms such as ‘men’ and 'no?' - the popular question tag used in Sri Lankan English. The object of this study will be whether the translator preserves the Sinhala terms and/or the English terms typical of Sri Lankan people in the French translation. Récifs , similar to the original, does not offer footnotes or a glossary to explain Sinhala terms. Respecting the culture represented by the source text, Fortier Masek does not attempt to translate Sinhala words into French. However, it is worth noting that certain expressions in English are translated. The translation of the question tag ‘no?’ by using different expressions raises concerns and is discussed in detail. This paper points out that such strategies, along with clarifications and added information found in the translated work, could prevent the reader from ‘receiving the foreign as foreign’.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2015;(2):48-60

Shedding Some Light on Modulation across Non-Literary and Literary Translation
Modulation is well-known in translation studies as an oblique translation technique that commonly entails a variation of the form of the message, obtained by a change in the point of view. Being looked upon as a touchstone of an apt translator, both by practitioners as well as ‘Ivory Tower’ scholars, the paper looks at this semantic-pragmatic procedure resting on a shift of cognitive categories between English and Slovak in translation. The nature of modulation will be put to the test on the samples of an EU institutional-legal text (non-literary text) and a novel excerpt from William P. Young’s best-selling novel The Shack (literary counterpart). The author will both compare and classify the incidence of modulation in the selected text types and draw relevant conclusions. The analysis outcomes will contribute to solving partial translation problems encountered in a wide range of non-literary and literary texts.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2015;(2):61-69

Secondary Colour Terms in the English and Ukrainian Fiction
The article presents the comparative analysis of secondary colour terms in English and Ukrainian fiction. The research deals with structural and semantic peculiars of the given units in two languages. The author analyzes the ways of building, enrichment sources, contextual meaning and the functioning of secondary colour terms in English and Ukrainian. The topicality of the article is determined by the tendency of modern linguistics to contrastive study of language units. The results of our analysis testify to the fact that in spite of the belonging of studied secondary colour terms to different language groups (Germanic and Slavonic) and morphological types (analytic and synthetic) there are a lot of common features in functioning of the given units as for their structure, semantic and contextual environment.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2015;(2):70-79

Borrowings “Xerox”, “Photocopy”, “Xerox Machine” in the Dictionaries of Kazakh and Uzbek Languages (Different in the Same and the Same in Different)
This article deals with the presentation of the vocabulary which has been formed on the basis of borrowed word “Xerox”(photocopy, Xerox machine, ксеронұсқа, ксерокөшірме and others) in monolingual and bilingual dictionaries of Kazakh and Uzbek languages; similarities and differences in formation of synonymic rows are revealed; moreover it is determined qualitative and quantitative specifics of lexical new formations of hybrid type and degree of their functional workload in speech in comparison with their national or earlier borrowed from eastern languages equivalents (tasvir); different in the same and the same in different has been exposed.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2015;(2):80-89

Ethnospecific Concept Gr ü ndlichkeit in German Liguoculture
The article represents an integrated analysis of an ethnospecific concept Gründlichkeit as a significant part of the German conceptual domain. The method of conceptual analysis used in the investigation includes the analysis of German-language literature that describes various aspects of German mentality; the study of the conceptual component of the concept through the generalization of the German-language lexicographic data; the interpretative analysis of different text types; and the association and receptive experiment with German informants. The analysis of German lexicography revealed the conceptual core of Gründlichkeit as а complex mental entity integrating several positive characteristics of humans and their activity. The study proved that the expression deutsche Gründlichkeit nominating a feature of the German mentality is widely used in publicistic texts. The German advertising texts are notable for giving very detailed information; similar tendency is present in the German public signs that regulate people’s behaviour in public areas in Germany. The experimental studies revealed numerous associations as well as the presence of prominent value component of the concept. It testifies that Gründlichkeit is a relevant concept for German informants. The most essential conceptual characteristic pointed out by the informants are ‘thoroughness’, ‘order’, ‘depth’, ‘going into details’, ‘planning’ that are extrapolated to any kind of activities, especially work activities. Thus, the concept Gründlichkeit is one of ethno specific concepts in the German linguistic culture and it is indissolubly related to the concepts Ordnung, Fleiß, Arbeit, Sicherheit , that objectify the key values of the German worldview.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2015;(2):90-99

Representation of the Peculiarities of National-Cultural Specifities of “TIME” Concept in Russian, English and Kazakh Proverbs
Article is devoted to the description of semantical categorization of time constructions in Russian, English, and Kazakh proverbs; moreover it covers the analysis of language units through which categorical meanings of time are classified; it is marked four categories, in which transmission of temporal expanse has similarity and difference: distinguishing feature is the reflection of national-cultural specificity in comprehension of time space (epoch, age-related gradation and others) in each language separately.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2015;(2):100-109

Anglicisms in the Modern Internet Articles in French
The Internet being a flexible language part is also the first to reflect any changes in all language levels. An average modern individual can hardly function without Internet. The French, in particular, spend hours in the Global Net to read articles full of English borrowings. English borrowings easily penetrate into French despite all efforts of French purists and the French Academy to save the language. The French are getting more and more involved into the global language process and use English equivalents instead of the native words. The article is an attempt to analyze the usage of such language items. There is also the investigation of possible approaches to classify English borrowings in receiving languages on the whole, and a special talk on the groups of English borrowings into the French Internet articles.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2015;(2):110-117

Gestures and Somatic Collocations with the Component HAND/ MKONO in Russian and Swahili Languages
The article is devoted to the description of a number of somatic collocations and gestures with the component hand=mkono in Russian and Swahili languages in comparative aspect, and at the same time some Swahili «hand» gestures and their meanings are presented.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2015;(2):118-124

Linguocultural Analysis of the Advertisement Language in the American English
The article is dedicated to the study of advertisement discourse in the American English. Advertisement is a mirror of the country, its mentality and national character that reflects all social and cultural events. The research unfolds both linguacultural peculiarities of slogans and carries out lingua-stylistic analysis to highlight cultural features of the American society.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2015;(2):125-131

Lexical and Grammatical Mechanisms of Linguistic Creativity in the Sphere of Urban Nomination
The active development of commercial nomination in contemporary Russian megalopolises determines the timeliness of its detailed and full-scaled description. The article deals with some lexical and grammatical mechanisms of linguocreative urbanonyms (ergonyms) creating. The commercial naming sphere in Russia is marked by increased linguistic creativity which is determined by both extralinguistic and linguistic reasons. Their interaction is described in the aspects of a nominator’s speech creativity and the language system potential, which explains the scientific novelty of the suggested approach. The analysis object is occasional nominations determined by Russian derivation potential, spelling, grammatical diversity of Russian personal names, etc.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2015;(2):132-141

Signs of Identity of Pelevin’s Characters (as Reflected in «Omon Ra», «Babylon»/«Generation «P», «Numbers» Novels)
This article is dedicated to the role of signs-symbols in Victor Pelevin’s artistic world by examples of the signs of identity of the main heroes in the novels «Omon Ra», «Babylon» (aka «Generation “П”»), «Numbers» (a part of «DTP (NN)»). In the author’s semiotic system are allocated groups of signs-parts, signs-personalities, signs-vectors, signs-numbers. For each of the novels the article determines the most important signs-symbols, and also demonstrates how they help to reveal the author's intention. In conclusion it is noted, that the nature of Pelevin’s signs-symbols determines the evolution («Omon Ra»), degradation («Babylon») or stagnation («Numbers») of the hero.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2015;(2):142-149

The Role of Embodiment and Personification in N. Teffy’s Short Stories
The article is devoted to the embodiment and its role in short stories by N. Teffy. The history of the trope and also its rise and linguistic background in the area of satirical genres are investigated. The methods of forming the comic effect directly through the embodiment and the other expressive means are explored in detail, including ones based on embodiment (lingual game, speech mistakes, inner tautology, etc.). The author pays much attention to the frequent case of this trope - personification. The connection follows between personification, semantics of word and semantic field of the object being humanized.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2015;(2):150-154

Representation of Neoclassical Formants in Russian Language Dictionaries
The topic of lexicographic representation of loanwords has always caused discussion. Even among genetically close Indo-European languages one might have realized ambiguous approaches towards mastering loanwords and their lexicographic registration. Classical languages - Latin and Greek - supply the mentioned above neoclassical formatives which provide for the universal derivational processes and make up nomenclatures. The elaboration of unified criteria to master loanwords is self-evident.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2015;(2):155-161

On Linguo-Regional Content of Russian Language Textbooks for Foreign Students
The article discusses how cross-cultural presentations and lingvo-regional material that serve as commentary on the students' native language and the language of the mediator, the various means of visual and special lingvo-regional texts. Channels of information about the geography and Linguistic correspond to the level of language proficiency of students. Picture clarity is the best means of introducing social information.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2015;(2):162-166

Specifics of Psychophysiological Approach to the Problem of Perception
The article is devoted to the study of the basic principles and main psychophysiological theories to the research of perception processes according to their significant role both in psychical and neural human activity.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2015;(2):167-173

Towards the Definition of Syntactic Nature and Principles of Differentiation of Limiting, Expository and Conjunctive Constructions within the Simple Sentence of Expanded Structure
This study is dedicated to one of the most debatable issues of modern Russian grammar - determination of syntactic nature of limiting, expository and conjunctive constructions. Scientific novelty of the study involves comparative analysis of the above mentioned constructions carried out by the authors in order to find out determination principles, their role and place in the structure of simple expanded sentence. Having determined the nature of limiting, expository and conjunctive constructions, the authors of the study have developed principles to analyze them: determine semantic function of a complicating component; distinguish semantics of isolated component; specify morphologic expression of isolated component; describe support part of the sentence (syntactic function, morphological expression); determine relation between isolated component and support part of the sentence; specify position of isolated component and its isolation conditions.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2015;(2):173-178

The Will to Create New Meanings
The article is dedicated to 70 th birthday anniversary and 45 th anniversary of academic and pedagogical activity of the famous Kazakhstan scientist, acknowledged linguist, professor Eleonora Dyusenovna Suleymenova. The main attention is paid to publicizing of achievements of E.D. Suleymenova in the field of sociolinguistics. The results of researches developed by the scientist and her adepts, firstly, the multicomponent model of the language planning analysis are useful in describing language situations and language planning in different societies, in particular, in the Russian ones. The deconstruction of some provisions of the language contacts theory and bilingualism of the Soviet period is among the main achievements of the scholar; their importance for Post-Soviet researches is being emphasized. Scientific researches of E.D. Suleymenova and her school are fundamental for the course of integral and system humanitarian researches, including theories of language. There is made an attempt of the description of properties of the identity of the scientist as the successor of the best scientific traditions, talented organizer of science, exacting high school teacher, polemist capable to notice weak points in various theories.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2015;(2):179-189

Z.I. Komarova. Methodology, Method, Methodics and Technology of Linguistic Research: Manual. - Ekaterinburg, Publishing House of the Ural Federal University n.a. B.N. Yeltsin, the first President of Russia, 2012. - 818 p
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2015;(2):190-193

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2015;(2):194-196